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  • maunium/synapse
  • leytilera/synapse
2 results
Show changes
Commits on Source (3740)
with 643 additions and 48 deletions
set -xeu
# On 32-bit Linux platforms, we need libatomic1 to use rustup
if command -v yum &> /dev/null; then
yum install -y libatomic
# Install a Rust toolchain
curl -sSf | sh -s -- --default-toolchain 1.82.0 -y --profile minimal
{{- /*gotype:*/ -}}
{{- /*
This template contains the format for an individual package. GitHub actions does not currently support nested groups so
we are creating a stylized header for each package.
This template is based on
which is under the Unlicense licence.
*/ -}}
{{- $settings := .Settings -}}
{{- if and (or (not $settings.HideSuccessfulPackages) (ne .Result "PASS")) (or (not $settings.HideEmptyPackages) (ne .Result "SKIP") (ne (len .TestCases) 0)) -}}
{{- if eq .Result "PASS" -}}
{{ "\033" }}[0;32m
{{- else if eq .Result "SKIP" -}}
{{ "\033" }}[0;33m
{{- else -}}
{{ "\033" }}[0;31m
{{- end -}}
📦 {{ .Name }}{{- "\033" }}[0m
{{- with .Coverage -}}
{{- "\033" -}}[0;37m ({{ . }}% coverage){{- "\033" -}}[0m
{{- end -}}
{{- "\n" -}}
{{- with .Reason -}}
{{- " " -}}🛑 {{ . -}}{{- "\n" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- with .Output -}}
{{- . -}}{{- "\n" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- with .TestCases -}}
{{- /* Passing tests are first */ -}}
{{- range . -}}
{{- if eq .Result "PASS" -}}
::group::{{ "\033" }}[0;32m✅{{ " " }}{{- .Name -}}
{{- "\033" -}}[0;37m ({{if $settings.ShowTestStatus}}{{.Result}}; {{end}}{{ .Duration -}}
{{- with .Coverage -}}
, coverage: {{ . }}%
{{- end -}})
{{- "\033" -}}[0m
{{- "\n" -}}
{{- with .Output -}}
{{- formatTestOutput . $settings -}}
{{- "\n" -}}
{{- end -}}
::endgroup::{{- "\n" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- /* Then skipped tests are second */ -}}
{{- range . -}}
{{- if eq .Result "SKIP" -}}
::group::{{ "\033" }}[0;33m🚧{{ " " }}{{- .Name -}}
{{- "\033" -}}[0;37m ({{if $settings.ShowTestStatus}}{{.Result}}; {{end}}{{ .Duration -}}
{{- with .Coverage -}}
, coverage: {{ . }}%
{{- end -}})
{{- "\033" -}}[0m
{{- "\n" -}}
{{- with .Output -}}
{{- formatTestOutput . $settings -}}
{{- "\n" -}}
{{- end -}}
::endgroup::{{- "\n" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- /* and failing tests are last */ -}}
{{- range . -}}
{{- if and (ne .Result "PASS") (ne .Result "SKIP") -}}
::group::{{ "\033" }}[0;31m❌{{ " " }}{{- .Name -}}
{{- "\033" -}}[0;37m ({{if $settings.ShowTestStatus}}{{.Result}}; {{end}}{{ .Duration -}}
{{- with .Coverage -}}
, coverage: {{ . }}%
{{- end -}})
{{- "\033" -}}[0m
{{- "\n" -}}
{{- with .Output -}}
{{- formatTestOutput . $settings -}}
{{- "\n" -}}
{{- end -}}
::endgroup::{{- "\n" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- "\n" -}}
{{- end -}}
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3.
# Copyright (C) 2023 New Vector, Ltd
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details:
# <>.
# Originally licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0:
# <>.
# [This file includes modifications made by New Vector Limited]
# Wraps `auditwheel repair` to first check if we're repairing a potentially abi3
# compatible wheel, if so rename the wheel before repairing it.
import argparse
import os
import subprocess
from typing import Optional
from zipfile import ZipFile
from packaging.tags import Tag
from packaging.utils import parse_wheel_filename
from packaging.version import Version
def check_is_abi3_compatible(wheel_file: str) -> None:
"""Check the contents of the built wheel for any `.so` files that are *not*
abi3 compatible.
with ZipFile(wheel_file, "r") as wheel:
for file in wheel.namelist():
if not file.endswith(".so"):
if not file.endswith(""):
raise Exception(f"Found non-abi3 lib: {file}")
def cpython(wheel_file: str, name: str, version: Version, tag: Tag) -> str:
"""Replaces the cpython wheel file with a ABI3 compatible wheel"""
if tag.abi == "abi3":
# Nothing to do.
return wheel_file
# HACK: it seems that some older versions of pip will consider a wheel marked
# as macosx_11_0 as incompatible with Big Sur. I haven't done the full archaeology
# here; there are some clues in
# Empirically this seems to work, note that macOS 11 and 10.16 are the same,
# both versions are valid for backwards compatibility.
platform = tag.platform.replace("macosx_11_0", "macosx_10_16")
abi3_tag = Tag(tag.interpreter, "abi3", platform)
dirname = os.path.dirname(wheel_file)
new_wheel_file = os.path.join(
os.rename(wheel_file, new_wheel_file)
print("Renamed wheel to", new_wheel_file)
return new_wheel_file
def main(wheel_file: str, dest_dir: str, archs: Optional[str]) -> None:
"""Entry point"""
# Parse the wheel file name into its parts. Note that `parse_wheel_filename`
# normalizes the package name (i.e. it converts matrix_synapse ->
# matrix-synapse), which is not what we want.
_, version, build, tags = parse_wheel_filename(os.path.basename(wheel_file))
name = os.path.basename(wheel_file).split("-")[0]
if len(tags) != 1:
# We expect only a wheel file with only a single tag
raise Exception(f"Unexpectedly found multiple tags: {tags}")
tag = next(iter(tags))
if build:
# We don't use build tags in Synapse
raise Exception(f"Unexpected build tag: {build}")
# If the wheel is for cpython then convert it into an abi3 wheel.
if tag.interpreter.startswith("cp"):
wheel_file = cpython(wheel_file, name, version, tag)
# Finally, repair the wheel.
if archs is not None:
# If we are given archs then we are on macos and need to use
# `delocate-listdeps`.["delocate-listdeps", wheel_file], check=True)
["delocate-wheel", "--require-archs", archs, "-w", dest_dir, wheel_file],
else:["auditwheel", "repair", "-w", dest_dir, wheel_file], check=True)
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Tag wheel as abi3 and repair it.")
help="Directory to store delocated wheels",
args = parser.parse_args()
wheel_file = args.wheel_file
wheel_dir = args.wheel_dir
archs = args.require_archs
main(wheel_file, wheel_dir, archs)
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3.
# Copyright (C) 2023 New Vector, Ltd
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details:
# <>.
# Originally licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0:
# <>.
# [This file includes modifications made by New Vector Limited]
# Calculate the trial jobs to run based on if we're in a PR or not.
import json
import os
def set_output(key: str, value: str):
# See
with open(os.environ["GITHUB_OUTPUT"], "at") as f:
print(f"{key}={value}", file=f)
IS_PR = os.environ["GITHUB_REF"].startswith("refs/pull/")
# First calculate the various trial jobs.
# For PRs, we only run each type of test with the oldest Python version supported (which
# is Python 3.9 right now)
trial_sqlite_tests = [
"python-version": "3.9",
"database": "sqlite",
"extras": "all",
if not IS_PR:
"python-version": version,
"database": "sqlite",
"extras": "all",
for version in ("3.10", "3.11", "3.12", "3.13")
trial_postgres_tests = [
"python-version": "3.9",
"database": "postgres",
"postgres-version": "13",
"extras": "all",
if not IS_PR:
"python-version": "3.13",
"database": "postgres",
"postgres-version": "17",
"extras": "all",
trial_no_extra_tests = [
"python-version": "3.9",
"database": "sqlite",
"extras": "",
print("::group::Calculated trial jobs")
trial_sqlite_tests + trial_postgres_tests + trial_no_extra_tests, indent=4
test_matrix = json.dumps(
trial_sqlite_tests + trial_postgres_tests + trial_no_extra_tests
set_output("trial_test_matrix", test_matrix)
# First calculate the various sytest jobs.
# For each type of test we only run on bullseye on PRs
sytest_tests = [
"sytest-tag": "bullseye",
"sytest-tag": "bullseye",
"postgres": "postgres",
"sytest-tag": "bullseye",
"postgres": "multi-postgres",
"workers": "workers",
"sytest-tag": "bullseye",
"postgres": "multi-postgres",
"workers": "workers",
"reactor": "asyncio",
if not IS_PR:
"sytest-tag": "bullseye",
"reactor": "asyncio",
"sytest-tag": "bullseye",
"postgres": "postgres",
"reactor": "asyncio",
"sytest-tag": "testing",
"postgres": "postgres",
print("::group::Calculated sytest jobs")
print(json.dumps(sytest_tests, indent=4))
test_matrix = json.dumps(sytest_tests)
set_output("sytest_test_matrix", test_matrix)
#! /usr/bin/env python
import sys
if sys.version_info < (3, 11):
raise RuntimeError("Requires at least Python 3.11, to import tomllib")
import tomllib
with open("poetry.lock", "rb") as f:
lockfile = tomllib.load(f)
lock_version = lockfile["metadata"]["lock-version"]
assert lock_version == "2.0"
except Exception:
Lockfile is not version 2.0. You probably need to upgrade poetry on your local box
and re-run `poetry lock --no-update`. See the Poetry cheat sheet at
# wraps `gotestfmt`, hiding output from successful packages unless
# all tests passed.
set -o pipefail
set -e
# tee the test results to a log, whilst also piping them into gotestfmt,
# telling it to hide successful results, so that we can clearly see
# unsuccessful results.
tee complement.log | gotestfmt -hide successful-packages
# gotestfmt will exit non-zero if there were any failures, so if we got to this
# point, we must have had a successful result.
echo "All tests successful; showing all test results"
# Pipe the test results back through gotestfmt, showing all results.
# The log file consists of JSON lines giving the test results, interspersed
# with regular stdout lines (including reports of downloaded packages).
grep '^{"Time":' complement.log | gotestfmt
#!/usr/bin/env bash #!/usr/bin/env bash
# this script is run by GitHub Actions in a plain `focal` container; it # this script is run by GitHub Actions in a plain `jammy` container; it
# - installs the minimal system requirements, and poetry; # - installs the minimal system requirements, and poetry;
# - patches the project definition file to refer to old versions only; # - patches the project definition file to refer to old versions only;
# - creates a venv with these old versions using poetry; and finally # - creates a venv with these old versions using poetry; and finally
# - invokes `trial` to run the tests with old deps. # - invokes `trial` to run the tests with old deps.
# Prevent tzdata from asking for user input
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
set -ex set -ex
apt-get update
apt-get install -y \
python3 python3-dev python3-pip python3-venv pipx \
libxml2-dev libxslt-dev xmlsec1 zlib1g-dev libjpeg-dev libwebp-dev
export LANG="C.UTF-8"
# Prevent virtualenv from auto-updating pip to an incompatible version # Prevent virtualenv from auto-updating pip to an incompatible version
...@@ -27,55 +17,20 @@ export VIRTUALENV_NO_DOWNLOAD=1 ...@@ -27,55 +17,20 @@ export VIRTUALENV_NO_DOWNLOAD=1
# Patch the project definitions in-place: # Patch the project definitions in-place:
# - Replace all lower and tilde bounds with exact bounds # - Replace all lower and tilde bounds with exact bounds
# - Make the pyopenssl 17.0, which is the oldest version that works with # - Replace all caret bounds---but not the one that defines the supported Python version!
# a `cryptography` compiled against OpenSSL 1.1.
# - Delete all lines referring to psycopg2 --- so no testing of postgres support. # - Delete all lines referring to psycopg2 --- so no testing of postgres support.
# - Use pyopenssl 17.0, which is the oldest version that works with
# a `cryptography` compiled against OpenSSL 1.1.
# - Omit systemd: we're not logging to journal here. # - Omit systemd: we're not logging to journal here.
# TODO: also replace caret bounds, see
# We don't use these yet, but IIRC they are the default bound used when you `poetry add`.
# The sed expression 's/\^/==/g' ought to do the trick. But it would also change
# `python = "^3.7"` to `python = "==3.7", which would mean we fail because olddeps
# runs on 3.8 (#12343).
sed -i \ sed -i \
-e "s/[~>]=/==/g" \ -e "s/[~>]=/==/g" \
-e '/^python = "^/!s/\^/==/g' \
-e "/psycopg2/d" \ -e "/psycopg2/d" \
-e 's/pyOpenSSL = "==16.0.0"/pyOpenSSL = "==17.0.0"/' \ -e 's/pyOpenSSL = "==16.0.0"/pyOpenSSL = "==17.0.0"/' \
-e '/systemd/d' \ -e '/systemd/d' \
pyproject.toml pyproject.toml
# Use poetry to do the installation. This ensures that the versions are all mutually
# compatible (as far the package metadata declares, anyway); pip's package resolver
# is more lax.
# Rather than `poetry install --no-dev`, we drop all dev dependencies from the
# toml file. This means we don't have to ensure compatibility between old deps and
# dev tools.
pip install --user toml
import toml
with open('pyproject.toml', 'r') as f:
data = toml.loads(
del data['tool']['poetry']['dev-dependencies']
with open('pyproject.toml', 'w') as f:
toml.dump(data, f)
pipx install poetry==1.1.12
~/.local/bin/poetry lock
echo "::group::Patched pyproject.toml" echo "::group::Patched pyproject.toml"
cat pyproject.toml cat pyproject.toml
echo "::endgroup::" echo "::endgroup::"
echo "::group::Lockfile after patch"
cat poetry.lock
echo "::endgroup::"
~/.local/bin/poetry install -E "all test"
~/.local/bin/poetry run trial --jobs=2 tests
# Common commands to set up Complement's prerequisites in a GitHub Actions CI run.
# Must be called after Synapse has been checked out to `synapse/`.
set -eu
alias block='{ set +x; } 2>/dev/null; func() { echo "::group::$*"; set -x; }; func'
alias endblock='{ set +x; } 2>/dev/null; func() { echo "::endgroup::"; set -x; }; func'
block Install Complement Dependencies
sudo apt-get -qq update && sudo apt-get install -qqy libolm3 libolm-dev
go install -v
block Install custom gotestfmt template
mkdir .gotestfmt/github -p
cp synapse/.ci/complement_package.gotpl .gotestfmt/github/package.gotpl
block Check out Complement
# Attempt to check out the same branch of Complement as the PR. If it
# doesn't exist, fallback to HEAD.
...@@ -23,8 +23,9 @@ poetry run python -m -c .ci/sqlite-config.yaml export-dat ...@@ -23,8 +23,9 @@ poetry run python -m -c .ci/sqlite-config.yaml export-dat
--output-directory /tmp/export_data --output-directory /tmp/export_data
# Test that the output directory exists and contains the rooms directory # Test that the output directory exists and contains the rooms directory
dir="/tmp/export_data/rooms" dir_r="/tmp/export_data/rooms"
if [ -d "$dir" ]; then dir_u="/tmp/export_data/user_data"
if [ -d "$dir_r" ] && [ -d "$dir_u" ]; then
echo "Command successful, this test passes" echo "Command successful, this test passes"
else else
echo "No output directories found, the command fails against a sqlite database." echo "No output directories found, the command fails against a sqlite database."
...@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ else ...@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ else
fi fi
# Create the PostgreSQL database. # Create the PostgreSQL database.
poetry run .ci/scripts/ "CREATE DATABASE synapse" psql -c "CREATE DATABASE synapse"
# Port the SQLite databse to postgres so we can check command works against postgres # Port the SQLite databse to postgres so we can check command works against postgres
echo "+++ Port SQLite3 databse to postgres" echo "+++ Port SQLite3 databse to postgres"
...@@ -43,8 +44,9 @@ poetry run python -m -c .ci/postgres-config.yaml export-d ...@@ -43,8 +44,9 @@ poetry run python -m -c .ci/postgres-config.yaml export-d
--output-directory /tmp/export_data2 --output-directory /tmp/export_data2
# Test that the output directory exists and contains the rooms directory # Test that the output directory exists and contains the rooms directory
dir2="/tmp/export_data2/rooms" dir_r2="/tmp/export_data2/rooms"
if [ -d "$dir2" ]; then dir_u2="/tmp/export_data2/user_data"
if [ -d "$dir_r2" ] && [ -d "$dir_u2" ]; then
echo "Command successful, this test passes" echo "Command successful, this test passes"
else else
echo "No output directories found, the command fails against a postgres database." echo "No output directories found, the command fails against a postgres database."
...@@ -2,27 +2,27 @@ ...@@ -2,27 +2,27 @@
# #
# Test script for 'synapse_port_db'. # Test script for 'synapse_port_db'.
# - configures synapse and a postgres server. # - configures synapse and a postgres server.
# - runs the port script on a prepopulated test sqlite db # - runs the port script on a prepopulated test sqlite db. Checks that the
# - also runs it against an new sqlite db # return code is zero.
# - reruns the port script on the same sqlite db, targetting the same postgres db.
# Checks that the return code is zero.
# - runs the port script against a new sqlite db. Checks the return code is zero.
# #
# Expects Synapse to have been already installed with `poetry install --extras postgres`. # Expects Synapse to have been already installed with `poetry install --extras postgres`.
# Expects `poetry` to be available on the `PATH`. # Expects `poetry` to be available on the `PATH`.
set -xe set -xe -o pipefail
cd "$(dirname "$0")/../.." cd "$(dirname "$0")/../.."
echo "--- Generate the signing key" echo "--- Generate the signing key"
# Generate the server's signing key.
poetry run synapse_homeserver --generate-keys -c .ci/sqlite-config.yaml poetry run synapse_homeserver --generate-keys -c .ci/sqlite-config.yaml
echo "--- Prepare test database" echo "--- Prepare test database"
# Make sure the SQLite3 database is using the latest schema and has no pending background updates.
# Make sure the SQLite3 database is using the latest schema and has no pending background update.
poetry run update_synapse_database --database-config .ci/sqlite-config.yaml --run-background-updates poetry run update_synapse_database --database-config .ci/sqlite-config.yaml --run-background-updates
# Create the PostgreSQL database. # Create the PostgreSQL database.
poetry run .ci/scripts/ "CREATE DATABASE synapse" psql -c "CREATE DATABASE synapse"
echo "+++ Run synapse_port_db against test database" echo "+++ Run synapse_port_db against test database"
# TODO: this invocation of synapse_port_db (and others below) used to be prepended with `coverage run`, # TODO: this invocation of synapse_port_db (and others below) used to be prepended with `coverage run`,
...@@ -45,9 +45,23 @@ rm .ci/test_db.db ...@@ -45,9 +45,23 @@ rm .ci/test_db.db
poetry run update_synapse_database --database-config .ci/sqlite-config.yaml --run-background-updates poetry run update_synapse_database --database-config .ci/sqlite-config.yaml --run-background-updates
# re-create the PostgreSQL database. # re-create the PostgreSQL database.
poetry run .ci/scripts/ \ psql \
"DROP DATABASE synapse" \ -c "DROP DATABASE synapse" \
echo "+++ Run synapse_port_db against empty database" echo "+++ Run synapse_port_db against empty database"
poetry run synapse_port_db --sqlite-database .ci/test_db.db --postgres-config .ci/postgres-config.yaml poetry run synapse_port_db --sqlite-database .ci/test_db.db --postgres-config .ci/postgres-config.yaml
echo "--- Create a brand new postgres database from schema"
cp .ci/postgres-config.yaml .ci/postgres-config-unported.yaml
sed -i -e 's/database: synapse/database: synapse_unported/' .ci/postgres-config-unported.yaml
psql -c "CREATE DATABASE synapse_unported"
poetry run update_synapse_database --database-config .ci/postgres-config-unported.yaml --run-background-updates
echo "+++ Comparing ported schema with unported schema"
# Ignore the tables that portdb creates. (Should it tidy them up when the porting is completed?)
psql synapse -c "DROP TABLE port_from_sqlite3;"
pg_dump --format=plain --schema-only --no-tablespaces --no-acl --no-owner synapse_unported > unported.sql
pg_dump --format=plain --schema-only --no-tablespaces --no-acl --no-owner synapse > ported.sql
# By default, `diff` returns zero if there are no changes and nonzero otherwise
diff -u unported.sql ported.sql | tee schema_diff
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -4,8 +4,16 @@ ...@@ -4,8 +4,16 @@
# things to include # things to include
!docker !docker
!synapse !synapse
!pyproject.toml !pyproject.toml
!poetry.lock !poetry.lock
**/__pycache__ **/__pycache__
...@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ ...@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
root = true root = true
# 4 space indentation # 4 space indentation
[*.py] [*.{py,pyi}]
indent_style = space indent_style = space
indent_size = 4 indent_size = 4
max_line_length = 88
# TODO: incorporate this into pyproject.toml if flake8 supports it in the future.
# See
# see
# for error codes. The ones we ignore are:
# W503: line break before binary operator
# W504: line break after binary operator
# E203: whitespace before ':' (which is contrary to pep8?)
# E731: do not assign a lambda expression, use a def
# E501: Line too long (black enforces this for us)
# Black reformatting (#5482). # Commits in this file will be removed from GitHub blame results.
# To use this file locally, use:
# git blame --ignore-revs-file="path/to/.git-blame-ignore-revs" <files>
# or configure the `blame.ignoreRevsFile` option in your git config.
# If ignoring a pull request that was not squash merged, only the merge
# commit needs to be put here. Child commits will be resolved from it.
# Run black (
# Black reformatting (
32e7c9e7f20b57dd081023ac42d6931a8da9b3a3 32e7c9e7f20b57dd081023ac42d6931a8da9b3a3
# Target Python 3.5 with black (#8664). # Target Python 3.5 with black (
aff1eb7c671b0a3813407321d2702ec46c71fa56 aff1eb7c671b0a3813407321d2702ec46c71fa56
# Update black to 20.8b1 (#9381). # Update black to 20.8b1 (
0a00b7ff14890987f09112a2ae696c61001e6cf1 0a00b7ff14890987f09112a2ae696c61001e6cf1
# Convert tests/rest/admin/ to unix file endings (#7953). # Convert tests/rest/admin/ to unix file endings (
c4268e3da64f1abb5b31deaeb5769adb6510c0a7 c4268e3da64f1abb5b31deaeb5769adb6510c0a7
\ No newline at end of file
# Update black to 23.1.0 (
# Automatically request reviews from the synapse-core team when a pull request comes in. # Automatically request reviews from the synapse-core team when a pull request comes in.
* @matrix-org/synapse-core * @element-hq/synapse-core
\ No newline at end of file
# One username per supported platform and one custom link
patreon: matrixdotorg
liberapay: matrixdotorg
...@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ ...@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
(using a account if necessary). We do not use GitHub issues for (using a account if necessary). We do not use GitHub issues for
support. support.
**If you want to report a security issue** please see **If you want to report a security issue** please see
...@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ body: ...@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ body:
**IF YOU HAVE SUPPORT QUESTIONS ABOUT RUNNING OR CONFIGURING YOUR OWN HOME SERVER**, please ask in **[](** (using a account if necessary). **IF YOU HAVE SUPPORT QUESTIONS ABOUT RUNNING OR CONFIGURING YOUR OWN HOME SERVER**, please ask in **[](** (using a account if necessary).
If you want to report a security issue, please see If you want to report a security issue, please see
This is a bug report form. By following the instructions below and completing the sections with your information, you will help the us to get all the necessary data to fix your issue. This is a bug report form. By following the instructions below and completing the sections with your information, you will help the us to get all the necessary data to fix your issue.
...@@ -74,6 +74,36 @@ body: ...@@ -74,6 +74,36 @@ body:
- Debian packages from - Debian packages from
- pip (from PyPI) - pip (from PyPI)
- Other (please mention below) - Other (please mention below)
- I don't know
required: true
- type: input
id: database
label: Database
description: |
Are you using SQLite or PostgreSQL? What's the version of your database?
If PostgreSQL, please also answer the following:
- are you using a single PostgreSQL server
or [separate servers for `main` and `state`](
- have you previously ported from SQLite using the Synapse "portdb" script?
- have you previously restored from a backup?
required: true
- type: dropdown
id: workers
label: Workers
description: |
Are you running a single Synapse process, or are you running
[2 or more workers](
- Single process
- Multiple workers
- I don't know
required: true
- type: textarea - type: textarea
id: platform id: platform
attributes: attributes:
...@@ -83,17 +113,28 @@ body: ...@@ -83,17 +113,28 @@ body:
e.g. distro, hardware, if it's running in a vm/container, etc. e.g. distro, hardware, if it's running in a vm/container, etc.
validations: validations:
required: true required: true
- type: textarea
id: config
label: Configuration
description: |
Do you have any unusual config options turned on? If so, please provide details.
- Experimental or undocumented features
- [Presence](
- [Message retention](
- [Synapse modules](
- type: textarea - type: textarea
id: logs id: logs
attributes: attributes:
label: Relevant log output label: Relevant log output
description: | description: |
Please copy and paste any relevant log output, ideally at INFO or DEBUG log level. Please copy and paste any relevant log output as text (not images), ideally at INFO or DEBUG log level.
This will be automatically formatted into code, so there is no need for backticks. This will be automatically formatted into code, so there is no need for backticks (`\``).
Please be careful to remove any personal or private data. Please be careful to remove any personal or private data.
**Bug reports are usually very difficult to diagnose without logging.** **Bug reports are usually impossible to diagnose without logging.**
render: shell render: shell
validations: validations:
required: true required: true
### Pull Request Checklist ### Pull Request Checklist
<!-- Please read before submitting your pull request --> <!-- Please read before submitting your pull request -->
* [ ] Pull request is based on the develop branch * [ ] Pull request is based on the develop branch
* [ ] Pull request includes a [changelog file]( The entry should: * [ ] Pull request includes a [changelog file]( The entry should:
- Be a short description of your change which makes sense to users. "Fixed a bug that prevented receiving messages from other servers." instead of "Moved X method from `EventStore` to `EventWorkerStore`.". - Be a short description of your change which makes sense to users. "Fixed a bug that prevented receiving messages from other servers." instead of "Moved X method from `EventStore` to `EventWorkerStore`.".
- Use markdown where necessary, mostly for `code blocks`. - Use markdown where necessary, mostly for `code blocks`.
- End with either a period (.) or an exclamation mark (!). - End with either a period (.) or an exclamation mark (!).
- Start with a capital letter. - Start with a capital letter.
- Feel free to credit yourself, by adding a sentence "Contributed by @github_username." or "Contributed by [Your Name]." to the end of the entry. - Feel free to credit yourself, by adding a sentence "Contributed by @github_username." or "Contributed by [Your Name]." to the end of the entry.
* [ ] Pull request includes a [sign off]( * [ ] [Code style]( is correct
* [ ] [Code style]( is correct (run the [linters](
(run the [linters](
version: 2
- # "pip" is the correct setting for poetry, per
package-ecosystem: "pip"
directory: "/"
interval: "weekly"
- package-ecosystem: "docker"
directory: "/docker"
interval: "weekly"
- package-ecosystem: "github-actions"
directory: "/"
interval: "weekly"
- package-ecosystem: "cargo"
directory: "/"
versioning-strategy: "lockfile-only"
interval: "weekly"