| `memory_rss` | int | The memory usage of the process (in kilobytes on Unix-based systems, bytes on MacOS). |
| `cpu_average` | int | CPU time in % of a single core (not % of all cores). |
| `homeserver` | string | The homeserver's server name. |
| `server_context` | string | An arbitrary string used to group statistics from a set of homeservers. |
| `timestamp` | int | The current time, represented as the number of seconds since the epoch. |
| `uptime_seconds` | int | The number of seconds since the homeserver was last started. |
| `python_version` | string | The Python version number in use (e.g "3.7.1"). Taken from `sys.version_info`. |
| `total_users` | int | The number of registered users on the homeserver. |
| `total_nonbridged_users` | int | The number of users, excluding those created by an Application Service. |
| `daily_user_type_native` | int | The number of native users created in the last 24 hours. |
| `daily_user_type_guest` | int | The number of guest users created in the last 24 hours. |
| `daily_user_type_bridged` | int | The number of users created by Application Services in the last 24 hours. |
| `total_room_count` | int | The total number of rooms present on the homeserver. |
| `daily_active_users` | int | The number of unique users[^1] that have used the homeserver in the last 24 hours. |
| `monthly_active_users` | int | The number of unique users[^1] that have used the homeserver in the last 30 days. |
| `daily_active_rooms` | int | The number of rooms that have had a (state) event with the type `m.room.message` sent in them in the last 24 hours. |
| `daily_active_e2ee_rooms` | int | The number of rooms that have had a (state) event with the type `m.room.encrypted` sent in them in the last 24 hours. |
| `daily_messages` | int | The number of (state) events with the type `m.room.message` seen in the last 24 hours. |
| `daily_e2ee_messages` | int | The number of (state) events with the type `m.room.encrypted` seen in the last 24 hours. |
| `daily_sent_messages` | int | The number of (state) events sent by a local user with the type `m.room.message` seen in the last 24 hours. |
| `daily_sent_e2ee_messages` | int | The number of (state) events sent by a local user with the type `m.room.encrypted` seen in the last 24 hours. |
| `r30_users_all` | int | The number of 30 day retained users, defined as users who have created their accounts more than 30 days ago, where they were last seen at most 30 days ago and where those two timestamps are over 30 days apart. Includes clients that do not fit into the below r30 client types. |
| `r30_users_android` | int | The number of 30 day retained users, as defined above. Filtered only to clients with "Android" in the user agent string. |
| `r30_users_ios` | int | The number of 30 day retained users, as defined above. Filtered only to clients with "iOS" in the user agent string. |
| `r30_users_electron` | int | The number of 30 day retained users, as defined above. Filtered only to clients with "Electron" in the user agent string. |
| `r30_users_web` | int | The number of 30 day retained users, as defined above. Filtered only to clients with "Mozilla" or "Gecko" in the user agent string. |
| `r30v2_users_all` | int | The number of 30 day retained users, with a revised algorithm. Defined as users that appear more than once in the past 60 days, and have more than 30 days between the most and least recent appearances in the past 60 days. Includes clients that do not fit into the below r30 client types. |
| `r30v2_users_android` | int | The number of 30 day retained users, as defined above. Filtered only to clients with ("riot" or "element") and "android" (case-insensitive) in the user agent string. |
| `r30v2_users_ios` | int | The number of 30 day retained users, as defined above. Filtered only to clients with ("riot" or "element") and "ios" (case-insensitive) in the user agent string. |
| `r30v2_users_electron` | int | The number of 30 day retained users, as defined above. Filtered only to clients with ("riot" or "element") and "electron" (case-insensitive) in the user agent string. |
| `r30v2_users_web` | int | The number of 30 day retained users, as defined above. Filtered only to clients with "mozilla" or "gecko" (case-insensitive) in the user agent string. |
| `cache_factor` | int | The configured [`global factor`](../../configuration/config_documentation.md#caching) value for caching. |
| `event_cache_size` | int | The configured [`event_cache_size`](../../configuration/config_documentation.md#caching) value for caching. |
| `database_engine` | string | The database engine that is in use. Either "psycopg2" meaning PostgreSQL is in use, or "sqlite3" for SQLite3. |
| `database_server_version` | string | The version of the database server. Examples being "10.10" for PostgreSQL server version 10.0, and "3.38.5" for SQLite 3.38.5 installed on the system. |
| `log_level` | string | The log level in use. Examples are "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "DEBUG", etc. |
[^1]:Native matrix users and guests are always counted. If the