[Authentik][authentik] is an open-source IdP solution.
1. Create a provider in Authentik, with type OAuth2/OpenID.
2. The parameters are:
- Client Type: Confidential
- JWT Algorithm: RS256
- Scopes: OpenID, Email and Profile
- RSA Key: Select any available key
- Redirect URIs: `[synapse public baseurl]/_synapse/client/oidc/callback`
3. Create an application for synapse in Authentik and link it to the provider.
4. Note the slug of your application, Client ID and Client Secret.
Synapse config:
issuer:"https://your.authentik.example.org/application/o/your-app-slug/"# TO BE FILLED: domain and slug
client_id:"yourclientid"# TO BE FILLED
client_secret:"yourclientsecret"# TO BE FILLED
display_name_template:"{{user.preferred_username|capitalize}}"# TO BE FILLED: If your users have names in Authentik and you want those in Synapse, this should be replaced with user.name|capitalize.
### GitHub
### GitHub
[GitHub][github-idp] is a bit special as it is not an OpenID Connect compliant provider, but
[GitHub][github-idp] is a bit special as it is not an OpenID Connect compliant provider, but