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  • v1.11.1
    6b0ef347 · Update debian changelog ·
    Synapse 1.11.1 (2020-03-03)
    This release includes a security fix impacting installations using Single Sign-On (i.e. SAML2 or CAS) for authentication. Administrators of such installations are encouraged to upgrade as soon as possible.
    The release also includes fixes for a couple of other bugs.
    - Add a confirmation step to the SSO login flow before redirecting users to the redirect URL. ([b2bd54a2](, [65c73cdf](, [a0178df1](
    - Fixed set a user as an admin with the admin API `PUT /_synapse/admin/v2/users/<user_id>`. Contributed by @dklimpel. ([\#6910](
    - Fix bug introduced in Synapse 1.11.0 which sometimes caused errors when joining rooms over federation, with `'coroutine' object has no attribute 'event_id'`. ([\#6996](
  • v1.11.0
    9c1b83b0 · 1.11.0 ·
    Synapse 1.11.0 (2020-02-21)
    Improved Documentation
    - Small grammatical fixes to the ACME v1 deprecation notice. ([\#6944](
  • v1.11.0rc1
    0001e839 · update ·
    Synapse 1.11.0rc1 (2020-02-19)
    - Admin API to add or modify threepids of user accounts. ([\#6769](
    - Limit the number of events that can be requested by the backfill federation API to 100. ([\#6864](
    - Add ability to run some group APIs on workers. ([\#6866](
    - Reject device display names over 100 characters in length to prevent abuse. ([\#6882](
    - Add ability to route federation user device queries to workers. ([\#6873](
    - The result of a user directory search can now be filtered via the spam checker. ([\#6888](
    - Implement new `GET /_matrix/client/unstable/org.matrix.msc2432/rooms/{roomId}/aliases` endpoint as per [MSC2432]( ([\#6939](, [\#6948](, [\#6949](
    - Stop sending `` events wheng adding / removing aliases. Check `alt_aliases` in the latest `` event when deleting an alias. ([\#6904](
    - Change the default power levels of invites, tombstones and server ACLs for new rooms. ([\#6834](
    - Fixed third party event rules function `on_create_room`'s return value being ignored. ([\#6781](
    - Allow URL-encoded User IDs on `/_synapse/admin/v2/users/<user_id>[/admin]` endpoints. Thanks to @NHAS for reporting. ([\#6825](
    - Fix Synapse refusing to start if `federation_certificate_verification_whitelist` option is blank. ([\#6849](
    - Fix errors from logging in the purge jobs related to the message retention policies support. ([\#6945](
    - Return a 404 instead of 200 for querying information of a non-existant user through the admin API. ([\#6901](
    Updates to the Docker image
    - The deprecated "generate-config-on-the-fly" mode is no longer supported. ([\#6918](
    Improved Documentation
    - Add details of PR merge strategy to contributing docs. ([\#6846](
    - Spell out that the last event sent to a room won't be deleted by a purge. ([\#6891](
    - Update Synapse's documentation to warn about the deprecation of ACME v1. ([\#6905](, [\#6907](, [\#6909](
    - Add documentation for the spam checker. ([\#6906](
    - Fix worker docs to point `/publicised_groups` API correctly. ([\#6938](
    - Clean up and update docs on setting up federation. ([\#6940](
    - Add a warning about indentation to generated configuration files. ([\#6920](
    - Databases created using the compose file in contrib/docker will now always have correct encoding and locale settings. Contributed by Fridtjof Mund. ([\#6921](
    - Update pip install directions in readme to avoid error when using zsh. ([\#6855](
    Deprecations and Removals
    - Remove `m.lazy_load_members` from `unstable_features` since lazy loading is in the stable Client-Server API version r0.5.0. ([\#6877](
    Internal Changes
    - Add type hints to `SyncHandler`. ([\#6821](
    - Refactoring work in preparation for changing the event redaction algorithm. ([\#6823](, [\#6827](, [\#6854](, [\#6856](, [\#6857](, [\#6858](
    - Fix stacktraces when using `ObservableDeferred` and async/await. ([\#6836](
    - Port much of `synapse.handlers.federation` to async/await. ([\#6837](, [\#6840](
    - Populate `rooms.room_version` database column at startup, rather than in a background update. ([\#6847](
    - Reduce amount we log at `INFO` level. ([\#6833](, [\#6862](
    - Remove unused `get_room_stats_state` method. ([\#6869](
    - Add typing to `synapse.federation.sender` and port to async/await. ([\#6871](
    - Refactor `_EventInternalMetadata` object to improve type safety. ([\#6872](
    - Add an additional entry to the SyTest blacklist for worker mode. ([\#6883](
    - Fix the use of sed in the linting scripts when using BSD sed. ([\#6887](
    - Add type hints to the spam checker module. ([\#6915](
    - Convert the directory handler tests to use HomeserverTestCase. ([\#6919](
    - Increase DB/CPU perf of `_is_server_still_joined` check. ([\#6936](
    - Tiny optimisation for incoming HTTP request dispatch. ([\#6950](
  • v1.10.1
    fd6d83ed · 1.10.1 ·
    Synapse 1.10.1 (2020-02-17)
    - Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.10.0 which would cause room state to be cleared in the database if Synapse was upgraded direct from 1.2.1 or earlier to 1.10.0. ([\#6924](
  • v1.10.0
    Synapse 1.10.0 (2020-02-12)
    **WARNING to client developers**: As of this release Synapse validates `client_secret` parameters in the Client-Server API as per the spec. See [\#6766]( for details.
    Updates to the Docker image
    - Update the docker images to Alpine Linux 3.11. ([\#6897](
    Synapse 1.10.0rc5 (2020-02-11)
    - Fix the filtering introduced in 1.10.0rc3 to also apply to the state blocks returned by `/sync`. ([\#6884](
    Synapse 1.10.0rc4 (2020-02-11)
    This release candidate was built incorrectly and is superceded by 1.10.0rc5.
    Synapse 1.10.0rc3 (2020-02-10)
    - Filter out `` from the CS API to mitigate abuse while a better solution is specced. ([\#6878](
    Internal Changes
    - Fix continuous integration failures with old versions of `pip`, which were introduced by a release of the `zipp` library. ([\#6880](
    Synapse 1.10.0rc2 (2020-02-06)
    - Fix an issue with cross-signing where device signatures were not sent to remote servers. ([\#6844](
    - Fix to the unknown remote device detection which was introduced in 1.10.rc1. ([\#6848](
    Internal Changes
    - Detect unexpected sender keys on remote encrypted events and resync device lists. ([\#6850](
    Synapse 1.10.0rc1 (2020-01-31)
    - Add experimental support for updated authorization rules for aliases events, from [MSC2260]( ([\#6787](, [\#6790](, [\#6794](
    - Warn if postgres database has a non-C locale, as that can cause issues when upgrading locales (e.g. due to upgrading OS). ([\#6734](
    - Minor fixes to `PUT /_synapse/admin/v2/users` admin api. ([\#6761](
    - Validate `client_secret` parameter using the regex provided by the Client-Server API, temporarily allowing `:` characters for older clients. The `:` character will be removed in a future release. ([\#6767](
    - Fix persisting redaction events that have been redacted (or otherwise don't have a redacts key). ([\#6771](
    - Fix outbound federation request metrics. ([\#6795](
    - Fix bug where querying a remote user's device keys that weren't cached resulted in only returning a single device. ([\#6796](
    - Fix race in federation sender worker that delayed sending of device updates. ([\#6799](, [\#6800](
    - Fix bug where Synapse didn't invalidate cache of remote users' devices when Synapse left a room. ([\#6801](
    - Fix waking up other workers when remote server is detected to have come back online. ([\#6811](
    Improved Documentation
    - Clarify documentation related to `user_dir` and `federation_reader` workers. ([\#6775](
    Internal Changes
    - Record room versions in the `rooms` table. ([\#6729](, [\#6788](, [\#6810](
    - Propagate cache invalidates from workers to other workers. ([\#6748](
    - Remove some unnecessary admin handler abstraction methods. ([\#6751](
    - Add some debugging for media storage providers. ([\#6757](
    - Detect unknown remote devices and mark cache as stale. ([\#6776](, [\#6819](
    - Attempt to resync remote users' devices when detected as stale. ([\#6786](
    - Delete current state from the database when server leaves a room. ([\#6792](
    - When a client asks for a remote user's device keys check if the local cache for that user has been marked as potentially stale. ([\#6797](
    - Add background update to clean out left rooms from current state. ([\#6802](, [\#6816](
    - Refactoring work in preparation for changing the event redaction algorithm. ([\#6803](, [\#6805](, [\#6806](, [\#6807](, [\#6820](
  • v1.10.0rc5
    856b2a95 · 1.10.0rc5 ·
    Synapse 1.10.0rc5 (2020-02-11)
    - Fix the filtering introduced in 1.10.0rc3 to also apply to the state blocks returned by `/sync`. ([\#6884](
  • v1.10.0rc4
    Synapse 1.10.0rc4 (2020-02-11)
    - Filter out from /sync state blocks until a full fix lands. ([\#6884](
  • dinsic_2020-02-10
  • v1.10.0rc3
    3de57e70 · 1.10.0rc3 ·
    Synapse 1.10.0rc3 (2020-02-10)
    - Filter out from the CS API to mitigate abuse while a better solution is specced. ([\#6878](
    Internal Changes
    - Fix continuous integration failures with old versions of `pip`, which were introduced by a release of the `zipp` library. ([\#6880](
  • v1.10.0rc2
    f6631181 · Update changelog ·
    Synapse 1.10.0rc2 (2020-02-06)
    - Fix an issue with cross-signing where device signatures were not sent to remote servers. ([\#6844](
    - Fix to the unknown remote device detection which was introduced in 1.10.rc1. ([\#6848](
    Internal Changes
    - Detect unexpected sender keys on remote encrypted events and resync device lists. ([\#6850](
  • v1.10.0rc1
    68ef7ebb · Update changelog ·
    Synapse 1.10.0rc1 (2020-01-31)
    **WARNING**: As of this release Synapse validates `client_secret` parameters in the Client-Server API as per the spec. See [\#6766]( for details.
    - Add experimental support for updated authorization rules for aliases events, from [MSC2260]( ([\#6787](, [\#6790](, [\#6794](
    - Warn if postgres database has a non-C locale, as that can cause issues when upgrading locales (e.g. due to upgrading OS). ([\#6734](
    - Minor fixes to `PUT /_synapse/admin/v2/users` admin api. ([\#6761](
    - Validate `client_secret` parameter using the regex provided by the Client-Server API, temporarily allowing `:` characters for older clients. The `:` character will be removed in a future release. ([\#6767](
    - Fix persisting redaction events that have been redacted (or otherwise don't have a redacts key). ([\#6771](
    - Fix outbound federation request metrics. ([\#6795](
    - Fix bug where querying a remote user's device keys that weren't cached resulted in only returning a single device. ([\#6796](
    - Fix race in federation sender worker that delayed sending of device updates. ([\#6799](, [\#6800](
    - Fix bug where Synapse didn't invalidate cache of remote users' devices when Synapse left a room. ([\#6801](
    - Fix waking up other workers when remote server is detected to have come back online. ([\#6811](
    Improved Documentation
    - Clarify documentation related to `user_dir` and `federation_reader` workers. ([\#6775](
    Internal Changes
    - Record room versions in the `rooms` table. ([\#6729](, [\#6788](, [\#6810](
    - Propagate cache invalidates from workers to other workers. ([\#6748](
    - Remove some unnecessary admin handler abstraction methods. ([\#6751](
    - Add some debugging for media storage providers. ([\#6757](
    - Detect unknown remote devices and mark cache as stale. ([\#6776](, [\#6819](
    - Attempt to resync remote users' devices when detected as stale. ([\#6786](
    - Delete current state from the database when server leaves a room. ([\#6792](
    - When a client asks for a remote user's device keys check if the local cache for that user has been marked as potentially stale. ([\#6797](
    - Add background update to clean out left rooms from current state. ([\#6802](, [\#6816](
    - Refactoring work in preparation for changing the event redaction algorithm. ([\#6803](, [\#6805](, [\#6806](, [\#6807](, [\#6820](
  • v1.9.1
    77d93572 · 1.9.1 ·
    Synapse 1.9.1 (2020-01-28)
    - Fix bug where setting `mau_limit_reserved_threepids` config would cause Synapse to refuse to start. ([\#6793](
  • v1.9.0
    9bae7405 · Fixup changelog ·
    Synapse 1.9.0 (2020-01-23)
    **WARNING**: As of this release, Synapse no longer supports versions of SQLite before 3.11, and will refuse to start when configured to use an older version. Administrators are recommended to migrate their database to Postgres (see instructions [here](docs/
    If your Synapse deployment uses workers, note that the reverse-proxy configurations for the ``, `` and `` workers have changed, with the addition of a few paths (see the updated configurations [here](docs/ Existing configurations will continue to work.
    Improved Documentation
    - Fix endpoint documentation for the List Rooms admin API. ([\#6770](
    Synapse 1.9.0rc1 (2020-01-22)
    - Allow admin to create or modify a user. Contributed by Awesome Technologies Innovationslabor GmbH. ([\#5742](
    - Add new quarantine media admin APIs to quarantine by media ID or by user who uploaded the media. ([\#6681](, [\#6756](
    - Add `org.matrix.e2e_cross_signing` to `unstable_features` in `/versions` as per [MSC1756]( ([\#6712](
    - Add a new admin API to list and filter rooms on the server. ([\#6720](
    - Correctly proxy HTTP errors due to API calls to remote group servers. ([\#6654](
    - Fix media repo admin APIs when using a media worker. ([\#6664](
    - Fix "CRITICAL" errors being logged when a request is received for a uri containing non-ascii characters. ([\#6682](
    - Fix a bug where we would assign a numeric user ID if somebody tried registering with an empty username. ([\#6690](
    - Fix `purge_room` admin API. ([\#6711](
    - Fix a bug causing Synapse to not always purge quiet rooms with a low `max_lifetime` in their message retention policies when running the automated purge jobs. ([\#6714](
    - Fix the `synapse_port_db` not correctly running background updates. Thanks @tadzik for reporting. ([\#6718](
    - Fix changing password via user admin API. ([\#6730](
    - Fix `/events/:event_id` deprecated API. ([\#6731](
    - Fix monthly active user limiting support for worker mode, fixes [#4639]( ([\#6742](
    - Fix bug when setting `account_validity` to an empty block in the config. Thanks to @Sorunome for reporting. ([\#6747](
    - Fix `AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'` in `hash_password` when configuration has an empty `password_config`. Contributed by @ivilata. ([\#6753](
    - Fix the `docker-compose.yaml` overriding the entire `/etc` folder of the container. Contributed by Fabian Meyer. ([\#6656](
    Improved Documentation
    - Fix a typo in the configuration example for purge jobs in the sample configuration file. ([\#6621](
    - Add complete documentation of the message retention policies support. ([\#6624](, [\#6665](
    - Add some helpful tips about changelog entries to the GitHub pull request template. ([\#6663](
    - Clarify the `account_validity` and `email` sections of the sample configuration. ([\#6685](
    - Add more endpoints to the documentation for Synapse workers. ([\#6698](
    Deprecations and Removals
    - Synapse no longer supports versions of SQLite before 3.11, and will refuse to start when configured to use an older version. Administrators are recommended to migrate their database to Postgres (see instructions [here](docs/ ([\#6675](
    Internal Changes
    - Add `local_current_membership` table for tracking local user membership state in rooms. ([\#6655](, [\#6728](
    - Port `synapse.replication.tcp` to async/await. ([\#6666](
    - Fixup `synapse.replication` to pass mypy checks. ([\#6667](
    - Allow `additional_resources` to implement `IResource` directly. ([\#6686](
    - Allow REST endpoint implementations to raise a `RedirectException`, which will redirect the user's browser to a given location. ([\#6687](
    - Updates and extensions to the module API. ([\#6688](
    - Updates to the SAML mapping provider API. ([\#6689](, [\#6723](
    - Remove redundant `RegistrationError` class. ([\#6691](
    - Don't block processing of incoming EDUs behind processing PDUs in the same transaction. ([\#6697](
    - Remove duplicate check for the `session` query parameter on the `/auth/xxx/fallback/web` Client-Server endpoint. ([\#6702](
    - Attempt to retry sending a transaction when we detect a remote server has come back online, rather than waiting for a transaction to be triggered by new data. ([\#6706](
    - Add `StateMap` type alias to simplify types. ([\#6715](
    - Add a `DeltaState` to track changes to be made to current state during event persistence. ([\#6716](
    - Add more logging around message retention policies support. ([\#6717](
    - When processing a SAML response, log the assertions for easier configuration. ([\#6724](
    - Fixup `` to pass mypy. ([\#6732](, [\#6764](
    - Fixup `synapse.api` to pass mypy. ([\#6733](
    - Allow streaming cache 'invalidate all' to workers. ([\#6749](
    - Remove unused CI docker compose files. ([\#6754](
  • v1.9.0rc1
    Synapse 1.9.0rc1 (2020-01-22)
    **WARNING**: As of this release, Synapse no longer supports versions of SQLite before 3.11, and will refuse to start when configured to use an older version. Administrators are recommended to migrate their database to Postgres (see instructions [here](docs/
    If your Synapse deployment uses workers, note that the reverse-proxy configurations for the ``, `` and `` have changed, with the addition of a few paths (see the updated configurations [here](docs/
    - Allow admin to create or modify a user. Contributed by Awesome Technologies Innovationslabor GmbH. ([\#5742](
    - Add new quarantine media admin APIs to quarantine by media ID or by user who uploaded the media. ([\#6681](, [\#6756](
    - Add `org.matrix.e2e_cross_signing` to `unstable_features` in `/versions` as per [MSC1756]( ([\#6712](
    - Add a new admin API to list and filter rooms on the server. ([\#6720](
    - Correctly proxy HTTP errors due to API calls to remote group servers. ([\#6654](
    - Fix media repo admin APIs when using a media worker. ([\#6664](
    - Fix "CRITICAL" errors being logged when a request is received for a uri containing non-ascii characters. ([\#6682](
    - Fix a bug where we would assign a numeric user ID if somebody tried registering with an empty username. ([\#6690](
    - Fix `purge_room` admin API. ([\#6711](
    - Fix a bug causing Synapse to not always purge quiet rooms with a low `max_lifetime` in their message retention policies when running the automated purge jobs. ([\#6714](
    - Fix the `synapse_port_db` not correctly running background updates. Thanks @tadzik for reporting. ([\#6718](
    - Fix changing password via user admin API. ([\#6730](
    - Fix `/events/:event_id` deprecated API. ([\#6731](
    - Fix monthly active user limiting support for worker mode, fixes [#4639]( ([\#6742](
    - Fix bug when setting `account_validity` to an empty block in the config. Thanks to @Sorunome for reporting. ([\#6747](
    - Fix `AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'` in `hash_password` when configuration has an empty `password_config`. Contributed by @ivilata. ([\#6753](
    - Fix the `docker-compose.yaml` overriding the entire `/etc` folder of the container. Contributed by Fabian Meyer. ([\#6656](
    Improved Documentation
    - Fix a typo in the configuration example for purge jobs in the sample configuration file. ([\#6621](
    - Add complete documentation of the message retention policies support. ([\#6624](, [\#6665](
    - Add some helpful tips about changelog entries to the GitHub pull request template. ([\#6663](
    - Clarify the `account_validity` and `email` sections of the sample configuration. ([\#6685](
    - Add more endpoints to the documentation for Synapse workers. ([\#6698](
    Deprecations and Removals
    - Synapse no longer supports versions of SQLite before 3.11, and will refuse to start when configured to use an older version. Administrators are recommended to migrate their database to Postgres (see instructions [here](docs/ ([\#6675](
    Internal Changes
    - Add `local_current_membership` table for tracking local user membership state in rooms. ([\#6655](, [\#6728](
    - Port `synapse.replication.tcp` to async/await. ([\#6666](
    - Fixup `synapse.replication` to pass mypy checks. ([\#6667](
    - Allow `additional_resources` to implement `IResource` directly. ([\#6686](
    - Allow REST endpoint implementations to raise a `RedirectException`, which will redirect the user's browser to a given location. ([\#6687](
    - Updates and extensions to the module API. ([\#6688](
    - Updates to the SAML mapping provider API. ([\#6689](, [\#6723](
    - Remove redundant `RegistrationError` class. ([\#6691](
    - Don't block processing of incoming EDUs behind processing PDUs in the same transaction. ([\#6697](
    - Remove duplicate check for the `session` query parameter on the `/auth/xxx/fallback/web` Client-Server endpoint. ([\#6702](
    - Attempt to retry sending a transaction when we detect a remote server has come back online, rather than waiting for a transaction to be triggered by new data. ([\#6706](
    - Add `StateMap` type alias to simplify types. ([\#6715](
    - Add a `DeltaState` to track changes to be made to current state during event persistence. ([\#6716](
    - Add more logging around message retention policies support. ([\#6717](
    - When processing a SAML response, log the assertions for easier configuration. ([\#6724](
    - Fixup `` to pass mypy. ([\#6732](, [\#6764](
    - Fixup `synapse.api` to pass mypy. ([\#6733](
    - Allow streaming cache 'invalidate all' to workers. ([\#6749](
    - Remove unused CI docker compose files. ([\#6754](
  • v1.9.0.dev2
    Another development release
  • v1.9.0.dev1
    Development pre-release of v1.9.0
  • v1.8.0
    9dfcf47e · Fixup changelog ·
    Synapse 1.8.0 (2020-01-09)
    - Fix `GET` request on `/_synapse/admin/v2/users` endpoint. Contributed by Awesome Technologies Innovationslabor GmbH. ([\#6563](
    - Fix incorrect signing of responses from the key server implementation. ([\#6657](
    Synapse 1.8.0rc1 (2020-01-07)
    - Add v2 APIs for the `send_join` and `send_leave` federation endpoints (as described in [MSC1802]( ([\#6349](
    - Add a develop script to generate full SQL schemas. ([\#6394](
    - Add custom SAML username mapping functinality through an external provider plugin. ([\#6411](
    - Automatically delete empty groups/communities. ([\#6453](
    - Add option `limit_profile_requests_to_users_who_share_rooms` to prevent requirement of a local user sharing a room with another user to query their profile information. ([\#6523](
    - Add an `export_signing_key` script to extract the public part of signing keys when rotating them. ([\#6546](
    - Add experimental config option to specify multiple databases. ([\#6580](
    - Raise an error if someone tries to use the `log_file` config option. ([\#6626](
    - Prevent redacted events from being returned during message search. ([\#6377](, [\#6522](
    - Prevent error on trying to search a upgraded room when the server is not in the predecessor room. ([\#6385](
    - Improve performance of looking up cross-signing keys. ([\#6486](
    - Fix race which occasionally caused deleted devices to reappear. ([\#6514](
    - Fix missing row in `device_max_stream_id` that could cause unable to decrypt errors after server restart. ([\#6555](
    - Fix a bug which meant that we did not send systemd notifications on startup if acme was enabled. ([\#6571](
    - Fix exception when fetching the `` key. ([\#6625](
    - Fix bug where a moderator upgraded a room and became an admin in the new room. ([\#6633](
    - Fix an error which was thrown by the `PresenceHandler` `_on_shutdown` handler. ([\#6640](
    - Fix exceptions in the synchrotron worker log when events are rejected. ([\#6645](
    - Ensure that upgraded rooms are removed from the directory. ([\#6648](
    - Fix a bug causing Synapse not to fetch missing events when it believes it has every event in the room. ([\#6652](
    Improved Documentation
    - Document the Room Shutdown Admin API. ([\#6541](
    - Reword sections of [docs/](docs/ that explained delegation at time of Synapse 1.0 transition. ([\#6601](
    - Added the section 'Configuration' in [docs/](docs/ ([\#6614](
    Deprecations and Removals
    - Remove redundant code from event authorisation implementation. ([\#6502](
    - Remove unused, undocumented `/_matrix/content` API. ([\#6628](
    Internal Changes
    - Add *experimental* support for multiple physical databases and split out state storage to separate data store. ([\#6245](, [\#6510](, [\#6511](, [\#6513](, [\#6564](, [\#6565](
    - Port sections of code base to async/await. ([\#6496](, [\#6504](, [\#6505](, [\#6517](, [\#6559](, [\#6647](, [\#6653](
    - Remove `SnapshotCache` in favour of `ResponseCache`. ([\#6506](
    - Silence mypy errors for files outside those specified. ([\#6512](
    - Clean up some logging when handling incoming events over federation. ([\#6515](
    - Test more folders against mypy. ([\#6534](
    - Update `mypy` to new version. ([\#6537](
    - Adjust the sytest blacklist for worker mode. ([\#6538](
    - Remove unused `get_pagination_rows` methods from `EventSource` classes. ([\#6557](
    - Clean up logs from the push notifier at startup. ([\#6558](
    - Improve diagnostics on database upgrade failure. ([\#6570](
    - Reduce the reconnect time when worker replication fails, to make it easier to catch up. ([\#6617](
    - Simplify http handling by removing redundant `SynapseRequestFactory`. ([\#6619](
    - Add a workaround for synapse raising exceptions when fetching the notary's own key from the notary. ([\#6620](
    - Automate generation of the sample log config. ([\#6627](
    - Simplify event creation code by removing redundant queries on the `event_reference_hashes` table. ([\#6629](
    - Fix errors when `frozen_dicts` are enabled. ([\#6642](
  • v1.8.0rc1
    235d977e · Fixup changelog ·
    Synapse 1.8.0rc1 (2020-01-07)
    - Add v2 APIs for the `send_join` and `send_leave` federation endpoints (as described in [MSC1802]( ([\#6349](
    - Add a develop script to generate full SQL schemas. ([\#6394](
    - Add custom SAML username mapping functinality through an external provider plugin. ([\#6411](
    - Automatically delete empty groups/communities. ([\#6453](
    - Add option `limit_profile_requests_to_users_who_share_rooms` to prevent requirement of a local user sharing a room with another user to query their profile information. ([\#6523](
    - Add an `export_signing_key` script to extract the public part of signing keys when rotating them. ([\#6546](
    - Add experimental config option to specify multiple databases. ([\#6580](
    - Raise an error if someone tries to use the `log_file` config option. ([\#6626](
    - Prevent redacted events from being returned during message search. ([\#6377](, [\#6522](
    - Prevent error on trying to search a upgraded room when the server is not in the predecessor room. ([\#6385](
    - Improve performance of looking up cross-signing keys. ([\#6486](
    - Fix race which occasionally caused deleted devices to reappear. ([\#6514](
    - Fix missing row in `device_max_stream_id` that could cause unable to decrypt errors after server restart. ([\#6555](
    - Fix a bug which meant that we did not send systemd notifications on startup if acme was enabled. ([\#6571](
    - Fix exception when fetching the `` key. ([\#6625](
    - Fix bug where a moderator upgraded a room and became an admin in the new room. ([\#6633](
    - Fix an error which was thrown by the `PresenceHandler` `_on_shutdown` handler. ([\#6640](
    - Fix exceptions in the synchrotron worker log when events are rejected. ([\#6645](
    - Ensure that upgraded rooms are removed from the directory. ([\#6648](
    - Fix a bug causing Synapse not to fetch missing events when it believes it has every event in the room. ([\#6652](
    Improved Documentation
    - Document the Room Shutdown Admin API. ([\#6541](
    - Reword sections of [docs/](docs/ that explained delegation at time of Synapse 1.0 transition. ([\#6601](
    - Added the section 'Configuration' in [docs/](docs/ ([\#6614](
    Deprecations and Removals
    - Remove redundant code from event authorisation implementation. ([\#6502](
    - Remove unused, undocumented `/_matrix/content` API. ([\#6628](
    Internal Changes
    - Add *experimental* support for multiple physical databases and split out state storage to separate data store. ([\#6245](, [\#6510](, [\#6511](, [\#6513](, [\#6564](, [\#6565](
    - Port sections of code base to async/await. ([\#6496](, [\#6504](, [\#6505](, [\#6517](, [\#6559](, [\#6647](, [\#6653](
    - Remove `SnapshotCache` in favour of `ResponseCache`. ([\#6506](
    - Silence mypy errors for files outside those specified. ([\#6512](
    - Clean up some logging when handling incoming events over federation. ([\#6515](
    - Test more folders against mypy. ([\#6534](
    - Update `mypy` to new version. ([\#6537](
    - Adjust the sytest blacklist for worker mode. ([\#6538](
    - Remove unused `get_pagination_rows` methods from `EventSource` classes. ([\#6557](
    - Clean up logs from the push notifier at startup. ([\#6558](
    - Improve diagnostics on database upgrade failure. ([\#6570](
    - Reduce the reconnect time when worker replication fails, to make it easier to catch up. ([\#6617](
    - Simplify http handling by removing redundant `SynapseRequestFactory`. ([\#6619](
    - Add a workaround for synapse raising exceptions when fetching the notary's own key from the notary. ([\#6620](
    - Automate generation of the sample log config. ([\#6627](
    - Simplify event creation code by removing redundant queries on the `event_reference_hashes` table. ([\#6629](
    - Fix errors when `frozen_dicts` are enabled. ([\#6642](
  • v1.7.3
    77661ce8 · 1.7.3 ·
    Synapse 1.7.3 (2019-12-31)
    This release fixes a long-standing bug in the state resolution algorithm.
    - Fix exceptions caused by state resolution choking on malformed events. ([\#6608](
  • 1.7.2
    f03c877b · sample log config ·