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Synapse 1.75.0rc1 (2023-01-10)


- Add a `cached` function to `synapse.module_api` that returns a decorator to cache return values of functions. ([\#14663](
- Add experimental support for [MSC3391]( (removing account data). ([\#14714](
- Support [RFC7636]( Proof Key for Code Exchange for OAuth single sign-on. ([\#14750](
- Support non-OpenID compliant userinfo claims for subject and picture. ([\#14753](
- Improve performance of `/sync` when filtering all rooms, message types, or senders. ([\#14786](
- Improve performance of the `/hierarchy` endpoint. ([\#14263](


- Fix the *MAU Limits* section of the Grafana dashboard relying on a specific `job` name for the workers of a Synapse deployment. ([\#14644](
- Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.70.0 which could cause spurious `UNIQUE constraint failed` errors in the `rotate_notifs` background job. ([\#14669](
- Ensure stream IDs are always updated after caches get invalidated with workers. Contributed by Nick @ Beeper (@fizzadar). ([\#14723](
- Remove the unspecced `device` field from `/pushrules` responses. ([\#14727](
- Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.73.0 where the `picture_claim` configured under `oidc_providers` was unused (the default value of `"picture"` was used instead). ([\#14751](
- Unescape HTML entities in URL preview titles making use of oEmbed responses. ([\#14781](
- Disable sending confirmation email when 3pid is disabled. ([\#14725](

Improved Documentation

- Declare support for Python 3.11. ([\#14673](
- Fix `target_memory_usage` being used in the description for the actual `cache_autotune` sub-option `target_cache_memory_usage`. ([\#14674](
- Move `email` to Server section in config file documentation. ([\#14730](
- Fix broken links in the Synapse documentation. ([\#14744](
- Add missing worker settings to shared configuration documentation. ([\#14748](
- Document using Twitter as a OAuth 2.0 authentication provider. ([\#14778](
- Fix Synapse 1.74 upgrade notes to correctly explain how to install pyICU when installing Synapse from PyPI. ([\#14797](
- Update link to towncrier in contribution guide. ([\#14801](
- Use `htmltest` to check links in the Synapse documentation. ([\#14743](

Internal Changes

- Faster remote room joins: stream the un-partial-stating of events over replication. ([\#14545](, [\#14546](
- Use [ruff]( instead of flake8. ([\#14633](, [\#14741](
- Change `handle_new_client_event` signature so that a 429 does not reach clients on `PartialStateConflictError`, and internally retry when needed instead. ([\#14665](
- Remove dependency on jQuery on reCAPTCHA page. ([\#14672](
- Faster joins: make `compute_state_after_events` consistent with other state-fetching functions that take a `StateFilter`. ([\#14676](
- Add missing type hints. ([\#14680](, [\#14681](, [\#14687](
- Improve type annotations for the helper methods on a `CachedFunction`. ([\#14685](
- Check that the SQLite database file exists before porting to PostgreSQL. ([\#14692](
- Add `.direnv/` directory to .gitignore to prevent local state generated by the [direnv]( development tool from being committed. ([\#14707](
- Batch up replication requests to request the resyncing of remote users's devices. ([\#14716](
- If debug logging is enabled, log the `msgid`s of any to-device messages that are returned over `/sync`. ([\#14724](
- Change GHA CI job to follow best practices. ([\#14772](
- Switch to our fork of `dh-virtualenv` to work around an upstream Python 3.11 incompatibility. ([\#14774](
- Skip testing built wheels for PyPy 3.7 on Linux x86_64 as we lack new required dependencies in the build environment. ([\#14802](


- Bump JasonEtco/create-an-issue from 2.8.1 to 2.8.2. ([\#14693](
- Bump anyhow from 1.0.66 to 1.0.68. ([\#14694](
- Bump blake2 from 0.10.5 to 0.10.6. ([\#14695](
- Bump serde_json from 1.0.89 to 1.0.91. ([\#14696](
- Bump serde from 1.0.150 to 1.0.151. ([\#14697](
- Bump lxml from 4.9.1 to 4.9.2. ([\#14698](
- Bump types-jsonschema from to ([\#14700](
- Bump sentry-sdk from 1.11.1 to 1.12.0. ([\#14701](
- Bump types-setuptools from to ([\#14702](
- Bump minimum PyYAML to 3.13. ([\#14720](
- Bump JasonEtco/create-an-issue from 2.8.2 to 2.9.1. ([\#14731](
- Bump towncrier from 22.8.0 to 22.12.0. ([\#14732](
- Bump isort from 5.10.1 to 5.11.4. ([\#14733](
- Bump attrs from 22.1.0 to 22.2.0. ([\#14734](
- Bump black from 22.10.0 to 22.12.0. ([\#14735](
- Bump sentry-sdk from 1.12.0 to 1.12.1. ([\#14736](
- Bump setuptools from 65.3.0 to 65.5.1. ([\#14738](
- Bump serde from 1.0.151 to 1.0.152. ([\#14758](
- Bump ruff from 0.0.189 to 0.0.206. ([\#14759](
- Bump pydantic from 1.10.2 to 1.10.4. ([\#14760](
- Bump gitpython from 3.1.29 to 3.1.30. ([\#14761](
- Bump pillow from 9.3.0 to 9.4.0. ([\#14762](
- Bump types-requests from to ([\#14763](
- Bump dawidd6/action-download-artifact from 2.24.2 to 2.24.3. ([\#14779](
- Bump peaceiris/actions-gh-pages from 3.9.0 to 3.9.1. ([\#14791](
- Bump types-pillow from to ([\#14792](
- Bump pyopenssl from 22.1.0 to 23.0.0. ([\#14793](
- Bump types-setuptools from to ([\#14794](
- Bump importlib-metadata from 4.2.0 to 6.0.0. ([\#14795](
- Bump ruff from 0.0.206 to 0.0.215. ([\#14796](