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Snippets Groups Projects
Commit dc72b90c authored by Amber Brown's avatar Amber Brown
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full schema

parent 37057d5d
No related branches found
No related tags found
No related merge requests found
CREATE TABLE _extremities_to_check (
event_id text
CREATE TABLE access_tokens (
id bigint NOT NULL,
user_id text NOT NULL,
device_id text,
token text NOT NULL,
last_used bigint
CREATE TABLE account_data (
user_id text NOT NULL,
account_data_type text NOT NULL,
stream_id bigint NOT NULL,
content text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE account_data_max_stream_id (
lock character(1) DEFAULT 'X'::bpchar NOT NULL,
stream_id bigint NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT private_user_data_max_stream_id_lock_check CHECK ((lock = 'X'::bpchar))
CREATE TABLE account_validity (
user_id text NOT NULL,
expiration_ts_ms bigint NOT NULL,
email_sent boolean NOT NULL,
renewal_token text
CREATE TABLE application_services_state (
as_id text NOT NULL,
state character varying(5),
last_txn integer
CREATE TABLE application_services_txns (
as_id text NOT NULL,
txn_id integer NOT NULL,
event_ids text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE applied_module_schemas (
module_name text NOT NULL,
file text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE applied_schema_deltas (
version integer NOT NULL,
file text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE appservice_room_list (
appservice_id text NOT NULL,
network_id text NOT NULL,
room_id text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE appservice_stream_position (
lock character(1) DEFAULT 'X'::bpchar NOT NULL,
stream_ordering bigint,
CONSTRAINT appservice_stream_position_lock_check CHECK ((lock = 'X'::bpchar))
CREATE TABLE background_updates (
update_name text NOT NULL,
progress_json text NOT NULL,
depends_on text
CREATE TABLE blocked_rooms (
room_id text NOT NULL,
user_id text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE cache_invalidation_stream (
stream_id bigint,
cache_func text,
keys text[],
invalidation_ts bigint
CREATE TABLE current_state_delta_stream (
stream_id bigint NOT NULL,
room_id text NOT NULL,
type text NOT NULL,
state_key text NOT NULL,
event_id text,
prev_event_id text
CREATE TABLE current_state_events (
event_id text NOT NULL,
room_id text NOT NULL,
type text NOT NULL,
state_key text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE deleted_pushers (
stream_id bigint NOT NULL,
app_id text NOT NULL,
pushkey text NOT NULL,
user_id text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE destinations (
destination text NOT NULL,
retry_last_ts bigint,
retry_interval integer
CREATE TABLE device_federation_inbox (
origin text NOT NULL,
message_id text NOT NULL,
received_ts bigint NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE device_federation_outbox (
destination text NOT NULL,
stream_id bigint NOT NULL,
queued_ts bigint NOT NULL,
messages_json text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE device_inbox (
user_id text NOT NULL,
device_id text NOT NULL,
stream_id bigint NOT NULL,
message_json text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE device_lists_outbound_last_success (
destination text NOT NULL,
user_id text NOT NULL,
stream_id bigint NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE device_lists_outbound_pokes (
destination text NOT NULL,
stream_id bigint NOT NULL,
user_id text NOT NULL,
device_id text NOT NULL,
sent boolean NOT NULL,
ts bigint NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE device_lists_remote_cache (
user_id text NOT NULL,
device_id text NOT NULL,
content text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE device_lists_remote_extremeties (
user_id text NOT NULL,
stream_id text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE device_lists_stream (
stream_id bigint NOT NULL,
user_id text NOT NULL,
device_id text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE device_max_stream_id (
stream_id bigint NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE devices (
user_id text NOT NULL,
device_id text NOT NULL,
display_name text
CREATE TABLE e2e_device_keys_json (
user_id text NOT NULL,
device_id text NOT NULL,
ts_added_ms bigint NOT NULL,
key_json text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE e2e_one_time_keys_json (
user_id text NOT NULL,
device_id text NOT NULL,
algorithm text NOT NULL,
key_id text NOT NULL,
ts_added_ms bigint NOT NULL,
key_json text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE e2e_room_keys (
user_id text NOT NULL,
room_id text NOT NULL,
session_id text NOT NULL,
version bigint NOT NULL,
first_message_index integer,
forwarded_count integer,
is_verified boolean,
session_data text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE e2e_room_keys_versions (
user_id text NOT NULL,
version bigint NOT NULL,
algorithm text NOT NULL,
auth_data text NOT NULL,
deleted smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE erased_users (
user_id text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE event_auth (
event_id text NOT NULL,
auth_id text NOT NULL,
room_id text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE event_backward_extremities (
event_id text NOT NULL,
room_id text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE event_edges (
event_id text NOT NULL,
prev_event_id text NOT NULL,
room_id text NOT NULL,
is_state boolean NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE event_forward_extremities (
event_id text NOT NULL,
room_id text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE event_json (
event_id text NOT NULL,
room_id text NOT NULL,
internal_metadata text NOT NULL,
json text NOT NULL,
format_version integer
CREATE TABLE event_push_actions (
room_id text NOT NULL,
event_id text NOT NULL,
user_id text NOT NULL,
profile_tag character varying(32),
actions text NOT NULL,
topological_ordering bigint,
stream_ordering bigint,
notif smallint,
highlight smallint
CREATE TABLE event_push_actions_staging (
event_id text NOT NULL,
user_id text NOT NULL,
actions text NOT NULL,
notif smallint NOT NULL,
highlight smallint NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE event_push_summary (
user_id text NOT NULL,
room_id text NOT NULL,
notif_count bigint NOT NULL,
stream_ordering bigint NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE event_push_summary_stream_ordering (
lock character(1) DEFAULT 'X'::bpchar NOT NULL,
stream_ordering bigint NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT event_push_summary_stream_ordering_lock_check CHECK ((lock = 'X'::bpchar))
CREATE TABLE event_reference_hashes (
event_id text,
algorithm text,
hash bytea
CREATE TABLE event_relations (
event_id text NOT NULL,
relates_to_id text NOT NULL,
relation_type text NOT NULL,
aggregation_key text
CREATE TABLE event_reports (
id bigint NOT NULL,
received_ts bigint NOT NULL,
room_id text NOT NULL,
event_id text NOT NULL,
user_id text NOT NULL,
reason text,
content text
CREATE TABLE event_search (
event_id text,
room_id text,
sender text,
key text,
vector tsvector,
origin_server_ts bigint,
stream_ordering bigint
CREATE TABLE event_to_state_groups (
event_id text NOT NULL,
state_group bigint NOT NULL
stream_ordering integer NOT NULL,
topological_ordering bigint NOT NULL,
event_id text NOT NULL,
type text NOT NULL,
room_id text NOT NULL,
content text,
unrecognized_keys text,
processed boolean NOT NULL,
outlier boolean NOT NULL,
depth bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
origin_server_ts bigint,
received_ts bigint,
sender text,
contains_url boolean
CREATE TABLE ex_outlier_stream (
event_stream_ordering bigint NOT NULL,
event_id text NOT NULL,
state_group bigint NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE federation_stream_position (
type text NOT NULL,
stream_id integer NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE group_attestations_remote (
group_id text NOT NULL,
user_id text NOT NULL,
valid_until_ms bigint NOT NULL,
attestation_json text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE group_attestations_renewals (
group_id text NOT NULL,
user_id text NOT NULL,
valid_until_ms bigint NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE group_invites (
group_id text NOT NULL,
user_id text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE group_roles (
group_id text NOT NULL,
role_id text NOT NULL,
profile text NOT NULL,
is_boolean NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE group_room_categories (
group_id text NOT NULL,
category_id text NOT NULL,
profile text NOT NULL,
is_boolean NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE group_rooms (
group_id text NOT NULL,
room_id text NOT NULL,
is_boolean NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE group_summary_roles (
group_id text NOT NULL,
role_id text NOT NULL,
role_order bigint NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT group_summary_roles_role_order_check CHECK ((role_order > 0))
CREATE TABLE group_summary_room_categories (
group_id text NOT NULL,
category_id text NOT NULL,
cat_order bigint NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT group_summary_room_categories_cat_order_check CHECK ((cat_order > 0))
CREATE TABLE group_summary_rooms (
group_id text NOT NULL,
room_id text NOT NULL,
category_id text NOT NULL,
room_order bigint NOT NULL,
is_boolean NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT group_summary_rooms_room_order_check CHECK ((room_order > 0))
CREATE TABLE group_summary_users (
group_id text NOT NULL,
user_id text NOT NULL,
role_id text NOT NULL,
user_order bigint NOT NULL,
is_boolean NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE group_users (
group_id text NOT NULL,
user_id text NOT NULL,
is_admin boolean NOT NULL,
is_boolean NOT NULL
group_id text NOT NULL,
name text,
avatar_url text,
short_description text,
long_description text,
is_boolean NOT NULL,
join_policy text DEFAULT 'invite'::text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE guest_access (
event_id text NOT NULL,
room_id text NOT NULL,
guest_access text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE history_visibility (
event_id text NOT NULL,
room_id text NOT NULL,
history_visibility text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE local_group_membership (
group_id text NOT NULL,
user_id text NOT NULL,
is_admin boolean NOT NULL,
membership text NOT NULL,
is_sed boolean NOT NULL,
content text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE local_group_updates (
stream_id bigint NOT NULL,
group_id text NOT NULL,
user_id text NOT NULL,
type text NOT NULL,
content text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE local_invites (
stream_id bigint NOT NULL,
inviter text NOT NULL,
invitee text NOT NULL,
event_id text NOT NULL,
room_id text NOT NULL,
locally_rejected text,
replaced_by text
CREATE TABLE local_media_repository (
media_id text,
media_type text,
media_length integer,
created_ts bigint,
upload_name text,
user_id text,
quarantined_by text,
url_cache text,
last_access_ts bigint
CREATE TABLE local_media_repository_thumbnails (
media_id text,
thumbnail_width integer,
thumbnail_height integer,
thumbnail_type text,
thumbnail_method text,
thumbnail_length integer
CREATE TABLE local_media_repository_url_cache (
url text,
response_code integer,
etag text,
expires_ts bigint,
og text,
media_id text,
download_ts bigint
CREATE TABLE monthly_active_users (
user_id text NOT NULL,
"timestamp" bigint NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE open_id_tokens (
token text NOT NULL,
ts_valid_until_ms bigint NOT NULL,
user_id text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE presence (
user_id text NOT NULL,
state character varying(20),
status_msg text,
mtime bigint
CREATE TABLE presence_allow_inbound (
observed_user_id text NOT NULL,
observer_user_id text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE presence_stream (
stream_id bigint,
user_id text,
state text,
last_active_ts bigint,
last_federation_update_ts bigint,
last_user_sync_ts bigint,
status_msg text,
currently_active boolean
CREATE TABLE profiles (
user_id text NOT NULL,
displayname text,
avatar_url text
CREATE TABLE room_list_stream (
stream_id bigint NOT NULL,
room_id text NOT NULL,
visibility boolean NOT NULL,
appservice_id text,
network_id text
CREATE TABLE push_rules (
id bigint NOT NULL,
user_name text NOT NULL,
rule_id text NOT NULL,
priority_class smallint NOT NULL,
priority integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
conditions text NOT NULL,
actions text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE push_rules_enable (
id bigint NOT NULL,
user_name text NOT NULL,
rule_id text NOT NULL,
enabled smallint
CREATE TABLE push_rules_stream (
stream_id bigint NOT NULL,
event_stream_ordering bigint NOT NULL,
user_id text NOT NULL,
rule_id text NOT NULL,
op text NOT NULL,
priority_class smallint,
priority integer,
conditions text,
actions text
CREATE TABLE pusher_throttle (
pusher bigint NOT NULL,
room_id text NOT NULL,
last_sent_ts bigint,
throttle_ms bigint
CREATE TABLE pushers (
id bigint NOT NULL,
user_name text NOT NULL,
access_token bigint,
profile_tag text NOT NULL,
kind text NOT NULL,
app_id text NOT NULL,
app_display_name text NOT NULL,
device_display_name text NOT NULL,
pushkey text NOT NULL,
ts bigint NOT NULL,
lang text,
data text,
last_stream_ordering integer,
last_success bigint,
failing_since bigint
CREATE TABLE ratelimit_override (
user_id text NOT NULL,
messages_per_second bigint,
burst_count bigint
CREATE TABLE receipts_graph (
room_id text NOT NULL,
receipt_type text NOT NULL,
user_id text NOT NULL,
event_ids text NOT NULL,
data text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE receipts_linearized (
stream_id bigint NOT NULL,
room_id text NOT NULL,
receipt_type text NOT NULL,
user_id text NOT NULL,
event_id text NOT NULL,
data text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE received_transactions (
transaction_id text,
origin text,
ts bigint,
response_code integer,
response_json bytea,
has_been_referenced smallint DEFAULT 0
CREATE TABLE redactions (
event_id text NOT NULL,
redacts text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE rejections (
event_id text NOT NULL,
reason text NOT NULL,
last_check text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE remote_media_cache (
media_origin text,
media_id text,
media_type text,
created_ts bigint,
upload_name text,
media_length integer,
filesystem_id text,
last_access_ts bigint,
quarantined_by text
CREATE TABLE remote_media_cache_thumbnails (
media_origin text,
media_id text,
thumbnail_width integer,
thumbnail_height integer,
thumbnail_method text,
thumbnail_type text,
thumbnail_length integer,
filesystem_id text
CREATE TABLE remote_profile_cache (
user_id text NOT NULL,
displayname text,
avatar_url text,
last_check bigint NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE room_account_data (
user_id text NOT NULL,
room_id text NOT NULL,
account_data_type text NOT NULL,
stream_id bigint NOT NULL,
content text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE room_alias_servers (
room_alias text NOT NULL,
server text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE room_aliases (
room_alias text NOT NULL,
room_id text NOT NULL,
creator text
CREATE TABLE room_depth (
room_id text NOT NULL,
min_depth integer NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE room_memberships (
event_id text NOT NULL,
user_id text NOT NULL,
sender text NOT NULL,
room_id text NOT NULL,
membership text NOT NULL,
forgotten integer DEFAULT 0,
display_name text,
avatar_url text
CREATE TABLE room_names (
event_id text NOT NULL,
room_id text NOT NULL,
name text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE room_state (
room_id text NOT NULL,
join_rules text,
history_visibility text,
encryption text,
name text,
topic text,
avatar text,
canonical_alias text
CREATE TABLE room_stats (
room_id text NOT NULL,
ts bigint NOT NULL,
bucket_size integer NOT NULL,
current_state_events integer NOT NULL,
joined_members integer NOT NULL,
invited_members integer NOT NULL,
left_members integer NOT NULL,
banned_members integer NOT NULL,
state_events integer NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE room_stats_earliest_token (
room_id text NOT NULL,
token bigint NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE room_tags (
user_id text NOT NULL,
room_id text NOT NULL,
tag text NOT NULL,
content text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE room_tags_revisions (
user_id text NOT NULL,
room_id text NOT NULL,
stream_id bigint NOT NULL
room_id text NOT NULL,
creator text
CREATE TABLE schema_version (
lock character(1) DEFAULT 'X'::bpchar NOT NULL,
version integer NOT NULL,
upgraded boolean NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT schema_version_lock_check CHECK ((lock = 'X'::bpchar))
CREATE TABLE server_keys_json (
server_name text NOT NULL,
key_id text NOT NULL,
from_server text NOT NULL,
ts_added_ms bigint NOT NULL,
ts_valid_until_ms bigint NOT NULL,
key_json bytea NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE server_signature_keys (
server_name text,
key_id text,
from_server text,
ts_added_ms bigint,
verify_key bytea,
ts_valid_until_ms bigint
CREATE TABLE state_events (
event_id text NOT NULL,
room_id text NOT NULL,
type text NOT NULL,
state_key text NOT NULL,
prev_state text
CREATE TABLE state_group_edges (
state_group bigint NOT NULL,
prev_state_group bigint NOT NULL
CREATE SEQUENCE state_group_id_seq
CREATE TABLE state_groups (
id bigint NOT NULL,
room_id text NOT NULL,
event_id text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE state_groups_state (
state_group bigint NOT NULL,
room_id text NOT NULL,
type text NOT NULL,
state_key text NOT NULL,
event_id text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE stats_stream_pos (
lock character(1) DEFAULT 'X'::bpchar NOT NULL,
stream_id bigint,
CONSTRAINT stats_stream_pos_lock_check CHECK ((lock = 'X'::bpchar))
CREATE TABLE stream_ordering_to_exterm (
stream_ordering bigint NOT NULL,
room_id text NOT NULL,
event_id text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE threepid_guest_access_tokens (
medium text,
address text,
guest_access_token text,
first_inviter text
event_id text NOT NULL,
room_id text NOT NULL,
topic text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE user_daily_visits (
user_id text NOT NULL,
device_id text,
"timestamp" bigint NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE user_directory (
user_id text NOT NULL,
room_id text,
display_name text,
avatar_url text
CREATE TABLE user_directory_search (
user_id text NOT NULL,
vector tsvector
CREATE TABLE user_directory_stream_pos (
lock character(1) DEFAULT 'X'::bpchar NOT NULL,
stream_id bigint,
CONSTRAINT user_directory_stream_pos_lock_check CHECK ((lock = 'X'::bpchar))
CREATE TABLE user_filters (
user_id text,
filter_id bigint,
filter_json bytea
CREATE TABLE user_ips (
user_id text NOT NULL,
access_token text NOT NULL,
device_id text,
ip text NOT NULL,
user_agent text NOT NULL,
last_seen bigint NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE user_stats (
user_id text NOT NULL,
ts bigint NOT NULL,
bucket_size integer NOT NULL,
rooms integer NOT NULL,
private_rooms integer NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE user_threepid_id_server (
user_id text NOT NULL,
medium text NOT NULL,
address text NOT NULL,
id_server text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE user_threepids (
user_id text NOT NULL,
medium text NOT NULL,
address text NOT NULL,
validated_at bigint NOT NULL,
added_at bigint NOT NULL
name text,
password_hash text,
creation_ts bigint,
admin smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
upgrade_ts bigint,
is_guest smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
appservice_id text,
consent_version text,
consent_server_notice_sent text,
user_type text
CREATE TABLE users_in_rooms (
user_id text NOT NULL,
room_id text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE users_pending_deactivation (
user_id text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE users_who_share_private_rooms (
user_id text NOT NULL,
other_user_id text NOT NULL,
room_id text NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE ONLY access_tokens
ADD CONSTRAINT access_tokens_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
ALTER TABLE ONLY access_tokens
ADD CONSTRAINT access_tokens_token_key UNIQUE (token);
ALTER TABLE ONLY account_data
ADD CONSTRAINT account_data_uniqueness UNIQUE (user_id, account_data_type);
ALTER TABLE ONLY account_validity
ADD CONSTRAINT account_validity_pkey PRIMARY KEY (user_id);
ALTER TABLE ONLY application_services_state
ADD CONSTRAINT application_services_state_pkey PRIMARY KEY (as_id);
ALTER TABLE ONLY application_services_txns
ADD CONSTRAINT application_services_txns_as_id_txn_id_key UNIQUE (as_id, txn_id);
ALTER TABLE ONLY applied_module_schemas
ADD CONSTRAINT applied_module_schemas_module_name_file_key UNIQUE (module_name, file);
ALTER TABLE ONLY applied_schema_deltas
ADD CONSTRAINT applied_schema_deltas_version_file_key UNIQUE (version, file);
ALTER TABLE ONLY appservice_stream_position
ADD CONSTRAINT appservice_stream_position_lock_key UNIQUE (lock);
ALTER TABLE ONLY background_updates
ADD CONSTRAINT background_updates_uniqueness UNIQUE (update_name);
ALTER TABLE ONLY current_state_events
ADD CONSTRAINT current_state_events_event_id_key UNIQUE (event_id);
ALTER TABLE ONLY current_state_events
ADD CONSTRAINT current_state_events_room_id_type_state_key_key UNIQUE (room_id, type, state_key);
ALTER TABLE ONLY destinations
ADD CONSTRAINT destinations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (destination);
ADD CONSTRAINT device_uniqueness UNIQUE (user_id, device_id);
ALTER TABLE ONLY e2e_device_keys_json
ADD CONSTRAINT e2e_device_keys_json_uniqueness UNIQUE (user_id, device_id);
ALTER TABLE ONLY e2e_one_time_keys_json
ADD CONSTRAINT e2e_one_time_keys_json_uniqueness UNIQUE (user_id, device_id, algorithm, key_id);
ALTER TABLE ONLY event_backward_extremities
ADD CONSTRAINT event_backward_extremities_event_id_room_id_key UNIQUE (event_id, room_id);
ALTER TABLE ONLY event_edges
ADD CONSTRAINT event_edges_event_id_prev_event_id_room_id_is_state_key UNIQUE (event_id, prev_event_id, room_id, is_state);
ALTER TABLE ONLY event_forward_extremities
ADD CONSTRAINT event_forward_extremities_event_id_room_id_key UNIQUE (event_id, room_id);
ALTER TABLE ONLY event_push_actions
ADD CONSTRAINT event_id_user_id_profile_tag_uniqueness UNIQUE (room_id, event_id, user_id, profile_tag);
ADD CONSTRAINT event_json_event_id_key UNIQUE (event_id);
ALTER TABLE ONLY event_push_summary_stream_ordering
ADD CONSTRAINT event_push_summary_stream_ordering_lock_key UNIQUE (lock);
ALTER TABLE ONLY event_reference_hashes
ADD CONSTRAINT event_reference_hashes_event_id_algorithm_key UNIQUE (event_id, algorithm);
ALTER TABLE ONLY event_reports
ADD CONSTRAINT event_reports_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
ALTER TABLE ONLY event_to_state_groups
ADD CONSTRAINT event_to_state_groups_event_id_key UNIQUE (event_id);
ADD CONSTRAINT events_event_id_key UNIQUE (event_id);
ADD CONSTRAINT events_pkey PRIMARY KEY (stream_ordering);
ALTER TABLE ONLY ex_outlier_stream
ADD CONSTRAINT ex_outlier_stream_pkey PRIMARY KEY (event_stream_ordering);
ALTER TABLE ONLY group_roles
ADD CONSTRAINT group_roles_group_id_role_id_key UNIQUE (group_id, role_id);
ALTER TABLE ONLY group_room_categories
ADD CONSTRAINT group_room_categories_group_id_category_id_key UNIQUE (group_id, category_id);
ALTER TABLE ONLY group_summary_roles
ADD CONSTRAINT group_summary_roles_group_id_role_id_role_order_key UNIQUE (group_id, role_id, role_order);
ALTER TABLE ONLY group_summary_room_categories
ADD CONSTRAINT group_summary_room_categories_group_id_category_id_cat_orde_key UNIQUE (group_id, category_id, cat_order);
ALTER TABLE ONLY group_summary_rooms
ADD CONSTRAINT group_summary_rooms_group_id_category_id_room_id_room_order_key UNIQUE (group_id, category_id, room_id, room_order);
ALTER TABLE ONLY guest_access
ADD CONSTRAINT guest_access_event_id_key UNIQUE (event_id);
ALTER TABLE ONLY history_visibility
ADD CONSTRAINT history_visibility_event_id_key UNIQUE (event_id);
ALTER TABLE ONLY local_media_repository
ADD CONSTRAINT local_media_repository_media_id_key UNIQUE (media_id);
ALTER TABLE ONLY local_media_repository_thumbnails
ADD CONSTRAINT local_media_repository_thumbn_media_id_thumbnail_width_thum_key UNIQUE (media_id, thumbnail_width, thumbnail_height, thumbnail_type);
ALTER TABLE ONLY user_threepids
ADD CONSTRAINT medium_address UNIQUE (medium, address);
ALTER TABLE ONLY open_id_tokens
ADD CONSTRAINT open_id_tokens_pkey PRIMARY KEY (token);
ALTER TABLE ONLY presence_allow_inbound
ADD CONSTRAINT presence_allow_inbound_observed_user_id_observer_user_id_key UNIQUE (observed_user_id, observer_user_id);
ADD CONSTRAINT presence_user_id_key UNIQUE (user_id);
ALTER TABLE ONLY account_data_max_stream_id
ADD CONSTRAINT private_user_data_max_stream_id_lock_key UNIQUE (lock);
ADD CONSTRAINT profiles_user_id_key UNIQUE (user_id);
ALTER TABLE ONLY push_rules_enable
ADD CONSTRAINT push_rules_enable_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
ALTER TABLE ONLY push_rules_enable
ADD CONSTRAINT push_rules_enable_user_name_rule_id_key UNIQUE (user_name, rule_id);
ADD CONSTRAINT push_rules_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
ADD CONSTRAINT push_rules_user_name_rule_id_key UNIQUE (user_name, rule_id);
ALTER TABLE ONLY pusher_throttle
ADD CONSTRAINT pusher_throttle_pkey PRIMARY KEY (pusher, room_id);
ADD CONSTRAINT pushers2_app_id_pushkey_user_name_key UNIQUE (app_id, pushkey, user_name);
ADD CONSTRAINT pushers2_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
ALTER TABLE ONLY receipts_graph
ADD CONSTRAINT receipts_graph_uniqueness UNIQUE (room_id, receipt_type, user_id);
ALTER TABLE ONLY receipts_linearized
ADD CONSTRAINT receipts_linearized_uniqueness UNIQUE (room_id, receipt_type, user_id);
ALTER TABLE ONLY received_transactions
ADD CONSTRAINT received_transactions_transaction_id_origin_key UNIQUE (transaction_id, origin);
ADD CONSTRAINT redactions_event_id_key UNIQUE (event_id);
ADD CONSTRAINT rejections_event_id_key UNIQUE (event_id);
ALTER TABLE ONLY remote_media_cache
ADD CONSTRAINT remote_media_cache_media_origin_media_id_key UNIQUE (media_origin, media_id);
ALTER TABLE ONLY remote_media_cache_thumbnails
ADD CONSTRAINT remote_media_cache_thumbnails_media_origin_media_id_thumbna_key UNIQUE (media_origin, media_id, thumbnail_width, thumbnail_height, thumbnail_type);
ALTER TABLE ONLY room_account_data
ADD CONSTRAINT room_account_data_uniqueness UNIQUE (user_id, room_id, account_data_type);
ALTER TABLE ONLY room_aliases
ADD CONSTRAINT room_aliases_room_alias_key UNIQUE (room_alias);
ADD CONSTRAINT room_depth_room_id_key UNIQUE (room_id);
ALTER TABLE ONLY room_memberships
ADD CONSTRAINT room_memberships_event_id_key UNIQUE (event_id);
ADD CONSTRAINT room_names_event_id_key UNIQUE (event_id);
ALTER TABLE ONLY room_tags_revisions
ADD CONSTRAINT room_tag_revisions_uniqueness UNIQUE (user_id, room_id);
ADD CONSTRAINT room_tag_uniqueness UNIQUE (user_id, room_id, tag);
ADD CONSTRAINT rooms_pkey PRIMARY KEY (room_id);
ALTER TABLE ONLY schema_version
ADD CONSTRAINT schema_version_lock_key UNIQUE (lock);
ALTER TABLE ONLY server_keys_json
ADD CONSTRAINT server_keys_json_uniqueness UNIQUE (server_name, key_id, from_server);
ALTER TABLE ONLY server_signature_keys
ADD CONSTRAINT server_signature_keys_server_name_key_id_key UNIQUE (server_name, key_id);
ALTER TABLE ONLY state_events
ADD CONSTRAINT state_events_event_id_key UNIQUE (event_id);
ALTER TABLE ONLY state_groups
ADD CONSTRAINT state_groups_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
ALTER TABLE ONLY stats_stream_pos
ADD CONSTRAINT stats_stream_pos_lock_key UNIQUE (lock);
ADD CONSTRAINT topics_event_id_key UNIQUE (event_id);
ALTER TABLE ONLY user_directory_stream_pos
ADD CONSTRAINT user_directory_stream_pos_lock_key UNIQUE (lock);
ADD CONSTRAINT users_name_key UNIQUE (name);
CREATE INDEX _extremities_to_check_id ON _extremities_to_check USING btree (event_id);
CREATE INDEX account_data_stream_id ON account_data USING btree (user_id, stream_id);
CREATE INDEX application_services_txns_id ON application_services_txns USING btree (as_id);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX appservice_room_list_idx ON appservice_room_list USING btree (appservice_id, network_id, room_id);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX blocked_rooms_idx ON blocked_rooms USING btree (room_id);
CREATE INDEX cache_invalidation_stream_id ON cache_invalidation_stream USING btree (stream_id);
CREATE INDEX current_state_delta_stream_idx ON current_state_delta_stream USING btree (stream_id);
CREATE INDEX deleted_pushers_stream_id ON deleted_pushers USING btree (stream_id);
CREATE INDEX device_federation_inbox_sender_id ON device_federation_inbox USING btree (origin, message_id);
CREATE INDEX device_federation_outbox_destination_id ON device_federation_outbox USING btree (destination, stream_id);
CREATE INDEX device_federation_outbox_id ON device_federation_outbox USING btree (stream_id);
CREATE INDEX device_inbox_stream_id ON device_inbox USING btree (stream_id);
CREATE INDEX device_inbox_user_stream_id ON device_inbox USING btree (user_id, device_id, stream_id);
CREATE INDEX device_lists_outbound_last_success_idx ON device_lists_outbound_last_success USING btree (destination, user_id, stream_id);
CREATE INDEX device_lists_outbound_pokes_id ON device_lists_outbound_pokes USING btree (destination, stream_id);
CREATE INDEX device_lists_outbound_pokes_stream ON device_lists_outbound_pokes USING btree (stream_id);
CREATE INDEX device_lists_outbound_pokes_user ON device_lists_outbound_pokes USING btree (destination, user_id);
CREATE INDEX device_lists_stream_id ON device_lists_stream USING btree (stream_id, user_id);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX e2e_room_keys_idx ON e2e_room_keys USING btree (user_id, room_id, session_id);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX e2e_room_keys_versions_idx ON e2e_room_keys_versions USING btree (user_id, version);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX erased_users_user ON erased_users USING btree (user_id);
CREATE INDEX ev_b_extrem_id ON event_backward_extremities USING btree (event_id);
CREATE INDEX ev_b_extrem_room ON event_backward_extremities USING btree (room_id);
CREATE INDEX ev_edges_id ON event_edges USING btree (event_id);
CREATE INDEX ev_edges_prev_id ON event_edges USING btree (prev_event_id);
CREATE INDEX ev_extrem_id ON event_forward_extremities USING btree (event_id);
CREATE INDEX ev_extrem_room ON event_forward_extremities USING btree (room_id);
CREATE INDEX evauth_edges_id ON event_auth USING btree (event_id);
CREATE INDEX event_json_room_id ON event_json USING btree (room_id);
CREATE INDEX event_push_actions_rm_tokens ON event_push_actions USING btree (user_id, room_id, topological_ordering, stream_ordering);
CREATE INDEX event_push_actions_room_id_user_id ON event_push_actions USING btree (room_id, user_id);
CREATE INDEX event_push_actions_staging_id ON event_push_actions_staging USING btree (event_id);
CREATE INDEX event_push_actions_stream_ordering ON event_push_actions USING btree (stream_ordering, user_id);
CREATE INDEX event_push_summary_user_rm ON event_push_summary USING btree (user_id, room_id);
CREATE INDEX event_reference_hashes_id ON event_reference_hashes USING btree (event_id);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX event_relations_id ON event_relations USING btree (event_id);
CREATE INDEX event_relations_relates ON event_relations USING btree (relates_to_id, relation_type, aggregation_key);
CREATE INDEX event_search_ev_ridx ON event_search USING btree (room_id);
CREATE INDEX event_search_fts_idx ON event_search USING gin (vector);
CREATE INDEX events_order_room ON events USING btree (room_id, topological_ordering, stream_ordering);
CREATE INDEX events_room_stream ON events USING btree (room_id, stream_ordering);
CREATE INDEX events_ts ON events USING btree (origin_server_ts, stream_ordering);
CREATE INDEX group_attestations_remote_g_idx ON group_attestations_remote USING btree (group_id, user_id);
CREATE INDEX group_attestations_remote_u_idx ON group_attestations_remote USING btree (user_id);
CREATE INDEX group_attestations_remote_v_idx ON group_attestations_remote USING btree (valid_until_ms);
CREATE INDEX group_attestations_renewals_g_idx ON group_attestations_renewals USING btree (group_id, user_id);
CREATE INDEX group_attestations_renewals_u_idx ON group_attestations_renewals USING btree (user_id);
CREATE INDEX group_attestations_renewals_v_idx ON group_attestations_renewals USING btree (valid_until_ms);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX group_invites_g_idx ON group_invites USING btree (group_id, user_id);
CREATE INDEX group_invites_u_idx ON group_invites USING btree (user_id);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX group_rooms_g_idx ON group_rooms USING btree (group_id, room_id);
CREATE INDEX group_rooms_r_idx ON group_rooms USING btree (room_id);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX group_summary_rooms_g_idx ON group_summary_rooms USING btree (group_id, room_id, category_id);
CREATE INDEX group_summary_users_g_idx ON group_summary_users USING btree (group_id);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX group_users_g_idx ON group_users USING btree (group_id, user_id);
CREATE INDEX group_users_u_idx ON group_users USING btree (user_id);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX groups_idx ON groups USING btree (group_id);
CREATE INDEX local_group_membership_g_idx ON local_group_membership USING btree (group_id);
CREATE INDEX local_group_membership_u_idx ON local_group_membership USING btree (user_id, group_id);
CREATE INDEX local_invites_for_user_idx ON local_invites USING btree (invitee, locally_rejected, replaced_by, room_id);
CREATE INDEX local_invites_id ON local_invites USING btree (stream_id);
CREATE INDEX local_media_repository_thumbnails_media_id ON local_media_repository_thumbnails USING btree (media_id);
CREATE INDEX local_media_repository_url_cache_by_url_download_ts ON local_media_repository_url_cache USING btree (url, download_ts);
CREATE INDEX local_media_repository_url_cache_expires_idx ON local_media_repository_url_cache USING btree (expires_ts);
CREATE INDEX local_media_repository_url_cache_media_idx ON local_media_repository_url_cache USING btree (media_id);
CREATE INDEX monthly_active_users_time_stamp ON monthly_active_users USING btree ("timestamp");
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX monthly_active_users_users ON monthly_active_users USING btree (user_id);
CREATE INDEX open_id_tokens_ts_valid_until_ms ON open_id_tokens USING btree (ts_valid_until_ms);
CREATE INDEX presence_stream_id ON presence_stream USING btree (stream_id, user_id);
CREATE INDEX presence_stream_user_id ON presence_stream USING btree (user_id);
CREATE INDEX room_index ON rooms USING btree (is_;
CREATE INDEX room_list_stream_idx ON room_list_stream USING btree (stream_id);
CREATE INDEX room_list_stream_rm_idx ON room_list_stream USING btree (room_id, stream_id);
CREATE INDEX push_rules_enable_user_name ON push_rules_enable USING btree (user_name);
CREATE INDEX push_rules_stream_id ON push_rules_stream USING btree (stream_id);
CREATE INDEX push_rules_stream_user_stream_id ON push_rules_stream USING btree (user_id, stream_id);
CREATE INDEX push_rules_user_name ON push_rules USING btree (user_name);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ratelimit_override_idx ON ratelimit_override USING btree (user_id);
CREATE INDEX receipts_linearized_id ON receipts_linearized USING btree (stream_id);
CREATE INDEX receipts_linearized_room_stream ON receipts_linearized USING btree (room_id, stream_id);
CREATE INDEX receipts_linearized_user ON receipts_linearized USING btree (user_id);
CREATE INDEX received_transactions_ts ON received_transactions USING btree (ts);
CREATE INDEX redactions_redacts ON redactions USING btree (redacts);
CREATE INDEX remote_profile_cache_time ON remote_profile_cache USING btree (last_check);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX remote_profile_cache_user_id ON remote_profile_cache USING btree (user_id);
CREATE INDEX room_account_data_stream_id ON room_account_data USING btree (user_id, stream_id);
CREATE INDEX room_alias_servers_alias ON room_alias_servers USING btree (room_alias);
CREATE INDEX room_aliases_id ON room_aliases USING btree (room_id);
CREATE INDEX room_depth_room ON room_depth USING btree (room_id);
CREATE INDEX room_memberships_room_id ON room_memberships USING btree (room_id);
CREATE INDEX room_memberships_user_id ON room_memberships USING btree (user_id);
CREATE INDEX room_names_room_id ON room_names USING btree (room_id);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX room_state_room ON room_state USING btree (room_id);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX room_stats_earliest_token_idx ON room_stats_earliest_token USING btree (room_id);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX room_stats_room_ts ON room_stats USING btree (room_id, ts);
CREATE INDEX state_group_edges_idx ON state_group_edges USING btree (state_group);
CREATE INDEX state_group_edges_prev_idx ON state_group_edges USING btree (prev_state_group);
CREATE INDEX state_groups_state_id ON state_groups_state USING btree (state_group);
CREATE INDEX stream_ordering_to_exterm_idx ON stream_ordering_to_exterm USING btree (stream_ordering);
CREATE INDEX stream_ordering_to_exterm_rm_idx ON stream_ordering_to_exterm USING btree (room_id, stream_ordering);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX threepid_guest_access_tokens_index ON threepid_guest_access_tokens USING btree (medium, address);
CREATE INDEX topics_room_id ON topics USING btree (room_id);
CREATE INDEX user_daily_visits_ts_idx ON user_daily_visits USING btree ("timestamp");
CREATE INDEX user_daily_visits_uts_idx ON user_daily_visits USING btree (user_id, "timestamp");
CREATE INDEX user_directory_room_idx ON user_directory USING btree (room_id);
CREATE INDEX user_directory_search_fts_idx ON user_directory_search USING gin (vector);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX user_directory_search_user_idx ON user_directory_search USING btree (user_id);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX user_directory_user_idx ON user_directory USING btree (user_id);
CREATE INDEX user_filters_by_user_id_filter_id ON user_filters USING btree (user_id, filter_id);
CREATE INDEX user_ips_user_ip ON user_ips USING btree (user_id, access_token, ip);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX user_stats_user_ts ON user_stats USING btree (user_id, ts);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX user_threepid_id_server_idx ON user_threepid_id_server USING btree (user_id, medium, address, id_server);
CREATE INDEX user_threepids_medium_address ON user_threepids USING btree (medium, address);
CREATE INDEX user_threepids_user_id ON user_threepids USING btree (user_id);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX users_in_rooms_u_idx ON users_in_rooms USING btree (user_id, room_id);
CREATE INDEX users_who_share_private_rooms_o_idx ON users_who_share_private_rooms USING btree (other_user_id);
CREATE INDEX users_who_share_private_rooms_r_idx ON users_who_share_private_rooms USING btree (room_id);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX users_who_share_private_rooms_u_idx ON users_who_share_private_rooms USING btree (user_id, other_user_id, room_id);
This diff is collapsed.
Building full schema dumps
$ pg_dump --format=plain --schema-only --no-tablespaces --no-acl --no-owner $DATABASE_NAME| sed -e '/^--/d' -e 's/public.//g' -e '/^SET /d' -e '/^SELECT /d' > full.sql.postgres
$ sqlite3 $DATABASE_FILE ".schema" > full.sql.sqlite
Delete the CREATE statements for "schema_version", "applied_schema_deltas", and "applied_module_schemas".
\ No newline at end of file
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