colonelkrud authored
* Add AllowEncodedSlashes to apache Add `AllowEncodedSlashes On` to apache config to support encoding for v3 rooms. "The AllowEncodedSlashes setting is not inherited by virtual hosts, and virtual hosts are used in many default Apache configurations, such as the one in Ubuntu. The workaround is to add the AllowEncodedSlashes setting inside a <VirtualHost> container (/etc/apache2/sites-available/default in Ubuntu)." Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4390436/need-to-allow-encoded-slashes-on-apache * change allowencodedslashes to nodecode
colonelkrud authored* Add AllowEncodedSlashes to apache Add `AllowEncodedSlashes On` to apache config to support encoding for v3 rooms. "The AllowEncodedSlashes setting is not inherited by virtual hosts, and virtual hosts are used in many default Apache configurations, such as the one in Ubuntu. The workaround is to add the AllowEncodedSlashes setting inside a <VirtualHost> container (/etc/apache2/sites-available/default in Ubuntu)." Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4390436/need-to-allow-encoded-slashes-on-apache * change allowencodedslashes to nodecode