Patrick Cloke authoredPatrick Cloke authored
Warning These architecture notes are spectacularly old, and date back to when Synapse was just federation code in isolation. This should be merged into the main spec.
Server to Server
Server to Server Stack
To use the server to server stack, homeservers should only need to interact with the Messaging layer.
The server to server side of things is designed into 4 distinct layers:
- Messaging Layer
- Pdu Layer
- Transaction Layer
- Transport Layer
Where the bottom (the transport layer) is what talks to the internet via HTTP, and the top (the messaging layer) talks to the rest of the Home Server with a domain specific API.
Messaging Layer
This is what the rest of the homeserver hits to send messages, join rooms, etc. It also allows you to register callbacks for when it gets notified by lower levels that e.g. a new message has been received.
It is responsible for serializing requests to send to the data layer, and to parse requests received from the data layer.
PDU Layer
This layer handles:
- duplicate `pdu_id`'s - i.e., it makes sure we ignore them. - responding to requests for a given `pdu_id` - responding to requests for all metadata for a given context (i.e. room) - handling incoming backfill requests So it has to parse incoming messages to discover which are metadata and
which aren't, and has to correctly clobber existing metadata where appropriate.
For incoming PDUs, it has to check the PDUs it references to see if we have missed any. If we have go and ask someone (another homeserver) for it.
Transaction Layer
This layer makes incoming requests idempotent. i.e., it stores which transaction id's we have seen and what our response were. If we have already seen a message with the given transaction id, we do not notify higher levels but simply respond with the previous response. `transaction_id` is from "`GET /send/<tx_id>/`" It's also responsible for batching PDUs into single transaction for sending to remote destinations, so that we only ever have one transaction in flight to a given destination at any one time. This is also responsible for answering requests for things after a given set of transactions, i.e., ask for everything after 'ver' X.
Transport Layer
This is responsible for starting a HTTP server and hitting the correct callbacks on the Transaction layer, as well as sending both data and requests for data.
We persist things in a single sqlite3 database. All database queries get run on a separate, dedicated thread. This that we only ever have one query running at a time, making it a lot easier to do things in a safe manner.
The queries are located in the synapse.persistence.transactions
and the table information in the synapse.persistence.tables