# The unique ID for the plugin. Java package naming style. (i.e. use your own domain, not xyz.maubot)
id: xyz.maubot.gitlab
# A PEP 440 compliant version string.
version: 0.1.0
# The SPDX license identifier for the plugin.
# Optional, assumes all rights reserved if omitted.
license: AGPL-3.0-or-later
# The list of modules to load from the plugin archive.
# Modules can be directories with an file or simply python files.
# Submodules that are imported by modules listed here don't need to be listed separately.
# However, top-level modules must always be listed even if they're imported by other modules.
- gitlab
# The main class of the plugin. Format: module/Class
# If `module` is omitted, will default to last module specified in the module list.
# Even if `module` is not omitted here, it must be included in the modules list.
# The main class must extend maubot.Plugin
main_class: gitlab/Gitlab
# Extra files that the upcoming build tool should include in the mbp file.
- base-config.yaml
# List of dependencies