**Warning**: This release removes the example email notification templates from `res/templates` (they are now internal to the python package). This should only affect you if you (a) deploy your Synapse instance from a git checkout or a github snapshot URL, and (b) have email notifications enabled.
If you have email notifications enabled, you should ensure that
`email.template_dir` is either configured to point at a directory where you
have installed customised templates, or leave it unset to use the default
The configuration parser will try to detect the situation where
`email.template_dir` is incorrectly set to `res/templates` and do the right
thing, but will warn about this.
- Ship the example email templates as part of the package ([\#4052](https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/issues/4052))
- Fix bug which made get_missing_events return too few events ([\#4045](https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/issues/4045))