The Dockerfile provided by conduwuit has two stages, each of which creates an image.
1.**Builder:** Builds the binary from local context or by cloning a git revision from the official repository.
2.**Runner:** Copies the built binary from **Builder** and sets up the runtime environment, like creating a volume to persist the database and applying the correct permissions.
To build the image you can use the following command
docker build --tag girlbossceo/conduwuit:main .
which also will tag the resulting image as `girlbossceo/conduwuit:main`.
### Run
When you have the image you can simply run it with
@@ -70,9 +56,9 @@ ### Run
or you can use [docker compose](#docker-compose).
The `-d` flag lets the container run in detached mode. You now need to supply a`conduwuit.toml` config file, an example can be found [here](../
You can pass in different env vars to change config values on the fly. You can even configure conduwuit completely by using env vars, but for that you need
to pass `-e CONDUIT_CONFIG=""` into your container. For an overview of possible values, please take a look at the `docker-compose.yml` file.
The `-d` flag lets the container run in detached mode. You may supply an optional`conduwuit.toml` config file, an example can be found [here](../
You can pass in different env vars to change config values on the fly. You can even configure conduwuit completely by using env vars. For an overview of possible
values, please take a look at the `docker-compose.yml` file.
If you just want to test conduwuit for a short time, you can use the `--rm` flag, which will clean up everything related to your container after you stop it.
You may simply download the binary that fits your machine. Run `uname -m` to see what you need.
Prebuilt binaries can be downloaded from the latest successful CI workflow on the main branch here:
Prebuilt binaries can be downloaded from the latest tagged release [here](
Alternatively, you may compile the binary yourself. First, install any dependencies: