RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain("Room banned and removed all our local users, use disable-room to stop receiving new inbound federation events as well if needed.")
error!("Error attempting to make local user {} leave room {} during room banning: {}",&local_user,&room_id,e);
returnOk(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!("Error attempting to make local user {} leave room {} during room banning (room is still banned but not removing any more users): {}\nIf you would like to ignore errors, use --force",&local_user,&room_id,e)));
returnOk(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!("Finished bulk room ban, banned {} total rooms and evicted all users.",room_ban_count)));
"Expected code block in command body. Add --help for details.",
RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain("Room unbanned, you may need to re-enable federation with the room using enable-room if this is a remote room to make it fully functional.")