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Commit 5add9a8c authored by Jason Volk's avatar Jason Volk
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support field values in err! macro

Signed-off-by: default avatarJason Volk <>
parent 5b1642f6
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1 merge request!543Misc
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
macro_rules! debug_event {
( $level:expr, $($x:tt)+ ) => {
if cfg!(debug_assertions) && cfg!(not(feature = "dev_release_log_level")) {
if $crate::debug::logging() {
::tracing::event!( $level, $($x)+ )
} else {
::tracing::debug!( $($x)+ )
......@@ -88,3 +88,7 @@ pub fn panic_str(p: &Box<dyn Any + Send>) -> &'static str { p.downcast_ref::<&st
pub fn type_name<T>(_: &T) -> &'static str { std::any::type_name::<T>() }
pub const fn logging() -> bool { cfg!(debug_assertions) && cfg!(not(feature = "dev_release_log_level")) }
......@@ -41,60 +41,149 @@ macro_rules! Err {
macro_rules! err {
(Config($item:literal, $($args:expr),*)) => {{
$crate::error!(config = %$item, $($args),*);
$crate::error::Error::Config($item, $crate::format_maybe!($($args),*))
(Request(Forbidden($level:ident!($($args:expr),*)))) => {{
(Request(Forbidden($level:ident!($($args:tt)+)))) => {{
let mut buf = String::new();
$crate::err_log!(buf, $level, $($args)+),
(Request(Forbidden($($args:expr),*))) => {
(Request(Forbidden($($args:tt)+))) => {
(Request($variant:ident($level:ident!($($args:expr),*)))) => {{
(Request($variant:ident($level:ident!($($args:tt)+)))) => {{
let mut buf = String::new();
$crate::err_log!(buf, $level, $($args)+),
(Request($variant:ident($($args:expr),*))) => {
(Request($variant:ident($($args:tt)+))) => {
($variant:ident($level:ident!($($args:expr),*))) => {{
(Config($item:literal, $($args:tt)+)) => {{
let mut buf = String::new();
$crate::error::Error::Config($item, $crate::err_log!(buf, error, config = %$item, $($args)+))
($variant:ident($level:ident!($($args:tt)+))) => {{
let mut buf = String::new();
$crate::error::Error::$variant($crate::err_log!(buf, $level, $($args)+))
($variant:ident($($args:expr),*)) => {
($variant:ident($($args:tt)+)) => {
($level:ident!($($args:expr),*)) => {{
($level:ident!($($args:tt)+)) => {{
let mut buf = String::new();
$crate::error::Error::Err($crate::err_log!(buf, $level, $($args)+))
($($args:expr),*) => {
($($args:tt)+) => {
/// A trinity of integration between tracing, logging, and Error. This is a
/// customization of tracing::event! with the primary purpose of sharing the
/// error string, fieldset parsing and formatting. An added benefit is that we
/// can share the same callsite metadata for the source of our Error and the
/// associated logging and tracing event dispatches.
macro_rules! err_log {
($out:ident, $level:ident, $($fields:tt)+) => {{
use std::{fmt, fmt::Write};
use ::tracing::{
callsite, callsite2, level_enabled, metadata, valueset, Callsite, Event, __macro_support,
field::{Field, ValueSet, Visit},
const LEVEL: Level = $crate::err_lev!($level);
static __CALLSITE: callsite::DefaultCallsite = callsite2! {
name: std::concat! {
"event ",
kind: metadata::Kind::EVENT,
target: std::module_path!(),
level: LEVEL,
fields: $($fields)+,
let visit = &mut |vs: ValueSet<'_>| {
struct Visitor<'a>(&'a mut String);
impl Visit for Visitor<'_> {
fn record_debug(&mut self, field: &Field, val: &dyn fmt::Debug) {
if == "message" {
write!(self.0, "{:?}", val).expect("stream error");
} else {
write!(self.0, " {}={:?}",, val).expect("stream error");
let meta = __CALLSITE.metadata();
let enabled = level_enabled!(LEVEL) && {
let interest = __CALLSITE.interest();
!interest.is_never() && __macro_support::__is_enabled(meta, interest)
if enabled {
Event::dispatch(meta, &vs);
__tracing_log!(LEVEL, __CALLSITE, &vs);
vs.record(&mut Visitor(&mut $out));
(visit)(valueset!(__CALLSITE.metadata().fields(), $($fields)+));
macro_rules! err_lev {
(debug_warn) => {
if $crate::debug::logging() {
} else {
(debug_error) => {
if $crate::debug::logging() {
} else {
(warn) => {
(error) => {
......@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@
use std::{any::Any, borrow::Cow, convert::Infallible, fmt};
pub use log::*;
pub use self::log::*;
use crate::error;
......@@ -8,12 +8,12 @@
/// arguments are provided the first is assumed to be a format string.
macro_rules! format_maybe {
($s:literal) => {
($s:literal $(,)?) => {
if $crate::is_format!($s) { std::format!($s).into() } else { $s.into() }
($($args:expr),*) => {
($s:literal, $($args:tt)+) => {
std::format!($s, $($args)+).into()
......@@ -24,6 +24,10 @@ macro_rules! is_format {
($s:literal) => {
::const_str::contains!($s, "{") && ::const_str::contains!($s, "}")
($($s:tt)+) => {
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