The `-d` flag lets the container run in detached mode. You now need to supply a `conduit.toml` config file, an example can be found [here](../conduit-example.toml).
The `-d` flag lets the container run in detached mode. You now need to supply a `conduit.toml` config file, an example can be found [here](../conduwuit-example.toml).
You can pass in different env vars to change config values on the fly. You can even configure Conduit completely by using env vars, but for that you need
to pass `-e CONDUIT_CONFIG=""` into your container. For an overview of possible values, please take a look at the `docker-compose.yml` file.
[`docker-compose.with-traefik.yml`](docker-compose.with-traefik.yml)) and [`docker-compose.override.yml`](docker-compose.override.yml) from the repository and remove `.for-traefik` (or `.with-traefik`) from the filename.
2. Open both files and modify/adjust them to your needs. Meaning, change the `CONDUIT_SERVER_NAME` and the volume host mappings according to your needs.
3. Create the `conduit.toml` config file, an example can be found [here](../conduit-example.toml), or set `CONDUIT_CONFIG=""` and configure Conduit per env vars.
3. Create the `conduit.toml` config file, an example can be found [here](../conduwuit-example.toml), or set `CONDUIT_CONFIG=""` and configure Conduit per env vars.
4. Uncomment the `element-web` service if you want to host your own Element Web Client and create a `element_config.json`.
5. Create the files needed by the `well-known` service.