[`docker-compose.with-traefik.yml`](docker-compose.with-traefik.yml)) and
[`docker-compose.override.yml`](docker-compose.override.traefik.yml), it is equally easy to deploy
[`docker-compose.override.yml`](docker-compose.override.yml), it is equally easy to deploy
and use Conduit, with a little caveat. If you already took a look at the files, then you should have
seen the `well-known` service, and that is the little caveat. Traefik is simply a proxy and
loadbalancer and is not able to serve any kind of content, but for Conduit to federate, we need to
@@ -128,7 +128,8 @@ ### Use Traefik as Proxy
So...step by step:
1. Copy [`docker-compose.traefik.yml`](docker-compose.traefik.yml) and [`docker-compose.override.traefik.yml`](docker-compose.override.traefik.yml) from the repository and remove `.traefik` from the filenames.
[`docker-compose.with-traefik.yml`](docker-compose.with-traefik.yml)) and [`docker-compose.override.traefik.yml`](docker-compose.override.yml) from the repository and remove `.traefik` from the filenames.
2. Open both files and modify/adjust them to your needs. Meaning, change the `CONDUIT_SERVER_NAME` and the volume host mappings according to your needs.
3. Create the `conduit.toml` config file, an example can be found [here](../conduit-example.toml), or set `CONDUIT_CONFIG=""` and configure Conduit per env vars.
4. Uncomment the `element-web` service if you want to host your own Element Web Client and create a `element_config.json`.