sync::{Arc, RwLock as StdRwLock, Weak},
use conduit::{debug, error, error::default_log, pdu::PduBuilder, Err, Error, PduEvent, Result, Server};
use loole::{Receiver, Sender};
room::message::{Relation, RoomMessageEventContent},
OwnedEventId, OwnedRoomId, RoomId, UserId,
use tokio::sync::{Mutex, RwLock};
use crate::{globals, rooms, rooms::state::RoomMutexGuard, Dep};
sender: Sender<CommandInput>,
receiver: Mutex<Receiver<CommandInput>>,
pub complete: StdRwLock<Option<Completer>>,
#[cfg(feature = "console")]
pub console: Arc<console::Console>,
struct Services {
server: Arc<Server>,
globals: Dep<globals::Service>,
alias: Dep<rooms::alias::Service>,
timeline: Dep<rooms::timeline::Service>,
state: Dep<rooms::state::Service>,
state_cache: Dep<rooms::state_cache::Service>,
services: StdRwLock<Option<Weak<crate::Services>>>,
pub command: String,
pub reply_id: Option<OwnedEventId>,
pub type Completer = fn(&str) -> String;
pub type Handler = fn(Arc<crate::Services>, CommandInput) -> HandlerFuture;
pub type HandlerFuture = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = HandlerResult> + Send>>;
pub type HandlerResult = Result<CommandOutput>;
pub type CommandOutput = Option<RoomMessageEventContent>;
const COMMAND_QUEUE_LIMIT: usize = 512;
impl crate::Service for Service {
fn build(args: crate::Args<'_>) -> Result<Arc<Self>> {
let (sender, receiver) = loole::bounded(COMMAND_QUEUE_LIMIT);
services: Services {
server: args.server.clone(),
globals: args.depend::<globals::Service>("globals"),
alias: args.depend::<rooms::alias::Service>("rooms::alias"),
timeline: args.depend::<rooms::timeline::Service>("rooms::timeline"),
state: args.depend::<rooms::state::Service>("rooms::state"),
state_cache: args.depend::<rooms::state_cache::Service>("rooms::state_cache"),
async fn worker(self: Arc<Self>) -> Result<()> {
let receiver = self.receiver.lock().await;
let mut signals =;
loop {
tokio::select! {
command = receiver.recv_async() => match command {
Ok(command) => self.handle_command(command).await,
Err(_) => break,
sig = signals.recv() => match sig {
Ok(sig) => self.handle_signal(sig).await,
Err(_) => continue,
self.console_auto_stop().await; //TODO: not unwind safe
#[cfg(feature = "console")]
if !self.sender.is_closed() {
fn name(&self) -> &str { crate::service::make_name(std::module_path!()) }
impl Service {
pub async fn send_text(&self, body: &str) {
pub async fn send_message(&self, message_content: RoomMessageEventContent) {
if let Ok(Some(room_id)) = self.get_admin_room() {
let user_id = &;
self.respond_to_room(message_content, &room_id, user_id)
pub async fn command(&self, command: String, reply_id: Option<OwnedEventId>) {
pub async fn command_in_place(
&self, command: String, reply_id: Option<OwnedEventId>,
) -> Result<Option<RoomMessageEventContent>> {
pub fn complete_command(&self, command: &str) -> Option<String> {
.expect("locked for reading")
.map(|complete| complete(command))
async fn send(&self, message: CommandInput) {
debug_assert!(!self.sender.is_closed(), "channel closed");
self.sender.send_async(message).await.expect("message sent");
async fn handle_signal(&self, #[allow(unused_variables)] sig: &'static str) {
#[cfg(feature = "console")]
async fn handle_command(&self, command: CommandInput) {
match self.process_command(command).await {
Ok(Some(output)) => self.handle_response(output).await,
Ok(None) => debug!("Command successful with no response"),
Err(e) => error!("Command processing error: {e}"),
async fn process_command(&self, command: CommandInput) -> HandlerResult {
let Some(services) = self
else {
return Err!("Services self-reference not initialized.");
if let Some(handle) = {
/// Checks whether a given user is an admin of this server
pub async fn user_is_admin(&self, user_id: &UserId) -> Result<bool> {
if let Ok(Some(admin_room)) = self.get_admin_room() {, &admin_room)
} else {
/// Gets the room ID of the admin room
/// Errors are propagated from the database, and will have None if there is
/// no admin room
pub fn get_admin_room(&self) -> Result<Option<OwnedRoomId>> {
if let Some(room_id) = self
.is_joined(&, &room_id)?
return Ok(Some(room_id));
async fn handle_response(&self, content: RoomMessageEventContent) {
let Some(Relation::Reply {
}) = content.relates_to.as_ref()
else {
let Ok(Some(pdu)) = else {
let response_sender = if self.is_admin_room(&pdu.room_id) {
} else {
self.respond_to_room(content, &pdu.room_id, response_sender)
async fn respond_to_room(&self, content: RoomMessageEventContent, room_id: &RoomId, user_id: &UserId) {
.expect("checked user is admin"),
"sender is not admin"
let state_lock =;
let response_pdu = PduBuilder {
event_type: TimelineEventType::RoomMessage,
content: to_raw_value(&content).expect("event is valid, we just created it"),
unsigned: None,
state_key: None,
redacts: None,
if let Err(e) = self
.build_and_append_pdu(response_pdu, user_id, room_id, &state_lock)
self.handle_response_error(e, room_id, user_id, &state_lock)
async fn handle_response_error(
&self, e: Error, room_id: &RoomId, user_id: &UserId, state_lock: &RoomMutexGuard,
) -> Result<()> {
error!("Failed to build and append admin room response PDU: \"{e}\"");
let error_room_message = RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
"Failed to build and append admin room PDU: \"{e}\"\n\nThe original admin command may have finished \
successfully, but we could not return the output."
let response_pdu = PduBuilder {
event_type: TimelineEventType::RoomMessage,
content: to_raw_value(&error_room_message).expect("event is valid, we just created it"),
unsigned: None,
state_key: None,
redacts: None,
.build_and_append_pdu(response_pdu, user_id, room_id, state_lock)
pub async fn is_admin_command(&self, pdu: &PduEvent, body: &str) -> bool {
// Server-side command-escape with public echo
let is_escape = body.starts_with('\\');
let is_public_escape = is_escape && body.trim_start_matches('\\').starts_with("!admin");
// Admin command with public echo (in admin room)
let server_user = &;
let is_public_prefix = body.starts_with("!admin") || body.starts_with(server_user.as_str());
// Expected backward branch
if !is_public_escape && !is_public_prefix {
return false;
// only allow public escaped commands by local admins
if is_public_escape && ! {
// Check if server-side command-escape is disabled by configuration
if is_public_escape && ! {
// Prevent unescaped !admin from being used outside of the admin room
if is_public_prefix && !self.is_admin_room(&pdu.room_id) {
return false;
// Only senders who are admin can proceed
if !self.user_is_admin(&pdu.sender).await.unwrap_or(false) {
return false;
// This will evaluate to false if the emergency password is set up so that
// the administrator can execute commands as conduit
let emergency_password_set =;
let from_server = pdu.sender == *server_user && !emergency_password_set;
if from_server && self.is_admin_room(&pdu.room_id) {
return false;
// Authentic admin command
pub fn is_admin_room(&self, room_id: &RoomId) -> bool {
if let Ok(Some(admin_room_id)) = self.get_admin_room() {
admin_room_id == room_id
} else {
/// Possibly spawn the terminal console at startup if configured.
async fn console_auto_start(&self) {
#[cfg(feature = "console")]
if {
// Allow more of the startup sequence to execute before spawning
/// Shutdown the console when the admin worker terminates.
async fn console_auto_stop(&self) {
#[cfg(feature = "console")]
/// Sets the self-reference to crate::Services which will provide context to
/// the admin commands.
pub(super) fn set_services(&self, services: &Option<Arc<crate::Services>>) {
let receiver = &mut *"locked for writing");
let weak = services.as_ref().map(Arc::downgrade);
*receiver = weak;