use std::{panic::AssertUnwindSafe, sync::Arc, time::Instant};
use conduit::{error, trace, utils::string::common_prefix, Error, Result};
use futures_util::future::FutureExt;
use ruma::{
room::message::{Relation::Reply, RoomMessageEventContent},
admin::{CommandInput, CommandOutput, CommandResult, HandlerResult},
use crate::{admin, admin::AdminCommand, Command};
pub(super) fn complete(line: &str) -> String { complete_command(AdminCommand::command(), line) }
pub(super) fn handle(services: Arc<Services>, command: CommandInput) -> HandlerResult {
Box::pin(handle_command(services, command))
async fn handle_command(services: Arc<Services>, command: CommandInput) -> CommandResult {
AssertUnwindSafe(Box::pin(process_command(services, &command)))
.or_else(|error| handle_panic(&error, command))
async fn process_command(services: Arc<Services>, command: &CommandInput) -> CommandOutput {
process(services, &command.command)
.and_then(|content| reply(content, command.reply_id.clone()))
fn handle_panic(error: &Error, command: CommandInput) -> CommandResult {
let link = "Please submit a [bug report]( 🥺";
let msg = format!("Panic occurred while processing command:\n```\n{error:#?}\n```\n{link}");
let content = RoomMessageEventContent::notice_markdown(msg);
error!("Panic while processing command: {error:?}");
Ok(reply(content, command.reply_id))
fn reply(mut content: RoomMessageEventContent, reply_id: Option<OwnedEventId>) -> Option<RoomMessageEventContent> {
content.relates_to =|event_id| Reply {
// Parse and process a message from the admin room
async fn process(services: Arc<Services>, msg: &str) -> CommandOutput {
let mut lines = msg.lines().filter(|l| !l.trim().is_empty());
let command ="each string has at least one line");
let (parsed, body) = match parse_command(command) {
Ok(parsed) => parsed,
Err(error) => {
let server_name = services.globals.server_name();
let message = error.replace("", server_name.as_str());
return Some(RoomMessageEventContent::notice_markdown(message));
let timer = Instant::now();
let body: Vec<&str> = body.iter().map(String::as_str).collect();
let context = Command {
services: &services,
body: &body,
let result = Box::pin(admin::process(parsed, &context)).await;
let elapsed = timer.elapsed();
conduit::debug!(?command, ok = result.is_ok(), "command processed in {elapsed:?}");
match result {
Ok(reply) => Some(reply),
Err(error) => Some(RoomMessageEventContent::notice_markdown(format!(
"Encountered an error while handling the command:\n```\n{error:#?}\n```"
// Parse chat messages from the admin room into an AdminCommand object
fn parse_command(command_line: &str) -> Result<(AdminCommand, Vec<String>), String> {
let argv = parse_line(command_line);
let com = AdminCommand::try_parse_from(&argv).map_err(|error| error.to_string())?;
Ok((com, argv))
fn complete_command(mut cmd: clap::Command, line: &str) -> String {
let argv = parse_line(line);
let mut ret = Vec::<String>::with_capacity(argv.len().saturating_add(1));
'token: for token in argv.into_iter().skip(1) {
let cmd_ = cmd.clone();
let mut choice = Vec::new();
for sub in cmd_.get_subcommands() {
let name = sub.get_name();
if *name == token {
// token already complete; recurse to subcommand
continue 'token;
} else if name.starts_with(&token) {
// partial match; add to choices
if choice.len() == 1 {
// One choice. Add extra space because it's complete
let choice = *choice.first().expect("only choice");
} else if choice.is_empty() {
// Nothing found, return original string
} else {
// Find the common prefix
// Return from no completion. Needs a space though.
ret.join(" ")
// Parse chat messages from the admin room into an AdminCommand object
fn parse_line(command_line: &str) -> Vec<String> {
let mut argv = command_line
// Remove any escapes that came with a server-side escape command
if !argv.is_empty() && argv[0].ends_with("admin") {
argv[0] = argv[0].trim_start_matches('\\').into();
// First indice has to be "admin" but for console convenience we add it here
if !argv.is_empty() && !argv[0].ends_with("admin") && !argv[0].starts_with('@') {
argv.insert(0, "admin".to_owned());
// Replace `help command` with `command --help`
// Clap has a help subcommand, but it omits the long help description.
if argv.len() > 1 && argv[1] == "help" {
// Backwards compatibility with `register_appservice`-style commands
if argv.len() > 1 && argv[1].contains('_') {
argv[1] = argv[1].replace('_', "-");
// Backwards compatibility with `register_appservice`-style commands
if argv.len() > 2 && argv[2].contains('_') {
argv[2] = argv[2].replace('_', "-");
// if the user is using the `query` command (argv[1]), replace the database
// function/table calls with underscores to match the codebase
if argv.len() > 3 && argv[1].eq("query") {
argv[3] = argv[3].replace('_', "-");