use std::{cmp, time::Duration};
pub use checked_ops::checked_ops;
/// Checked arithmetic expression. Returns a Result<R, Error::Arithmetic>
macro_rules! checked {
($($input:tt)*) => {
.ok_or_else(|| $crate::Error::Arithmetic("operation overflowed or result invalid"))
/// in release-mode. Use for performance when the expression is obviously safe.
/// The check remains in debug-mode for regression analysis.
macro_rules! validated {
($($input:tt)*) => { Ok($($input)*) }
macro_rules! validated {
($($input:tt)*) => { $crate::checked!($($input)*) }
/// Returns false if the exponential backoff has expired based on the inputs
pub fn continue_exponential_backoff_secs(min: u64, max: u64, elapsed: Duration, tries: u32) -> bool {
let min = Duration::from_secs(min);
let max = Duration::from_secs(max);
continue_exponential_backoff(min, max, elapsed, tries)
/// Returns false if the exponential backoff has expired based on the inputs
pub fn continue_exponential_backoff(min: Duration, max: Duration, elapsed: Duration, tries: u32) -> bool {
let min = min.saturating_mul(tries).saturating_mul(tries);
let min = cmp::min(min, max);
elapsed < min