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# `@ajhalili2006/dotenv-secrets`

Encrypted storage for secrets such as private keys and even as a workaround on
`yadm <de>ncrypt`. Currently only @ajhalili2006 with his primary GPG key for
commits is being used to encrypt and decrypt secrets.

## Setup

Install `gopass` into your system via <> or
just run `go install` if you have Golang installed.

Note that `~/.local/share/gopass/stores/root` is not included as a git submodule in the
dotfiles repo, so you need to clone it manually:

gopass clone ssh://

To ensure `pass` is working, especially for using it as a vault for Docker
registry authenication:

# cd to $HOME first!
ln -s .local/share/gopass/stores/root .password-store

## Basics

* Add or edit a secret using a code editor: `EDITOR="code --wait" gopass edit -c path/to/secret`