# yaml-language-server: $schema=https://squidfunk.github.io/mkdocs-material/schema.json

# Project information, site metadata
site_name: RecapTime.dev Wiki
site_url: "https://wiki.recaptime.dev"
site_author: Recap Time Squad and contributors
site_description: >-
  The squad wiki, consists of both the team handbook, our organizational documents,
  and more.

# Lock the use-directory-urls flag
use_directory_urls: true

# Repository
docs_dir: content
repo_url: https://mau.dev/recaptime-dev/squad/wiki
repo_name: source at Maunium GitLab
edit_uri: blob/main/content/

# Copyright
copyright: >-
  Copyright © 2023-present Recap Time Squad (formerly The Pins Team) and its contributors,
  licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 for Markdown content and original media and MPL-2.0 for code,
  unless otherwise specified.

  # https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material
  name: material

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    logo: material/library
    repo: fontawesome/brands/gitlab

    - announce.dismiss
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    # - navigation.expand
    - navigation.footer
    - navigation.indexes
    # - navigation.instant
    # - navigation.prune
    - navigation.sections
    - navigation.tabs
    # - navigation.tabs.sticky
    - navigation.top
    - navigation.tracking
    - search.highlight
    - search.share
    - search.suggest
    - toc.follow
    # - toc.integrate

  # theme for different themes
  # TODO: Match with our color platte on logo.
    - scheme: default
      primary: green
      accent: lime
        icon: material/toggle-switch-off-outline
        name: Switch to dark mode
    - scheme: slate
      primary: green
      accent: lime
        icon: material/toggle-switch
        name: Switch to light mode

# Extensions
  - admonition
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  - meta
  - md_in_html
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      permalink: true
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      repo: mkdocs-material
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  - pymdownx.tabbed
  - pymdownx.tasklist:
      custom_checkbox: true
  - pymdownx.tilde

# Navigation
  - Home: 
    - index.md
    - About the website: about.md
    - Contribute to wiki:
      - contribute/index.md
      - Email patches 101: contribute/email.md
      - For squad members: contribute/squad-members.md
      - Contributing to handbook: handbook/contribute.md
      - "Maintainers' Guidelines": contribute/maintainer-guidelines.md
  - Squad Handbook:
    - handbook/index.md
    - About and History: 
        - handbook/about/index.md
        - Handbook Usage: handbook/handbook-usage.md
        - Handbook Support: handbook/about/support.md
        - Changelog: handbook/changelog.md
    - Onboarding Documentation:
      - handbook/onboarding/index.md
      - Onboarding Checklist: handbook/onboarding/checklist.md
      - Onboarding Issue Tracker: "https://mau.dev/recaptime-dev/squad/onboarding"
    - Engineering and Open-source:
      - handbook/engineering/index.md
      - Open-source at RecapTime.dev:
        - handbook/open-source/index.md
        - Open-source Operations/Projects Office: handbook/open-source/office.md
  - Community:
    - Projects:
      - Community Lores: projects/lorebooks.wiki.md