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Synapse 1.76.0 (2023-01-31)

The 1.76 release is the first to enable faster joins ([MSC3706]( and [MSC3902]( by default. Admins can opt-out: see [the upgrade notes]( for more details.

The upgrade from 1.75 to 1.76 changes the account data replication streams in a backwards-incompatible manner. Server operators running a multi-worker deployment should consult [the upgrade notes](

Those who are `poetry install`ing from source using our lockfile should ensure their poetry version is 1.3.2 or higher; [see upgrade notes](

Notes on faster joins

The faster joins project sees the most benefit when joining a room with a large number of members (joined or historical). We expect it to be particularly useful for joining large public rooms like the [Matrix HQ]( or [Synapse Admins]( rooms.

After a faster join, Synapse considers that room "partially joined". In this state, you should be able to

- read incoming messages;
- see incoming state changes, e.g. room topic changes; and
- send messages, if the room is unencrypted.

Synapse has to spend more effort to complete the join in the background. Once this finishes, you will be able to

- send messages, if the room is in encrypted;
- retrieve room history from before your join, if permitted by the room settings; and
- access the full list of room members.

Improved Documentation

- Describe the ideas and the internal machinery behind faster joins. ([\#14677](

Synapse 1.76.0rc2 (2023-01-27)


- Faster joins: Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.69 where device list EDUs could fail to be handled after a restart when a faster join sync is in progress. ([\#14914](

Internal Changes

- Faster joins: Improve performance of looking up partial-state status of rooms. ([\#14917](

Synapse 1.76.0rc1 (2023-01-25)


- Update the default room version to [v10]( ([MSC 3904]( Contributed by @FSG-Cat. ([\#14111](
- Add a `set_displayname()` method to the module API for setting a user's display name. ([\#14629](
- Add a dedicated listener configuration for `health` endpoint. ([\#14747](
- Implement support for [MSC3890]( Remotely silence local notifications. ([\#14775](
- Implement experimental support for [MSC3930]( Push rules for ([MSC3381]( Polls. ([\#14787](
- Per [MSC3925](, bundle the whole of the replacement with any edited events, and optionally inhibit server-side replacement. ([\#14811](
- Faster joins: always serve a partial join response to servers that request it with the stable query param. ([\#14839](
- Faster joins: allow non-lazy-loading ("eager") syncs to complete after a partial join by omitting partial state rooms until they become fully stated. ([\#14870](
- Faster joins: request partial joins by default. Admins can opt-out of this for the time being---see the upgrade notes. ([\#14905](


- Add index to improve performance of the `/timestamp_to_event` endpoint used for jumping to a specific date in the timeline of a room. ([\#14799](
- Fix a long-standing bug where Synapse would exhaust the stack when processing many federation requests where the remote homeserver has disconencted early. ([\#14812](, [\#14842](
- Fix rare races when using workers. ([\#14820](
- Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.64.0 when using room version 10 with frozen events enabled. ([\#14864](
- Fix a long-standing bug where the `populate_room_stats` background job could fail on broken rooms. ([\#14873](
- Faster joins: Fix a bug in worker deployments where the room stats and user directory would not get updated when finishing a fast join until another event is sent or received. ([\#14874](
- Faster joins: Fix incompatibility with joins into restricted rooms where no local users have the ability to invite. ([\#14882](
- Fix a regression introduced in Synapse 1.69.0 which can result in database corruption when database migrations are interrupted on sqlite. ([\#14910](

Updates to the Docker image

- Bump default Python version in the Dockerfile from 3.9 to 3.11. ([\#14875](

Improved Documentation

- Include `x_forwarded` entry in the HTTP listener example configs and remove the remaining `worker_main_http_uri` entries. ([\#14667](
- Remove duplicate commands from the Code Style documentation page; point to the Contributing Guide instead. ([\#14773](
- Add missing documentation for `tag` to `listeners` section. ([\#14803](
- Updated documentation in configuration manual for `user_directory.search_all_users`. ([\#14818](
- Add `worker_manhole` to configuration manual. ([\#14824](
- Fix the example config missing the `id` field in [application service documentation]( ([\#14845](
- Minor corrections to the logging configuration documentation. ([\#14868](
- Document the export user data command. Contributed by @thezaidbintariq. ([\#14883](

Deprecations and Removals

- Poetry 1.3.2 or higher is now required when `poetry install`ing from source. ([\#14860](

Internal Changes

- Faster remote room joins (worker mode): do not populate external hosts-in-room cache when sending events as this requires blocking for full state. ([\#14749](
- Enable Complement tests for Faster Remote Room Joins against worker-mode Synapse. ([\#14752](
- Add some clarifying comments and refactor a portion of the `Keyring` class for readability. ([\#14804](
- Add local poetry config files (`poetry.toml`) to `.gitignore`. ([\#14807](
- Add missing type hints. ([\#14816](, [\#14885](, [\#14889](
- Refactor push tests. ([\#14819](
- Re-enable some linting that was disabled when we switched to ruff. ([\#14821](
- Add `cargo fmt` and `cargo clippy` to the lint script. ([\#14822](
- Drop unused table `presence`. ([\#14825](
- Merge the two account data and the two device list replication streams. ([\#14826](, [\#14833](
- Faster joins: use stable identifiers from [MSC3706]( ([\#14832](, [\#14841](
- Add a parameter to control whether the federation client performs a partial state join. ([\#14843](
- Add check to avoid starting duplicate partial state syncs. ([\#14844](
- Add an early return when handling no-op presence updates. ([\#14855](
- Fix `wait_for_stream_position` to correctly wait for the right instance to advance its token. ([\#14856](, [\#14872](
- Always notify replication when a stream advances automatically. ([\#14877](
- Reduce max time we wait for stream positions. ([\#14881](
- Faster joins: allow the resync process more time to fetch `/state` ids. ([\#14912](
- Bump regex from 1.7.0 to 1.7.1. ([\#14848](
- Bump peaceiris/actions-gh-pages from 3.9.1 to 3.9.2. ([\#14861](
- Bump ruff from 0.0.215 to 0.0.224. ([\#14862](
- Bump types-pillow from to ([\#14863](
- Bump types-opentracing from 2.4.10 to ([\#14896](
- Bump ruff from 0.0.224 to 0.0.230. ([\#14897](
- Bump types-requests from to ([\#14899](
- Bump types-psycopg2 from to ([\#14900](
- Bump types-commonmark from 0.9.2 to ([\#14901](