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  • maunium/synapse
  • leytilera/synapse
2 results
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with 701 additions and 138 deletions
{% if use_forking_launcher %}
command=/usr/local/bin/python -m
{{ main_config_path }}
......@@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ exitcodes=0
{% else %}
command=/usr/local/bin/prefix-log /usr/local/bin/python -m
--config-path="{{ main_config_path }}"
......@@ -36,6 +38,7 @@ exitcodes=0
{% for worker in workers %}
[program:synapse_{{ }}]
command=/usr/local/bin/prefix-log /usr/local/bin/python -m {{ }}
--config-path="{{ main_config_path }}"
......@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@
worker_app: "{{ app }}"
worker_name: "{{ name }}"
# The replication listener on the main synapse process.
worker_replication_http_port: 9093
- type: http
{% if using_unix_sockets %}
path: "/run/worker.{{ port }}"
{% else %}
port: {{ port }}
{% endif %}
{% if listener_resources %}
- names:
......@@ -36,12 +36,17 @@ listeners:
# Allow configuring in case we want to reverse proxy 8008
# using another process in the same container
# Unix sockets don't care about TLS or IP addresses or ports
- path: '/run/main_public.sock'
type: http
{% else %}
- port: {{ SYNAPSE_HTTP_PORT or 8008 }}
tls: false
bind_addresses: ['::']
type: http
x_forwarded: false
{% endif %}
- names: [client]
compress: true
......@@ -57,10 +62,13 @@ database:
user: "{{ POSTGRES_USER or "synapse" }}"
password: "{{ POSTGRES_PASSWORD }}"
database: "{{ POSTGRES_DB or "synapse" }}"
{# Synapse will use a default unix socket for Postgres when host/port is not specified (behavior from `psycopg2`). #}
host: "{{ POSTGRES_HOST or "db" }}"
port: "{{ POSTGRES_PORT or "5432" }}"
cp_min: 5
cp_max: 10
{% endif %}
cp_min: {{ POSTGRES_CP_MIN or 5 }}
cp_max: {{ POSTGRES_CP_MAX or 10 }}
{% else %}
name: "sqlite3"
......@@ -168,7 +176,6 @@ app_service_config_files:
{% endif %}
macaroon_secret_key: "{{ SYNAPSE_MACAROON_SECRET_KEY }}"
expire_access_token: False
## Signing Keys ##
......@@ -49,17 +49,35 @@ handlers:
class: logging.StreamHandler
formatter: precise
If SYNAPSE_LOG_SENSITIVE is unset, then override to INFO
so that DEBUG entries (containing sensitive information) are not emitted.
# This is just here so we can leave `loggers` in the config regardless of whether
# we configure other loggers below (avoid empty yaml dict error).
level: "INFO"
If SYNAPSE_LOG_SENSITIVE is unset, then override to INFO
so that DEBUG entries (containing sensitive information) are not emitted.
# beware: increasing this to DEBUG will make synapse log sensitive
# information such as access tokens.
level: INFO
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
If Synapse is under test, log a few more useful things for a developer
attempting to debug something particularly tricky.
With `synapse.visibility.filtered_event_debug`, it logs when events are (maybe
unexpectedly) filtered out of responses in tests. It's just nice to be able to
look at the CI log and figure out why an event isn't being returned.
level: DEBUG
{% endif %}
level: {{ SYNAPSE_LOG_LEVEL or "INFO" }}
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3.
# Copyright 2021 The Foundation C.I.C.
# Copyright (C) 2023 New Vector, Ltd
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details:
# <>.
# Originally licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0:
# <>.
# [This file includes modifications made by New Vector Limited]
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This script reads environment variables and generates a shared Synapse worker,
# nginx and supervisord configs depending on the workers requested.
......@@ -40,6 +47,8 @@
# log level. INFO is the default.
# * SYNAPSE_LOG_SENSITIVE: If unset, SQL and SQL values won't be logged,
# regardless of the SYNAPSE_LOG_LEVEL setting.
# * SYNAPSE_LOG_TESTING: if set, Synapse will log additional information useful
# for testing.
# NOTE: According to Complement's ENTRYPOINT expectations for a homeserver image (as defined
# in the project's README), this script may be run multiple times, and functionality should
......@@ -50,6 +59,7 @@ import platform
import re
import subprocess
import sys
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import chain
from pathlib import Path
......@@ -69,6 +79,12 @@ import yaml
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
# Obviously, these would only be used with the UNIX socket option
MAIN_PROCESS_UNIX_SOCKET_PUBLIC_PATH = "/run/main_public.sock"
MAIN_PROCESS_UNIX_SOCKET_PRIVATE_PATH = "/run/main_private.sock"
# A simple name used as a placeholder in the WORKERS_CONFIG below. This will be replaced
# during processing with the name of the worker.
......@@ -101,7 +117,7 @@ WORKERS_CONFIG: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {
"media_repository": {
"app": "",
"listener_resources": ["media"],
"listener_resources": ["media", "client"],
"endpoint_patterns": [
......@@ -109,6 +125,8 @@ WORKERS_CONFIG: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {
# The first configured media worker will run the media background jobs
"shared_extra_conf": {
......@@ -175,6 +193,7 @@ WORKERS_CONFIG: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {
"shared_extra_conf": {},
"worker_extra_conf": "",
......@@ -194,6 +213,8 @@ WORKERS_CONFIG: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {
......@@ -239,7 +260,6 @@ WORKERS_CONFIG: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {
"shared_extra_conf": {},
"worker_extra_conf": "",
......@@ -294,6 +314,13 @@ WORKERS_CONFIG: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {
"shared_extra_conf": {},
"worker_extra_conf": "",
"push_rules": {
"app": "",
"listener_resources": ["client", "replication"],
"endpoint_patterns": ["^/_matrix/client/(api/v1|r0|v3|unstable)/pushrules/"],
"shared_extra_conf": {},
"worker_extra_conf": "",
# Templates for sections that may be inserted multiple times in config files
......@@ -385,6 +412,7 @@ def add_worker_roles_to_shared_config(
# Worker-type specific sharding config. Now a single worker can fulfill multiple
......@@ -403,11 +431,15 @@ def add_worker_roles_to_shared_config(
# Map of stream writer instance names to host/ports combos
instance_map[worker_name] = {
"host": "localhost",
"port": worker_port,
if os.environ.get("SYNAPSE_USE_UNIX_SOCKET", False):
instance_map[worker_name] = {
"path": f"/run/worker.{worker_port}",
instance_map[worker_name] = {
"host": "localhost",
"port": worker_port,
# Update the list of stream writers. It's convenient that the name of the worker
# type is the same as the stream to write. Iterate over the whole list in case there
# is more than one.
......@@ -419,10 +451,15 @@ def add_worker_roles_to_shared_config(
# Map of stream writer instance names to host/ports combos
# For now, all stream writers need http replication ports
instance_map[worker_name] = {
"host": "localhost",
"port": worker_port,
if os.environ.get("SYNAPSE_USE_UNIX_SOCKET", False):
instance_map[worker_name] = {
"path": f"/run/worker.{worker_port}",
instance_map[worker_name] = {
"host": "localhost",
"port": worker_port,
def merge_worker_template_configs(
......@@ -714,17 +751,29 @@ def generate_worker_files(
# Note that yaml cares about indentation, so care should be taken to insert lines
# into files at the correct indentation below.
# Convenience helper for if using unix sockets instead of host:port
using_unix_sockets = environ.get("SYNAPSE_USE_UNIX_SOCKET", False)
# First read the original config file and extract the listeners block. Then we'll
# add another listener for replication. Later we'll write out the result to the
# shared config file.
listeners = [
"port": 9093,
"bind_address": "",
"type": "http",
"resources": [{"names": ["replication"]}],
listeners: List[Any]
if using_unix_sockets:
listeners = [
"type": "http",
"resources": [{"names": ["replication"]}],
listeners = [
"type": "http",
"resources": [{"names": ["replication"]}],
with open(config_path) as file_stream:
original_config = yaml.safe_load(file_stream)
original_listeners = original_config.get("listeners")
......@@ -765,7 +814,17 @@ def generate_worker_files(
# A list of internal endpoints to healthcheck, starting with the main process
# which exists even if no workers do.
healthcheck_urls = ["http://localhost:8080/health"]
# This list ends up being part of the command line to curl, (curl added support for
# Unix sockets in version 7.40).
if using_unix_sockets:
healthcheck_urls = [
# The scheme and hostname from the following URL are ignored.
# The only thing that matters is the path `/health`
healthcheck_urls = ["http://localhost:8080/health"]
# Get the set of all worker types that we have configured
all_worker_types_in_use = set(chain(*requested_worker_types.values()))
......@@ -802,8 +861,12 @@ def generate_worker_files(
# given worker_type needs to stay assigned and not be replaced.
shared_config = worker_config["shared_extra_conf"]
healthcheck_urls.append("http://localhost:%d/health" % (worker_port,))
if using_unix_sockets:
f"--unix-socket /run/worker.{worker_port} http://localhost/health"
healthcheck_urls.append("http://localhost:%d/health" % (worker_port,))
# Update the shared config with sharding-related options if necessary
......@@ -819,9 +882,10 @@ def generate_worker_files(
# Then a worker config file
# Save this worker's port number to the correct nginx upstreams
......@@ -842,8 +906,13 @@ def generate_worker_files(
nginx_upstream_config = ""
for upstream_worker_base_name, upstream_worker_ports in nginx_upstreams.items():
body = ""
for port in upstream_worker_ports:
body += f" server localhost:{port};\n"
if using_unix_sockets:
for port in upstream_worker_ports:
body += f" server unix:/run/worker.{port};\n"
for port in upstream_worker_ports:
body += f" server localhost:{port};\n"
# Add to the list of configured upstreams
nginx_upstream_config += NGINX_UPSTREAM_CONFIG_BLOCK.format(
......@@ -870,6 +939,19 @@ def generate_worker_files(
workers_in_use = len(requested_worker_types) > 0
# If there are workers, add the main process to the instance_map too.
if workers_in_use:
instance_map = shared_config.setdefault("instance_map", {})
if using_unix_sockets:
# Shared homeserver config
......@@ -878,6 +960,7 @@ def generate_worker_files(
# Nginx config
......@@ -888,6 +971,7 @@ def generate_worker_files(
# Supervisord config
......@@ -897,6 +981,7 @@ def generate_worker_files(
......@@ -936,6 +1021,7 @@ def generate_worker_log_config(
extra_log_template_args["SYNAPSE_LOG_SENSITIVE"] = environ.get(
extra_log_template_args["SYNAPSE_LOG_TESTING"] = environ.get("SYNAPSE_LOG_TESTING")
# Render and write the file
log_config_filepath = f"/conf/workers/{worker_name}.log.config"
......@@ -952,6 +1038,14 @@ def generate_worker_log_config(
def main(args: List[str], environ: MutableMapping[str, str]) -> None:
parser = ArgumentParser()
help="Only generate configuration; don't run Synapse.",
opts = parser.parse_args(args)
config_dir = environ.get("SYNAPSE_CONFIG_DIR", "/data")
config_path = environ.get("SYNAPSE_CONFIG_PATH", config_dir + "/homeserver.yaml")
data_dir = environ.get("SYNAPSE_DATA_DIR", "/data")
......@@ -993,6 +1087,10 @@ def main(args: List[str], environ: MutableMapping[str, str]) -> None:
log("Worker config exists—not regenerating")
if opts.generate_only:
log("--generate-only: won't run Synapse")
# Lifted right out of
jemallocpath = "/usr/lib/%s-linux-gnu/" % (platform.machine(),)
......@@ -1001,6 +1099,13 @@ def main(args: List[str], environ: MutableMapping[str, str]) -> None:
log("Could not find %s, will not use" % (jemallocpath,))
# Empty strings are falsy in Python so this default is fine. We just can't have these
# be undefined because supervisord will complain about our
environ.setdefault("SYNAPSE_HTTP_PROXY", "")
environ.setdefault("SYNAPSE_HTTPS_PROXY", "")
environ.setdefault("SYNAPSE_NO_PROXY", "")
# Start supervisord, which will start Synapse, all of the configured worker
# processes, redis, nginx etc. according to the config we created above.
log("Starting supervisord")
......@@ -1015,4 +1120,4 @@ def main(args: List[str], environ: MutableMapping[str, str]) -> None:
if __name__ == "__main__":
main(sys.argv, os.environ)
main(sys.argv[1:], os.environ)
......@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ ARG PYTHON_VERSION=3.9
### Stage 0: generate requirements.txt
# We hardcode the use of Debian bullseye here because this could change upstream
# and other Dockerfiles used for testing are expecting bullseye.
# We hardcode the use of Debian bookworm here because this could change upstream
# and other Dockerfiles used for testing are expecting bookworm.
# Install Rust and other dependencies (stolen from normal Dockerfile)
# install the OS build deps
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ RUN \
gosu \
libjpeg62-turbo \
libpq5 \
libwebp6 \
libwebp7 \
xmlsec1 \
libjemalloc2 \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
......@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@
# prefix-log command [args...]
exec 1> >(awk '{print "'"${SUPERVISOR_PROCESS_NAME}"' | "$0}' >&1)
exec 2> >(awk '{print "'"${SUPERVISOR_PROCESS_NAME}"' | "$0}' >&2)
# '-W interactive' is a `mawk` extension which disables buffering on stdout and sets line-buffered reads on
# stdin. The effect is that the output is flushed after each line, rather than being batched, which helps reduce
# confusion due to to interleaving of the different processes.
exec 1> >(awk -W interactive '{print "'"${SUPERVISOR_PROCESS_NAME}"' | "$0 }' >&1)
exec 2> >(awk -W interactive '{print "'"${SUPERVISOR_PROCESS_NAME}"' | "$0 }' >&2)
exec "$@"
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ def generate_config_from_template(
with open(filename) as handle:
value =
log("Generating a random secret for {}".format(secret))
log(f"Generating a random secret for {secret}")
value = codecs.encode(os.urandom(32), "hex").decode()
with open(filename, "w") as handle:
......@@ -160,11 +160,6 @@ def run_generate_config(environ: Mapping[str, str], ownership: Optional[str]) ->
config_path = environ.get("SYNAPSE_CONFIG_PATH", config_dir + "/homeserver.yaml")
data_dir = environ.get("SYNAPSE_DATA_DIR", "/data")
if ownership is not None:
# make sure that synapse has perms to write to the data dir.
log(f"Setting ownership on {data_dir} to {ownership}")["chown", ownership, data_dir], check=True)
# create a suitable log config from our template
log_config_file = "%s/%s.log.config" % (config_dir, server_name)
if not os.path.exists(log_config_file):
......@@ -189,9 +184,15 @@ def run_generate_config(environ: Mapping[str, str], ownership: Optional[str]) ->
if ownership is not None:
# make sure that synapse has perms to write to the data dir.
log(f"Setting ownership on {data_dir} to {ownership}")["chown", ownership, data_dir], check=True)
args = ["gosu", ownership] + args
# log("running %s" % (args, ))
os.execv(sys.executable, args), check=True)
def main(args: List[str], environ: MutableMapping[str, str]) -> None:
......@@ -239,7 +240,7 @@ def main(args: List[str], environ: MutableMapping[str, str]) -> None:
log("Could not find %s, will not use" % (jemallocpath,))
# if there are no config files passed to synapse, try adding the default file
if not any(p.startswith("--config-path") or p.startswith("-c") for p in args):
if not any(p.startswith(("--config-path", "-c")) for p in args):
config_dir = environ.get("SYNAPSE_CONFIG_DIR", "/data")
config_path = environ.get(
"SYNAPSE_CONFIG_PATH", config_dir + "/homeserver.yaml"
# This file is maintained as an up-to-date snapshot of the default
# homeserver.yaml configuration generated by Synapse. You can find a
# complete accounting of possible configuration options at
# It is *not* intended to be copied and used as the basis for a real
# homeserver.yaml. Instead, if you are starting from scratch, please generate
# a fresh config using Synapse by following the instructions in
# Synapse Documentation
**The documentation is currently hosted [here](**
**The documentation is currently hosted [here](**
Please update any links to point to the new website instead.
## About
This directory currently holds a series of markdown files documenting how to install, use
and develop Synapse. The documentation is readable directly from this repository, but it is
recommended to instead browse through the [website]( for
and develop Synapse. The documentation is readable directly from this repository, but it is
recommended to instead browse through the [website]( for
easier discoverability.
## Adding to the documentation
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ build the documentation with:
mdbook build
The rendered contents will be outputted to a new `book/` directory at the root of the repository. Please note that
The rendered contents will be outputted to a new `book/` directory at the root of the repository. Please note that
index.html is not built by default, it is created by copying over the file `welcome_and_overview.html` to `index.html`
during deployment. Thus, when running `mdbook serve` locally the book will initially show a 404 in place of the index
due to the above. Do not be alarmed!
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
# Usage
- [Federation](
- [Configuration](usage/configuration/
- [Configuration Manual](usage/configuration/
- [Configuration Manual](usage/configuration/
- [Homeserver Sample Config File](usage/configuration/
- [Logging Sample Config File](usage/configuration/
- [Structured Logging](
......@@ -48,15 +48,18 @@
- [Password auth provider callbacks](modules/
- [Background update controller callbacks](modules/
- [Account data callbacks](modules/
- [Add extra fields to client events unsigned section callbacks](modules/
- [Porting a legacy module to the new interface](modules/
- [Workers](
- [Using `synctl` with Workers](
- [Systemd](systemd-with-workers/
- [Administration](usage/administration/
- [Backups](usage/administration/
- [Admin API](usage/administration/admin_api/
- [Account Validity](admin_api/
- [Background Updates](usage/administration/admin_api/
- [Event Reports](admin_api/
- [Experimental Features](admin_api/
- [Media](admin_api/
- [Purge History](admin_api/
- [Register Users](admin_api/
......@@ -96,6 +99,7 @@
- [Cancellation](development/synapse_architecture/
- [Log Contexts](
- [Replication](
- [Streams](development/synapse_architecture/
- [TCP Replication](
- [Faster remote joins](development/synapse_architecture/
- [Internal Documentation](development/internal_documentation/
Admin APIs
**Note**: The latest documentation can be viewed `here <>`_.
**Note**: The latest documentation can be viewed `here <>`_.
See `docs/ <../>`_ for more information.
**Please update links to point to the website instead.** Existing files in this directory
......@@ -11,4 +11,3 @@ This directory includes documentation for the various synapse specific admin
APIs available. Updates to the existing Admin API documentation should still
be made to these files, but any new documentation files should instead be placed under
`docs/usage/administration/admin_api <../usage/administration/admin_api>`_.
# Account validity API
**Note:** This API is disabled when MSC3861 is enabled. [See #15582](
This API allows a server administrator to manage the validity of an account. To
use it, you must enable the account validity feature (under
`account_validity`) in Synapse's configuration.
......@@ -60,10 +60,11 @@ paginate through.
anything other than the return value of `next_token` from a previous call. Defaults to `0`.
* `dir`: string - Direction of event report order. Whether to fetch the most recent
first (`b`) or the oldest first (`f`). Defaults to `b`.
* `user_id`: string - Is optional and filters to only return users with user IDs that
contain this value. This is the user who reported the event and wrote the reason.
* `room_id`: string - Is optional and filters to only return rooms with room IDs that
contain this value.
* `user_id`: optional string - Filter by the user ID of the reporter. This is the user who reported the event
and wrote the reason.
* `room_id`: optional string - Filter by room id.
* `event_sender_user_id`: optional string - Filter by the sender of the reported event. This is the user who
the report was made against.
# Experimental Features API
This API allows a server administrator to enable or disable some experimental features on a per-user
basis. The currently supported features are:
- [MSC3881]( enable remotely toggling push notifications
for another client
- [MSC3575]( enable experimental sliding sync support
- [MSC4222]( adding `state_after` to sync v2
To use it, you will need to authenticate by providing an `access_token`
for a server admin: see [Admin API](../usage/administration/admin_api/).
## Enabling/Disabling Features
This API allows a server administrator to enable experimental features for a given user. The request must
provide a body containing the user id and listing the features to enable/disable in the following format:
"features": {
where true is used to enable the feature, and false is used to disable the feature.
The API is:
PUT /_synapse/admin/v1/experimental_features/<user_id>
## Listing Enabled Features
To list which features are enabled/disabled for a given user send a request to the following API:
GET /_synapse/admin/v1/experimental_features/<user_id>
It will return a list of possible features and indicate whether they are enabled or disabled for the
user like so:
"features": {
"msc3026": true,
"msc3881": false,
"msc3967": false
# Shared-Secret Registration
**Note:** This API is disabled when MSC3861 is enabled. [See #15582](
This API allows for the creation of users in an administrative and
non-interactive way. This is generally used for bootstrapping a Synapse
instance with administrator accounts.
# Edit Room Membership API
This API allows an administrator to join an user account with a given `user_id`
This API allows an administrator to join a user account with a given `user_id`
to a room with a given `room_id_or_alias`. You can only modify the membership of
local users. The server administrator must be in the room and have permission to
invite users.
......@@ -36,6 +36,10 @@ The following query parameters are available:
- the room's name,
- the local part of the room's canonical alias, or
- the complete (local and server part) room's id (case sensitive).
* `public_rooms` - Optional flag to filter public rooms. If `true`, only public rooms are queried. If `false`, public rooms are excluded from
the query. When the flag is absent (the default), **both** public and non-public rooms are included in the search results.
* `empty_rooms` - Optional flag to filter empty rooms. A room is empty if joined_members is zero. If `true`, only empty rooms are queried. If `false`, empty rooms are excluded from
the query. When the flag is absent (the default), **both** empty and non-empty rooms are included in the search results.
Defaults to no filtering.
......@@ -381,6 +385,13 @@ The API is:
GET /_synapse/admin/v1/rooms/<room_id>/state
The following query parameter is available:
* `type` - The type of room state event to filter by, eg "". If provided, only state events
of this type will be returned (regardless of their `state_key` value).
A response body like the following is returned:
......@@ -419,7 +430,7 @@ The following query parameters are available:
* `from` (required) - The token to start returning events from. This token can be obtained from a prev_batch
or next_batch token returned by the /sync endpoint, or from an end token returned by a previous request to this endpoint.
* `to` - The token to spot returning events at.
* `to` - The token to stop returning events at.
* `limit` - The maximum number of events to return. Defaults to `10`.
* `filter` - A JSON RoomEventFilter to filter returned events with.
* `dir` - The direction to return events from. Either `f` for forwards or `b` for backwards. Setting
......@@ -536,7 +547,8 @@ The following query parameters are available:
* `event_id` - converted from timestamp
* `event_id` - The event ID closest to the given timestamp.
* `origin_server_ts` - The timestamp of the event in milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
# Block Room API
The Block Room admin API allows server admins to block and unblock rooms,
......@@ -912,7 +924,7 @@ With all that being said, if you still want to try and recover the room:
them handle rejoining themselves.
4. If `new_room_user_id` was given, a 'Content Violation' will have been
created. Consider whether you want to delete that roomm.
created. Consider whether you want to delete that room.
# Make Room Admin API
......@@ -81,3 +81,52 @@ The following fields are returned in the JSON response body:
- `user_id` - string - Fully-qualified user ID (ex. ``).
* `next_token` - integer - Opaque value used for pagination. See above.
* `total` - integer - Total number of users after filtering.
# Get largest rooms by size in database
Returns the 10 largest rooms and an estimate of how much space in the database
they are taking.
This does not include the size of any associated media associated with the room.
Returns an error on SQLite.
*Note:* This uses the planner statistics from PostgreSQL to do the estimates,
which means that the returned information can vary widely from reality. However,
it should be enough to get a rough idea of where database disk space is going.
The API is:
GET /_synapse/admin/v1/statistics/database/rooms
A response body like the following is returned:
"rooms": [
"room_id": "!",
"estimated_size": 47325417353
The following fields are returned in the JSON response body:
* `rooms` - An array of objects, sorted by largest room first. Objects contain
the following fields:
- `room_id` - string - The room ID.
- `estimated_size` - integer - Estimated disk space used in bytes by the room
in the database.
*Added in Synapse 1.83.0*
......@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ It returns a JSON body like the following:
"erased": false,
"shadow_banned": 0,
"creation_ts": 1560432506,
"last_seen_ts": 1732919539393,
"appservice_id": null,
"consent_server_notice_sent": null,
"consent_version": null,
......@@ -54,7 +55,9 @@ It returns a JSON body like the following:
"external_id": "<user_id_provider_2>"
"user_type": null
"user_type": null,
"locked": false,
"suspended": false
......@@ -62,7 +65,7 @@ URL parameters:
- `user_id`: fully-qualified user id: for example, ``.
## Create or modify Account
## Create or modify account
This API allows an administrator to create or modify a user account with a
specific `user_id`.
......@@ -78,31 +81,33 @@ with a body of:
"password": "user_password",
"displayname": "User",
"logout_devices": false,
"displayname": "Alice Marigold",
"avatar_url": "mxc://",
"threepids": [
"medium": "email",
"address": "<user_mail_1>"
"address": ""
"medium": "email",
"address": "<user_mail_2>"
"address": ""
"external_ids": [
"auth_provider": "<provider1>",
"external_id": "<user_id_provider_1>"
"auth_provider": "example",
"external_id": "12345"
"auth_provider": "<provider2>",
"external_id": "<user_id_provider_2>"
"auth_provider": "example2",
"external_id": "abc54321"
"avatar_url": "<avatar_url>",
"admin": false,
"deactivated": false,
"user_type": null
"user_type": null,
"locked": false
......@@ -112,43 +117,56 @@ Returns HTTP status code:
URL parameters:
- `user_id`: fully-qualified user id: for example, ``.
- `user_id` - A fully-qualified user id. For example, ``.
Body parameters:
- `password` - string, optional. If provided, the user's password is updated and all
- `password` - **string**, optional. If provided, the user's password is updated and all
devices are logged out, unless `logout_devices` is set to `false`.
- `logout_devices` - bool, optional, defaults to `true`. If set to false, devices aren't
- `logout_devices` - **bool**, optional, defaults to `true`. If set to `false`, devices aren't
logged out even when `password` is provided.
- `displayname` - string, optional, defaults to the value of `user_id`.
- `threepids` - array, optional, allows setting the third-party IDs (email, msisdn)
- `medium` - string. Kind of third-party ID, either `email` or `msisdn`.
- `address` - string. Value of third-party ID.
belonging to a user.
- `external_ids` - array, optional. Allow setting the identifier of the external identity
provider for SSO (Single sign-on). Details in the configuration manual under the
sections [sso](../usage/configuration/ and [oidc_providers](../usage/configuration/
- `auth_provider` - string. ID of the external identity provider. Value of `idp_id`
in the homeserver configuration. Note that no error is raised if the provided
value is not in the homeserver configuration.
- `external_id` - string, user ID in the external identity provider.
- `avatar_url` - string, optional, must be a
- `displayname` - **string**, optional. If set to an empty string (`""`), the user's display name
will be removed.
- `avatar_url` - **string**, optional. Must be a
- `admin` - bool, optional, defaults to `false`.
- `deactivated` - bool, optional. If unspecified, deactivation state will be left
unchanged on existing accounts and set to `false` for new accounts.
A user cannot be erased by deactivating with this API. For details on
deactivating users see [Deactivate Account](#deactivate-account).
- `user_type` - string or null, optional. If provided, the user type will be
adjusted. If `null` given, the user type will be cleared. Other
allowed options are: `bot` and `support`.
If the user already exists then optional parameters default to the current value.
In order to re-activate an account `deactivated` must be set to `false`. If
users do not login via single-sign-on, a new `password` must be provided.
If set to an empty string (`""`), the user's avatar is removed.
- `threepids` - **array**, optional. If provided, the user's third-party IDs (email, msisdn) are
entirely replaced with the given list. Each item in the array is an object with the following
- `medium` - **string**, required. The type of third-party ID, either `email` or `msisdn` (phone number).
- `address` - **string**, required. The third-party ID itself, e.g. `` for `email` or
`447470274584` (for a phone number with country code "44") and `19254857364` (for a phone number
with country code "1") for `msisdn`.
Note: If a threepid is removed from a user via this option, Synapse will also attempt to remove
that threepid from any identity servers it is aware has a binding for it.
- `external_ids` - **array**, optional. Allow setting the identifier of the external identity
provider for SSO (Single sign-on). More details are in the configuration manual under the
sections [sso](../usage/configuration/ and [oidc_providers](../usage/configuration/
- `auth_provider` - **string**, required. The unique, internal ID of the external identity provider.
The same as `idp_id` from the homeserver configuration. If using OIDC, this value should be prefixed
with `oidc-`. Note that no error is raised if the provided value is not in the homeserver configuration.
- `external_id` - **string**, required. An identifier for the user in the external identity provider.
When the user logs in to the identity provider, this must be the unique ID that they map to.
- `admin` - **bool**, optional, defaults to `false`. Whether the user is a homeserver administrator,
granting them access to the Admin API, among other things.
- `deactivated` - **bool**, optional. If unspecified, deactivation state will be left unchanged.
- For the password field there is no strict check of the necessity for its presence.
It is possible to have active users without a password, e.g. when authenticating with OIDC is configured.
You must check yourself whether a password is required when reactivating a user or not.
- It is not possible to set a password if the config option `password_config.localdb_enabled` is set `false`.
Users' passwords are wiped upon account deactivation, hence the need to set a new one here.
Note: a user cannot be erased with this API. For more details on
deactivating and erasing users see [Deactivate Account](#deactivate-account).
- `locked` - **bool**, optional. If unspecified, locked state will be left unchanged.
- `user_type` - **string** or null, optional. If not provided, the user type will be
not be changed. If `null` is given, the user type will be cleared.
Other allowed options are: `bot` and `support`.
## List Accounts
### List Accounts (V2)
This API returns all local user accounts.
By default, the response is ordered by ascending user ID.
......@@ -172,7 +190,8 @@ A response body like the following is returned:
"shadow_banned": 0,
"displayname": "<User One>",
"avatar_url": null,
"creation_ts": 1560432668000
"creation_ts": 1560432668000,
"locked": false
}, {
"name": "<user_id2>",
"is_guest": 0,
......@@ -183,7 +202,8 @@ A response body like the following is returned:
"shadow_banned": 0,
"displayname": "<User Two>",
"avatar_url": "<avatar_url>",
"creation_ts": 1561550621000
"creation_ts": 1561550621000,
"locked": false
"next_token": "100",
......@@ -206,7 +226,9 @@ The following parameters should be set in the URL:
- `name` - Is optional and filters to only return users with user ID localparts
**or** displaynames that contain this value.
- `guests` - string representing a bool - Is optional and if `false` will **exclude** guest users.
Defaults to `true` to include guest users.
Defaults to `true` to include guest users. This parameter is not supported when MSC3861 is enabled. [See #15582](
- `admins` - Optional flag to filter admins. If `true`, only admins are queried. If `false`, admins are excluded from
the query. When the flag is absent (the default), **both** admins and non-admins are included in the search results.
- `deactivated` - string representing a bool - Is optional and if `true` will **include** deactivated users.
Defaults to `false` to exclude deactivated users.
- `limit` - string representing a positive integer - Is optional but is used for pagination,
......@@ -228,9 +250,15 @@ The following parameters should be set in the URL:
- `displayname` - Users are ordered alphabetically by `displayname`.
- `avatar_url` - Users are ordered alphabetically by avatar URL.
- `creation_ts` - Users are ordered by when the users was created in ms.
- `last_seen_ts` - Users are ordered by when the user was lastly seen in ms.
- `dir` - Direction of media order. Either `f` for forwards or `b` for backwards.
Setting this value to `b` will reverse the above sort order. Defaults to `f`.
- `not_user_type` - Exclude certain user types, such as bot users, from the request.
Can be provided multiple times. Possible values are `bot`, `support` or "empty string".
"empty string" here means to exclude users without a type.
- `locked` - string representing a bool - Is optional and if `true` will **include** locked users.
Defaults to `false` to exclude locked users. Note: Introduced in v1.93.
Caution. The database only has indexes on the columns `name` and `creation_ts`.
This means that if a different sort order is used (`is_guest`, `admin`,
......@@ -248,17 +276,32 @@ The following fields are returned in the JSON response body:
- `is_guest` - bool - Status if that user is a guest account.
- `admin` - bool - Status if that user is a server administrator.
- `user_type` - string - Type of the user. Normal users are type `None`.
This allows user type specific behaviour. There are also types `support` and `bot`.
This allows user type specific behaviour. There are also types `support` and `bot`.
- `deactivated` - bool - Status if that user has been marked as deactivated.
- `erased` - bool - Status if that user has been marked as erased.
- `shadow_banned` - bool - Status if that user has been marked as shadow banned.
- `displayname` - string - The user's display name if they have set one.
- `avatar_url` - string - The user's avatar URL if they have set one.
- `creation_ts` - integer - The user's creation timestamp in ms.
- `last_seen_ts` - integer - The user's last activity timestamp in ms.
- `locked` - bool - Status if that user has been marked as locked. Note: Introduced in v1.93.
- `next_token`: string representing a positive integer - Indication for pagination. See above.
- `total` - integer - Total number of media.
*Added in Synapse 1.93:* the `locked` query parameter and response field.
### List Accounts (V3)
This API returns all local user accounts (see v2). In contrast to v2, the query parameter `deactivated` is handled differently.
GET /_synapse/admin/v3/users
- `deactivated` - Optional flag to filter deactivated users. If `true`, only deactivated users are returned.
If `false`, deactivated users are excluded from the query. When the flag is absent (the default),
users are not filtered by deactivation status.
## Query current sessions for a user
......@@ -371,8 +414,36 @@ The following actions are **NOT** performed. The list may be incomplete.
- Remove from monthly active users
- Remove user's consent information (consent version and timestamp)
## Suspend/Unsuspend Account
This API allows an admin to suspend/unsuspend an account. While an account is suspended, the user is
prohibited from sending invites, joining or knocking on rooms, sending messages, changing profile data, and redacting messages other than their own.
The api is:
PUT /_synapse/admin/v1/suspend/<user_id>
with a body of:
"suspend": true
To unsuspend a user, use the same endpoint with a body of:
"suspend": false
## Reset password
**Note:** This API is disabled when MSC3861 is enabled. [See #15582](
Changes the password of another user. This will automatically log the user out of all their devices.
The api is:
......@@ -396,6 +467,8 @@ The parameter `logout_devices` is optional and defaults to `true`.
## Get whether a user is a server administrator or not
**Note:** This API is disabled when MSC3861 is enabled. [See #15582](
The api is:
......@@ -413,6 +486,8 @@ A response body like the following is returned:
## Change whether a user is a server administrator or not
**Note:** This API is disabled when MSC3861 is enabled. [See #15582](
Note that you cannot demote yourself.
The api is:
......@@ -429,9 +504,9 @@ with a body of:
## List room memberships of a user
## List joined rooms of a user
Gets a list of all `room_id` that a specific `user_id` is member.
Gets a list of all `room_id` that a specific `user_id` is joined to and is a member of (participating in).
The API is:
......@@ -468,6 +543,73 @@ The following fields are returned in the JSON response body:
- `joined_rooms` - An array of `room_id`.
- `total` - Number of rooms.
## Get the number of invites sent by the user
Fetches the number of invites sent by the provided user ID across all rooms
after the given timestamp.
GET /_synapse/admin/v1/users/$user_id/sent_invite_count
The following parameters should be set in the URL:
* `user_id`: fully qualified: for example, ``
The following should be set as query parameters in the URL:
* `from_ts`: int, required. A timestamp in ms from the unix epoch. Only
invites sent at or after the provided timestamp will be returned.
This works by comparing the provided timestamp to the `received_ts`
column in the `events` table.
Note: is a useful tool for converting dates
into timestamps and vice versa.
A response body like the following is returned:
"invite_count": 30
_Added in Synapse 1.122.0_
## Get the cumulative number of rooms a user has joined after a given timestamp
Fetches the number of rooms that the user joined after the given timestamp, even
if they have subsequently left/been banned from those rooms.
GET /_synapse/admin/v1/users/$<user_id/cumulative_joined_room_count
The following parameters should be set in the URL:
* `user_id`: fully qualified: for example, ``
The following should be set as query parameters in the URL:
* `from_ts`: int, required. A timestamp in ms from the unix epoch. Only
invites sent at or after the provided timestamp will be returned.
This works by comparing the provided timestamp to the `received_ts`
column in the `events` table.
Note: is a useful tool for converting dates
into timestamps and vice versa.
A response body like the following is returned:
"cumulative_joined_room_count": 30
_Added in Synapse 1.122.0_
## Account Data
Gets information about account data for a specific `user_id`.
......@@ -586,6 +728,16 @@ A response body like the following is returned:
"quarantined_by": null,
"safe_from_quarantine": false,
"upload_name": "test2.png"
"created_ts": 300400,
"last_access_ts": 300700,
"media_id": "BzYNLRUgGHphBkdKGbzXwbjX",
"media_length": 1337,
"media_type": "application/octet-stream",
"quarantined_by": null,
"safe_from_quarantine": false,
"upload_name": null
"next_token": 3,
......@@ -647,16 +799,17 @@ The following fields are returned in the JSON response body:
- `media` - An array of objects, each containing information about a media.
Media objects contain the following fields:
- `created_ts` - integer - Timestamp when the content was uploaded in ms.
- `last_access_ts` - integer - Timestamp when the content was last accessed in ms.
- `last_access_ts` - integer or null - Timestamp when the content was last accessed in ms.
Null if there was no access, yet.
- `media_id` - string - The id used to refer to the media. Details about the format
are documented under
[media repository](../
- `media_length` - integer - Length of the media in bytes.
- `media_type` - string - The MIME-type of the media.
- `quarantined_by` - string - The user ID that initiated the quarantine request
for this media.
- `quarantined_by` - string or null - The user ID that initiated the quarantine request
for this media. Null if not quarantined.
- `safe_from_quarantine` - bool - Status if this media is safe from quarantining.
- `upload_name` - string - The name the media was uploaded with.
- `upload_name` - string or null - The name the media was uploaded with. Null if not provided during upload.
- `next_token`: integer - Indication for pagination. See above.
- `total` - integer - Total number of media.
......@@ -706,6 +859,8 @@ delete largest/smallest or newest/oldest files first.
## Login as a user
**Note:** This API is disabled when MSC3861 is enabled. [See #15582](
Get an access token that can be used to authenticate as that user. Useful for
when admins wish to do actions on behalf of a user.
......@@ -718,7 +873,8 @@ POST /_synapse/admin/v1/users/<user_id>/login
An optional `valid_until_ms` field can be specified in the request body as an
integer timestamp that specifies when the token should expire. By default tokens
do not expire.
do not expire. Note that this API does not allow a user to login as themselves
(to create more tokens).
A response body like the following is returned:
......@@ -738,6 +894,43 @@ Note: The token will expire if the *admin* user calls `/logout/all` from any
of their devices, but the token will *not* expire if the target user does the
## Allow replacing master cross-signing key without User-Interactive Auth
This endpoint is not intended for server administrator usage;
we describe it here for completeness.
This API temporarily permits a user to replace their master cross-signing key
without going through
[user-interactive authentication]( (UIA).
This is useful when Synapse has delegated its authentication to the
[Matrix Authentication Service](;
as Synapse cannot perform UIA is not possible in these circumstances.
The API is
```http request
POST /_synapse/admin/v1/users/<user_id>/_allow_cross_signing_replacement_without_uia
If the user does not exist, or does exist but has no master cross-signing key,
this will return with status code `404 Not Found`.
Otherwise, a response body like the following is returned, with status `200 OK`:
"updatable_without_uia_before_ms": 1234567890
The response body is a JSON object with a single field:
- `updatable_without_uia_before_ms`: integer. The timestamp in milliseconds
before which the user is permitted to replace their cross-signing key without
going through UIA.
_Added in Synapse 1.97.0._
## User devices
......@@ -802,6 +995,33 @@ The following fields are returned in the JSON response body:
- `total` - Total number of user's devices.
### Create a device
Creates a new device for a specific `user_id` and `device_id`. Does nothing if the `device_id`
exists already.
The API is:
POST /_synapse/admin/v2/users/<user_id>/devices
"device_id": "QBUAZIFURK"
An empty JSON dict is returned.
The following parameters should be set in the URL:
- `user_id` - fully qualified: for example, ``.
The following fields are required in the JSON request body:
- `device_id` - The device ID to create.
### Delete multiple devices
Deletes the given devices for a specific `user_id`, and invalidates
any access token associated with them.
......@@ -1142,13 +1362,13 @@ The following parameters should be set in the URL:
- `user_id` - The fully qualified MXID: for example, ``. The user must
be local.
### Check username availability
## Check username availability
Checks to see if a username is available, and valid, for the server. See [the client-server
Checks to see if a username is available, and valid, for the server. See [the client-server
for more information.
This endpoint will work even if registration is disabled on the server, unlike
This endpoint will work even if registration is disabled on the server, unlike
The API is:
......@@ -1160,7 +1380,7 @@ GET /_synapse/admin/v1/username_available?username=$localpart
The request and response format is the same as the
[/_matrix/client/r0/register/available]( API.
### Find a user based on their ID in an auth provider
## Find a user based on their ID in an auth provider
The API is:
......@@ -1199,7 +1419,7 @@ Returns a `404` HTTP status code if no user was found, with a response body like
_Added in Synapse 1.68.0._
### Find a user based on their Third Party ID (ThreePID or 3PID)
## Find a user based on their Third Party ID (ThreePID or 3PID)
The API is:
......@@ -1236,3 +1456,88 @@ Returns a `404` HTTP status code if no user was found, with a response body like
_Added in Synapse 1.72.0._
## Redact all the events of a user
This endpoint allows an admin to redact the events of a given user. There are no restrictions on redactions for a
local user. By default, we puppet the user who sent the message to redact it themselves. Redactions for non-local users are issued using the admin user, and will fail in rooms where the admin user is not admin/does not have the specified power level to issue redactions.
The API is
POST /_synapse/admin/v1/user/$user_id/redact
"rooms": ["!roomid1", "!roomid2"]
If an empty list is provided as the key for `rooms`, all events in all the rooms the user is member of will be redacted,
otherwise all the events in the rooms provided in the request will be redacted.
The API starts redaction process running, and returns immediately with a JSON body with
a redact id which can be used to query the status of the redaction process:
"redact_id": "<opaque id>"
The following parameters should be set in the URL:
- `user_id` - The fully qualified MXID of the user: for example, ``.
The following JSON body parameter must be provided:
- `rooms` - A list of rooms to redact the user's events in. If an empty list is provided all events in all rooms
the user is a member of will be redacted
The following JSON body parameters are optional:
- `reason` - Reason the redaction is being requested, ie "spam", "abuse", etc. This will be included in each redaction event, and be visible to users.
- `limit` - a limit on the number of the user's events to search for ones that can be redacted (events are redacted newest to oldest) in each room, defaults to 1000 if not provided
_Added in Synapse 1.116.0._
## Check the status of a redaction process
It is possible to query the status of the background task for redacting a user's events.
The status can be queried up to 24 hours after completion of the task,
or until Synapse is restarted (whichever happens first).
The API is:
GET /_synapse/admin/v1/user/redact_status/$redact_id
A response body like the following is returned:
"status": "active",
"failed_redactions": [],
The following parameters should be set in the URL:
* `redact_id` - string - The ID for this redaction process, provided when the redaction was requested.
The following fields are returned in the JSON response body:
- `status` - string - one of scheduled/active/completed/failed, indicating the status of the redaction job
- `failed_redactions` - dictionary - the keys of the dict are event ids the process was unable to redact, if any, and the values are
the corresponding error that caused the redaction to fail
_Added in Synapse 1.116.0._