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- Adding the ability to change MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE for the docker container variables. ([\#3883](
- Report "python_version" in the phone home stats ([\#3894](
- Always LL ourselves if we're in a room ([\#3916](
- Include eventid in log lines when processing incoming federation transactions ([\#3959](
- Remove spurious check which made 'localhost' servers not work ([\#3964](


- Fix problem when playing media from Chrome using direct URL (thanks @remjey!) ([\#3578](
- support registering regular users non-interactively with register_new_matrix_user script ([\#3836](
- Fix broken invite email links for self hosted riots ([\#3868](
- Don't ratelimit autojoins ([\#3879](
- Fix 500 error when deleting unknown room alias ([\#3889](
- Fix some b'abcd' noise in logs and metrics ([\#3892](, [\#3895](
- When we join a room, always try the server we used for the alias lookup first, to avoid unresponsive and out-of-date servers. ([\#3899](
- Fix incorrect server-name indication for outgoing federation requests ([\#3907](
- Fix adding client IPs to the database failing on Python 3. ([\#3908](
- Fix bug where things occaisonally were not being timed out correctly. ([\#3910](
- Fix bug where outbound federation would stop talking to some servers when using workers ([\#3914](
- Fix some instances of ExpiringCache not expiring cache items ([\#3932](, [\#3980](
- Fix out-of-bounds error when LLing yourself ([\#3936](
- Sending server notices regarding user consent now works on Python 3. ([\#3938](
- Fix exceptions from metrics handler ([\#3956](
- Fix error message for events with missing from auth_events ([\#3960](
- Fix errors due to concurrent monthly_active_user upserts ([\#3961](
- Fix exceptions when processing incoming events over federation ([\#3968](
- Replaced all occurences of e.message with str(e). Contributed by Schnuffle ([\#3970](
- Fix lazy loaded sync in the presence of rejected state events ([\#3986](
- Fix error when logging incomplete HTTP requests ([\#3990](
- Add a cache to get_destination_retry_timings ([\#3991](

Internal Changes

- Unit tests can now be run under PostgreSQL in Docker using
  ````. ([\#3699](
- Speed up calculation of typing updates for replication ([\#3794](
- Remove documentation regarding installation on Cygwin, the use of WSL is
  recommended instead. ([\#3873](
- Fix typo in README, synaspse -> synapse ([\#3897](
- Increase the timeout when filling missing events in federation requests ([\#3903](
- Improve the logging when handling a federation transaction ([\#3904](, [\#3966](
- Improve logging of outbound federation requests ([\#3906](, [\#3909](
- Fix the docker image building on python 3 ([\#3911](
- Add a regression test for logging failed HTTP requests on Python 3. ([\#3912](
- Comments and interface cleanup for on_receive_pdu ([\#3924](
- Fix spurious exceptions when remote http client closes conncetion ([\#3925](
- Log exceptions thrown by background tasks ([\#3927](
- Add a cache to get_destination_retry_timings ([\#3933](
- Automate pushes to docker hub ([\#3946](
- Require attrs 16.0.0 or later ([\#3947](
- Fix incompatibility with python3 on alpine ([\#3948](
- Run the test suite on the oldest supported versions of our dependencies in CI. ([\#3952](
- CircleCI now only runs merged jobs on PRs, and commit jobs on develop, master, and release branches. ([\#3957](
- Fix docstrings and add tests for state store methods ([\#3958](
- fix docstring for FederationClient.get_state_for_room ([\#3963](
- Run notify_app_services as a bg process ([\#3965](
- Clarifications in FederationHandler ([\#3967](
- Further reduce the docker image size ([\#3972](
- Build py3 docker images for docker hub too ([\#3976](
- Updated the installation instructions to point to the matrix-synapse package on PyPI. ([\#3985](
- Disable USE_FROZEN_DICTS for unittests by default. ([\#3987](
- Remove unused Jenkins and development related files from the repo. ([\#3988](
- Improve stacktraces in certain exceptions in the logs ([\#3989](