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Synapse 0.33.4rc1 (2018-09-04)


- Support profile API endpoints on workers ([\#3659](
- Server notices for resource limit blocking ([\#3680](
- Allow guests to use /rooms/:roomId/event/:eventId ([\#3724](
- Add mau_trial_days config param, so that users only get counted as MAU after N days. ([\#3749](
- Require twisted 17.1 or later (fixes [#3741]( ([\#3751](


- Fix error collecting prometheus metrics when run on dedicated thread due to threading concurrency issues ([\#3722](
- Fix bug where we resent "limit exceeded" server notices repeatedly ([\#3747](
- Fix bug where we broke sync when using limit_usage_by_mau but hadn't configured server notices ([\#3753](
- Fix 'federation_domain_whitelist' such that an empty list correctly blocks all outbound federation traffic ([\#3754](
- Fix tagging of server notice rooms ([\#3755](, [\#3756](
- Fix 'admin_uri' config variable and error parameter to be 'admin_contact' to match the spec. ([\#3758](
- Don't return non-LL-member state in incremental sync state blocks ([\#3760](
- Fix bug in sending presence over federation ([\#3768](
- Fix bug where preserved threepid user comes to sign up and server is mau blocked ([\#3777](

Internal Changes

- Removed the link to the unmaintained matrix-synapse-auto-deploy project from the readme. ([\#3378](
- Refactor state module to support multiple room versions ([\#3673](
- The module has been ported to Python 3. ([\#3725](
- Split the state_group_cache into member and non-member state events (and so speed up LL /sync) ([\#3726](
- Log failure to authenticate remote servers as warnings (without stack traces) ([\#3727](
- The CONTRIBUTING guidelines have been updated to mention our use of Markdown and that .misc files have content. ([\#3730](
- Reference the need for an HTTP replication port when using the federation_reader worker ([\#3734](
- Fix minor spelling error in federation client documentation. ([\#3735](
- Remove redundant state resolution function ([\#3737](
- The test suite now passes on PostgreSQL. ([\#3740](
- Fix MAU cache invalidation due to missing yield ([\#3746](
- Make sure that we close db connections opened during init ([\#3764](