diff --git a/changelog.d/12293.removal b/changelog.d/12293.removal
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..25214a4b4944808b3ae621c80595b4d5c5af871d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/changelog.d/12293.removal
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Remove the unused and unstable `/aggregations` endpoint which was removed from [MSC2675](https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-doc/pull/2675).
diff --git a/synapse/handlers/relations.py b/synapse/handlers/relations.py
index 73217d135d7c9aab6eb2dc3c20cc8f22a2e9be00..b9497ff3f3ba7b7a72753adc8961fd80b5ecdc3c 100644
--- a/synapse/handlers/relations.py
+++ b/synapse/handlers/relations.py
@@ -193,10 +193,8 @@ class RelationsHandler:
         annotations = await self._main_store.get_aggregation_groups_for_event(
             event_id, room_id
-        if annotations.chunk:
-            aggregations.annotations = await annotations.to_dict(
-                cast("DataStore", self)
-            )
+        if annotations:
+            aggregations.annotations = {"chunk": annotations}
         references = await self._main_store.get_relations_for_event(
             event_id, event, room_id, RelationTypes.REFERENCE, direction="f"
diff --git a/synapse/rest/client/relations.py b/synapse/rest/client/relations.py
index c16078b187eec6e34b05f9bd0dd3f46243463fe2..55c96a2af3d919f7e4ac0560ab174e167d03e0f6 100644
--- a/synapse/rest/client/relations.py
+++ b/synapse/rest/client/relations.py
@@ -12,22 +12,13 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-"""This class implements the proposed relation APIs from MSC 1849.
-Since the MSC has not been approved all APIs here are unstable and may change at
-any time to reflect changes in the MSC.
 import logging
 from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Tuple
-from synapse.api.constants import RelationTypes
-from synapse.api.errors import SynapseError
 from synapse.http.server import HttpServer
 from synapse.http.servlet import RestServlet, parse_integer, parse_string
 from synapse.http.site import SynapseRequest
 from synapse.rest.client._base import client_patterns
-from synapse.storage.relations import AggregationPaginationToken
 from synapse.types import JsonDict, StreamToken
@@ -93,166 +84,5 @@ class RelationPaginationServlet(RestServlet):
         return 200, result
-class RelationAggregationPaginationServlet(RestServlet):
-    """API to paginate aggregation groups of relations, e.g. paginate the
-    types and counts of the reactions on the events.
-    Example request and response:
-        GET /rooms/{room_id}/aggregations/{parent_id}
-        {
-            chunk: [
-                {
-                    "type": "m.reaction",
-                    "key": "👍",
-                    "count": 3
-                }
-            ]
-        }
-    """
-    PATTERNS = client_patterns(
-        "/rooms/(?P<room_id>[^/]*)/aggregations/(?P<parent_id>[^/]*)"
-        "(/(?P<relation_type>[^/]*)(/(?P<event_type>[^/]*))?)?$",
-        releases=(),
-    )
-    def __init__(self, hs: "HomeServer"):
-        super().__init__()
-        self.auth = hs.get_auth()
-        self.store = hs.get_datastores().main
-        self.event_handler = hs.get_event_handler()
-    async def on_GET(
-        self,
-        request: SynapseRequest,
-        room_id: str,
-        parent_id: str,
-        relation_type: Optional[str] = None,
-        event_type: Optional[str] = None,
-    ) -> Tuple[int, JsonDict]:
-        requester = await self.auth.get_user_by_req(request, allow_guest=True)
-        await self.auth.check_user_in_room_or_world_readable(
-            room_id,
-            requester.user.to_string(),
-            allow_departed_users=True,
-        )
-        # This checks that a) the event exists and b) the user is allowed to
-        # view it.
-        event = await self.event_handler.get_event(requester.user, room_id, parent_id)
-        if event is None:
-            raise SynapseError(404, "Unknown parent event.")
-        if relation_type not in (RelationTypes.ANNOTATION, None):
-            raise SynapseError(
-                400, f"Relation type must be '{RelationTypes.ANNOTATION}'"
-            )
-        limit = parse_integer(request, "limit", default=5)
-        from_token_str = parse_string(request, "from")
-        to_token_str = parse_string(request, "to")
-        # Return the relations
-        from_token = None
-        if from_token_str:
-            from_token = AggregationPaginationToken.from_string(from_token_str)
-        to_token = None
-        if to_token_str:
-            to_token = AggregationPaginationToken.from_string(to_token_str)
-        pagination_chunk = await self.store.get_aggregation_groups_for_event(
-            event_id=parent_id,
-            room_id=room_id,
-            event_type=event_type,
-            limit=limit,
-            from_token=from_token,
-            to_token=to_token,
-        )
-        return 200, await pagination_chunk.to_dict(self.store)
-class RelationAggregationGroupPaginationServlet(RestServlet):
-    """API to paginate within an aggregation group of relations, e.g. paginate
-    all the 👍 reactions on an event.
-    Example request and response:
-        GET /rooms/{room_id}/aggregations/{parent_id}/m.annotation/m.reaction/👍
-        {
-            chunk: [
-                {
-                    "type": "m.reaction",
-                    "content": {
-                        "m.relates_to": {
-                            "rel_type": "m.annotation",
-                            "key": "👍"
-                        }
-                    }
-                },
-                ...
-            ]
-        }
-    """
-    PATTERNS = client_patterns(
-        "/rooms/(?P<room_id>[^/]*)/aggregations/(?P<parent_id>[^/]*)"
-        "/(?P<relation_type>[^/]*)/(?P<event_type>[^/]*)/(?P<key>[^/]*)$",
-        releases=(),
-    )
-    def __init__(self, hs: "HomeServer"):
-        super().__init__()
-        self.auth = hs.get_auth()
-        self.store = hs.get_datastores().main
-        self._relations_handler = hs.get_relations_handler()
-    async def on_GET(
-        self,
-        request: SynapseRequest,
-        room_id: str,
-        parent_id: str,
-        relation_type: str,
-        event_type: str,
-        key: str,
-    ) -> Tuple[int, JsonDict]:
-        requester = await self.auth.get_user_by_req(request, allow_guest=True)
-        if relation_type != RelationTypes.ANNOTATION:
-            raise SynapseError(400, "Relation type must be 'annotation'")
-        limit = parse_integer(request, "limit", default=5)
-        from_token_str = parse_string(request, "from")
-        to_token_str = parse_string(request, "to")
-        from_token = None
-        if from_token_str:
-            from_token = await StreamToken.from_string(self.store, from_token_str)
-        to_token = None
-        if to_token_str:
-            to_token = await StreamToken.from_string(self.store, to_token_str)
-        result = await self._relations_handler.get_relations(
-            requester=requester,
-            event_id=parent_id,
-            room_id=room_id,
-            relation_type=relation_type,
-            event_type=event_type,
-            aggregation_key=key,
-            limit=limit,
-            from_token=from_token,
-            to_token=to_token,
-        )
-        return 200, result
 def register_servlets(hs: "HomeServer", http_server: HttpServer) -> None:
-    RelationAggregationPaginationServlet(hs).register(http_server)
-    RelationAggregationGroupPaginationServlet(hs).register(http_server)
diff --git a/synapse/storage/databases/main/relations.py b/synapse/storage/databases/main/relations.py
index b2295fd51f608f27ffa377b448027f93783842d2..328545074268a92e7e7743da76e447f0ab33933f 100644
--- a/synapse/storage/databases/main/relations.py
+++ b/synapse/storage/databases/main/relations.py
@@ -26,8 +26,6 @@ from typing import (
-import attr
 from synapse.api.constants import RelationTypes
 from synapse.events import EventBase
 from synapse.storage._base import SQLBaseStore
@@ -39,8 +37,8 @@ from synapse.storage.database import (
 from synapse.storage.databases.main.stream import generate_pagination_where_clause
 from synapse.storage.engines import PostgresEngine
-from synapse.storage.relations import AggregationPaginationToken, PaginationChunk
-from synapse.types import RoomStreamToken, StreamToken
+from synapse.storage.relations import PaginationChunk
+from synapse.types import JsonDict, RoomStreamToken, StreamToken
 from synapse.util.caches.descriptors import cached, cachedList
@@ -252,15 +250,8 @@ class RelationsWorkerStore(SQLBaseStore):
     async def get_aggregation_groups_for_event(
-        self,
-        event_id: str,
-        room_id: str,
-        event_type: Optional[str] = None,
-        limit: int = 5,
-        direction: str = "b",
-        from_token: Optional[AggregationPaginationToken] = None,
-        to_token: Optional[AggregationPaginationToken] = None,
-    ) -> PaginationChunk:
+        self, event_id: str, room_id: str, limit: int = 5
+    ) -> List[JsonDict]:
         """Get a list of annotations on the event, grouped by event type and
         aggregation key, sorted by count.
@@ -270,79 +261,36 @@ class RelationsWorkerStore(SQLBaseStore):
             event_id: Fetch events that relate to this event ID.
             room_id: The room the event belongs to.
-            event_type: Only fetch events with this event type, if given.
             limit: Only fetch the `limit` groups.
-            direction: Whether to fetch the highest count first (`"b"`) or
-                the lowest count first (`"f"`).
-            from_token: Fetch rows from the given token, or from the start if None.
-            to_token: Fetch rows up to the given token, or up to the end if None.
             List of groups of annotations that match. Each row is a dict with
             `type`, `key` and `count` fields.
-        where_clause = ["relates_to_id = ?", "room_id = ?", "relation_type = ?"]
-        where_args: List[Union[str, int]] = [
+        where_args = [
+            limit,
-        if event_type:
-            where_clause.append("type = ?")
-            where_args.append(event_type)
-        having_clause = generate_pagination_where_clause(
-            direction=direction,
-            column_names=("COUNT(*)", "MAX(stream_ordering)"),
-            from_token=attr.astuple(from_token) if from_token else None,  # type: ignore[arg-type]
-            to_token=attr.astuple(to_token) if to_token else None,  # type: ignore[arg-type]
-            engine=self.database_engine,
-        )
-        if direction == "b":
-            order = "DESC"
-        else:
-            order = "ASC"
-        if having_clause:
-            having_clause = "HAVING " + having_clause
-        else:
-            having_clause = ""
         sql = """
-            SELECT type, aggregation_key, COUNT(DISTINCT sender), MAX(stream_ordering)
+            SELECT type, aggregation_key, COUNT(DISTINCT sender)
             FROM event_relations
             INNER JOIN events USING (event_id)
-            WHERE {where_clause}
+            WHERE relates_to_id = ? AND room_id = ? AND relation_type = ?
             GROUP BY relation_type, type, aggregation_key
-            {having_clause}
-            ORDER BY COUNT(*) {order}, MAX(stream_ordering) {order}
+            ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC
             LIMIT ?
-        """.format(
-            where_clause=" AND ".join(where_clause),
-            order=order,
-            having_clause=having_clause,
-        )
+        """
         def _get_aggregation_groups_for_event_txn(
             txn: LoggingTransaction,
-        ) -> PaginationChunk:
-            txn.execute(sql, where_args + [limit + 1])
-            next_batch = None
-            events = []
-            for row in txn:
-                events.append({"type": row[0], "key": row[1], "count": row[2]})
-                next_batch = AggregationPaginationToken(row[2], row[3])
-            if len(events) <= limit:
-                next_batch = None
+        ) -> List[JsonDict]:
+            txn.execute(sql, where_args)
-            return PaginationChunk(
-                chunk=list(events[:limit]), next_batch=next_batch, prev_batch=from_token
-            )
+            return [{"type": row[0], "key": row[1], "count": row[2]} for row in txn]
         return await self.db_pool.runInteraction(
             "get_aggregation_groups_for_event", _get_aggregation_groups_for_event_txn
diff --git a/synapse/storage/relations.py b/synapse/storage/relations.py
index fba270150b639954d2892c2024a40cd8a5b1fba6..b9d2b4679927d94730e94c2cb78d41cfeb82ea7e 100644
--- a/synapse/storage/relations.py
+++ b/synapse/storage/relations.py
@@ -13,11 +13,10 @@
 # limitations under the License.
 import logging
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional
 import attr
-from synapse.api.errors import SynapseError
 from synapse.types import JsonDict
@@ -52,33 +51,3 @@ class PaginationChunk:
             d["prev_batch"] = await self.prev_batch.to_string(store)
         return d
-@attr.s(frozen=True, slots=True, auto_attribs=True)
-class AggregationPaginationToken:
-    """Pagination token for relation aggregation pagination API.
-    As the results are order by count and then MAX(stream_ordering) of the
-    aggregation groups, we can just use them as our pagination token.
-    Attributes:
-        count: The count of relations in the boundary group.
-        stream: The MAX stream ordering in the boundary group.
-    """
-    count: int
-    stream: int
-    @staticmethod
-    def from_string(string: str) -> "AggregationPaginationToken":
-        try:
-            c, s = string.split("-")
-            return AggregationPaginationToken(int(c), int(s))
-        except ValueError:
-            raise SynapseError(400, "Invalid aggregation pagination token")
-    async def to_string(self, store: "DataStore") -> str:
-        return "%d-%d" % (self.count, self.stream)
-    def as_tuple(self) -> Tuple[Any, ...]:
-        return attr.astuple(self)
diff --git a/tests/rest/client/test_relations.py b/tests/rest/client/test_relations.py
index fe97a0b3dde173715f768ab4aadb2d09489c85cf..419eef166ac4daa91ba07c5de3cb4bc0d6c0ac14 100644
--- a/tests/rest/client/test_relations.py
+++ b/tests/rest/client/test_relations.py
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-import itertools
 import urllib.parse
 from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
 from unittest.mock import patch
@@ -145,16 +144,6 @@ class BaseRelationsTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
         self.assertEquals(200, channel.code, channel.json_body)
         return channel.json_body["unsigned"].get("m.relations", {})
-    def _get_aggregations(self) -> List[JsonDict]:
-        """Request /aggregations on the parent ID and includes the returned chunk."""
-        channel = self.make_request(
-            "GET",
-            f"/_matrix/client/unstable/rooms/{self.room}/aggregations/{self.parent_id}",
-            access_token=self.user_token,
-        )
-        self.assertEqual(200, channel.code, channel.json_body)
-        return channel.json_body["chunk"]
     def _find_event_in_chunk(self, events: List[JsonDict]) -> JsonDict:
         Find the parent event in a chunk of events and assert that it has the proper bundled aggregations.
@@ -264,43 +253,6 @@ class RelationsTestCase(BaseRelationsTestCase):
-    def test_aggregation(self) -> None:
-        """Test that annotations get correctly aggregated."""
-        self._send_relation(RelationTypes.ANNOTATION, "m.reaction", "a")
-        self._send_relation(
-            RelationTypes.ANNOTATION, "m.reaction", "a", access_token=self.user2_token
-        )
-        self._send_relation(RelationTypes.ANNOTATION, "m.reaction", "b")
-        channel = self.make_request(
-            "GET",
-            f"/_matrix/client/unstable/rooms/{self.room}/aggregations/{self.parent_id}",
-            access_token=self.user_token,
-        )
-        self.assertEqual(200, channel.code, channel.json_body)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            channel.json_body,
-            {
-                "chunk": [
-                    {"type": "m.reaction", "key": "a", "count": 2},
-                    {"type": "m.reaction", "key": "b", "count": 1},
-                ]
-            },
-        )
-    def test_aggregation_must_be_annotation(self) -> None:
-        """Test that aggregations must be annotations."""
-        channel = self.make_request(
-            "GET",
-            f"/_matrix/client/unstable/rooms/{self.room}/aggregations"
-            f"/{self.parent_id}/{RelationTypes.REPLACE}?limit=1",
-            access_token=self.user_token,
-        )
-        self.assertEqual(400, channel.code, channel.json_body)
     def test_ignore_invalid_room(self) -> None:
         """Test that we ignore invalid relations over federation."""
         # Create another room and send a message in it.
@@ -394,15 +346,6 @@ class RelationsTestCase(BaseRelationsTestCase):
         self.assertEqual(200, channel.code, channel.json_body)
         self.assertEqual(channel.json_body["chunk"], [])
-        # And when fetching aggregations.
-        channel = self.make_request(
-            "GET",
-            f"/_matrix/client/unstable/rooms/{room2}/aggregations/{parent_id}",
-            access_token=self.user_token,
-        )
-        self.assertEqual(200, channel.code, channel.json_body)
-        self.assertEqual(channel.json_body["chunk"], [])
         # And for bundled aggregations.
         channel = self.make_request(
@@ -717,15 +660,6 @@ class RelationsTestCase(BaseRelationsTestCase):
         self.assertEqual(200, channel.code, channel.json_body)
         self.assertNotIn("m.relations", channel.json_body["unsigned"])
-        # But unknown relations can be directly queried.
-        channel = self.make_request(
-            "GET",
-            f"/_matrix/client/unstable/rooms/{self.room}/aggregations/{self.parent_id}?limit=1",
-            access_token=self.user_token,
-        )
-        self.assertEqual(200, channel.code, channel.json_body)
-        self.assertEqual(channel.json_body["chunk"], [])
     def test_background_update(self) -> None:
         """Test the event_arbitrary_relations background update."""
         channel = self._send_relation(RelationTypes.ANNOTATION, "m.reaction", key="👍")
@@ -941,131 +875,6 @@ class RelationPaginationTestCase(BaseRelationsTestCase):
                 annotation_id, [ev["event_id"] for ev in channel.json_body["chunk"]]
-    def test_aggregation_pagination_groups(self) -> None:
-        """Test that we can paginate annotation groups correctly."""
-        # We need to create ten separate users to send each reaction.
-        access_tokens = [self.user_token, self.user2_token]
-        idx = 0
-        while len(access_tokens) < 10:
-            user_id, token = self._create_user("test" + str(idx))
-            idx += 1
-            self.helper.join(self.room, user=user_id, tok=token)
-            access_tokens.append(token)
-        idx = 0
-        sent_groups = {"👍": 10, "a": 7, "b": 5, "c": 3, "d": 2, "e": 1}
-        for key in itertools.chain.from_iterable(
-            itertools.repeat(key, num) for key, num in sent_groups.items()
-        ):
-            self._send_relation(
-                RelationTypes.ANNOTATION,
-                "m.reaction",
-                key=key,
-                access_token=access_tokens[idx],
-            )
-            idx += 1
-            idx %= len(access_tokens)
-        prev_token: Optional[str] = None
-        found_groups: Dict[str, int] = {}
-        for _ in range(20):
-            from_token = ""
-            if prev_token:
-                from_token = "&from=" + prev_token
-            channel = self.make_request(
-                "GET",
-                f"/_matrix/client/unstable/rooms/{self.room}/aggregations/{self.parent_id}?limit=1{from_token}",
-                access_token=self.user_token,
-            )
-            self.assertEqual(200, channel.code, channel.json_body)
-            self.assertEqual(len(channel.json_body["chunk"]), 1, channel.json_body)
-            for groups in channel.json_body["chunk"]:
-                # We only expect reactions
-                self.assertEqual(groups["type"], "m.reaction", channel.json_body)
-                # We should only see each key once
-                self.assertNotIn(groups["key"], found_groups, channel.json_body)
-                found_groups[groups["key"]] = groups["count"]
-            next_batch = channel.json_body.get("next_batch")
-            self.assertNotEqual(prev_token, next_batch)
-            prev_token = next_batch
-            if not prev_token:
-                break
-        self.assertEqual(sent_groups, found_groups)
-    def test_aggregation_pagination_within_group(self) -> None:
-        """Test that we can paginate within an annotation group."""
-        # We need to create ten separate users to send each reaction.
-        access_tokens = [self.user_token, self.user2_token]
-        idx = 0
-        while len(access_tokens) < 10:
-            user_id, token = self._create_user("test" + str(idx))
-            idx += 1
-            self.helper.join(self.room, user=user_id, tok=token)
-            access_tokens.append(token)
-        idx = 0
-        expected_event_ids = []
-        for _ in range(10):
-            channel = self._send_relation(
-                RelationTypes.ANNOTATION,
-                "m.reaction",
-                key="👍",
-                access_token=access_tokens[idx],
-            )
-            expected_event_ids.append(channel.json_body["event_id"])
-            idx += 1
-        # Also send a different type of reaction so that we test we don't see it
-        self._send_relation(RelationTypes.ANNOTATION, "m.reaction", key="a")
-        prev_token = ""
-        found_event_ids: List[str] = []
-        encoded_key = urllib.parse.quote_plus("👍".encode())
-        for _ in range(20):
-            from_token = ""
-            if prev_token:
-                from_token = "&from=" + prev_token
-            channel = self.make_request(
-                "GET",
-                f"/_matrix/client/unstable/rooms/{self.room}"
-                f"/aggregations/{self.parent_id}/{RelationTypes.ANNOTATION}"
-                f"/m.reaction/{encoded_key}?limit=1{from_token}",
-                access_token=self.user_token,
-            )
-            self.assertEqual(200, channel.code, channel.json_body)
-            self.assertEqual(len(channel.json_body["chunk"]), 1, channel.json_body)
-            found_event_ids.extend(e["event_id"] for e in channel.json_body["chunk"])
-            next_batch = channel.json_body.get("next_batch")
-            self.assertNotEqual(prev_token, next_batch)
-            prev_token = next_batch
-            if not prev_token:
-                break
-        # We paginated backwards, so reverse
-        found_event_ids.reverse()
-        self.assertEqual(found_event_ids, expected_event_ids)
 class BundledAggregationsTestCase(BaseRelationsTestCase):
@@ -1453,10 +1262,6 @@ class RelationRedactionTestCase(BaseRelationsTestCase):
             {"chunk": [{"type": "m.reaction", "key": "a", "count": 2}]},
-        # Both relations appear in the aggregation.
-        chunk = self._get_aggregations()
-        self.assertEqual(chunk, [{"type": "m.reaction", "key": "a", "count": 2}])
         # Redact one of the reactions.
@@ -1469,10 +1274,6 @@ class RelationRedactionTestCase(BaseRelationsTestCase):
             {"chunk": [{"type": "m.reaction", "key": "a", "count": 1}]},
-        # The unredacted aggregation should still exist.
-        chunk = self._get_aggregations()
-        self.assertEqual(chunk, [{"type": "m.reaction", "key": "a", "count": 1}])
     def test_redact_relation_thread(self) -> None:
         Test that thread replies are properly handled after the thread reply redacted.
@@ -1578,10 +1379,6 @@ class RelationRedactionTestCase(BaseRelationsTestCase):
         self.assertEqual(len(event_ids), 1)
         self.assertIn(RelationTypes.ANNOTATION, relations)
-        # The aggregation should exist.
-        chunk = self._get_aggregations()
-        self.assertEqual(chunk, [{"type": "m.reaction", "key": "👍", "count": 1}])
         # Redact the original event.
@@ -1594,10 +1391,6 @@ class RelationRedactionTestCase(BaseRelationsTestCase):
             {"chunk": [{"type": "m.reaction", "key": "👍", "count": 1}]},
-        # There's nothing to aggregate.
-        chunk = self._get_aggregations()
-        self.assertEqual(chunk, [{"count": 1, "key": "👍", "type": "m.reaction"}])
     @unittest.override_config({"experimental_features": {"msc3440_enabled": True}})
     def test_redact_parent_thread(self) -> None: