From 6e50b07bf56315b002d6ef2f98221ebbc87c171b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jason Volk <>
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2024 03:57:18 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 01/13] Fix large future

Signed-off-by: Jason Volk <>
 src/admin/ | 3 ++-
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/admin/ b/src/admin/
index 1a2ff38e6..b09bdb8df 100644
--- a/src/admin/
+++ b/src/admin/
@@ -81,7 +81,8 @@ async fn handle_event(event: AdminRoomEvent, admin_room: OwnedRoomId, server_use
 	let (mut message_content, reply) = match event {
 		AdminRoomEvent::SendMessage(content) => (content, None),
 		AdminRoomEvent::ProcessMessage(room_message, reply_id) => {
-			(process_admin_message(room_message).await, Some(reply_id))
+			// This future is ~8 KiB so it's better to start it off the stack.
+			(Box::pin(process_admin_message(room_message)).await, Some(reply_id))

From fc1b8326e63fae30bc5d8b02590cfbba4f8a320b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jason Volk <>
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2024 04:22:47 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 02/13] split join_room_by_id_helper into local and remote

prior stack frame allocated 180 KiB

Signed-off-by: Jason Volk <>
 clippy.toml                  |   2 +-
 src/api/client/ | 940 ++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 2 files changed, 475 insertions(+), 467 deletions(-)

diff --git a/clippy.toml b/clippy.toml
index 0a04ecd29..1743ee5c5 100644
--- a/clippy.toml
+++ b/clippy.toml
@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ array-size-threshold = 4096
 cognitive-complexity-threshold = 94         # TODO reduce me ALARA
 excessive-nesting-threshold = 11            # TODO reduce me to 4 or 5
 future-size-threshold = 7745                # TODO reduce me ALARA
-stack-size-threshold = 178030               # reduce me ALARA
+stack-size-threshold = 173577               # reduce me ALARA
 too-many-lines-threshold = 700              # TODO reduce me to <= 100
 type-complexity-threshold = 250             # reduce me to ~200
diff --git a/src/api/client/ b/src/api/client/
index 3b8920f8a..b50ef2cbd 100644
--- a/src/api/client/
+++ b/src/api/client/
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 	OwnedUserId, RoomId, RoomVersionId, ServerName, UserId,
 use serde_json::value::{to_raw_value, RawValue as RawJsonValue};
-use tokio::sync::RwLock;
+use tokio::sync::{MutexGuard, RwLock};
 use tracing::{debug, error, info, trace, warn};
 use super::get_alias_helper;
@@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ pub(crate) async fn joined_members_route(
 pub async fn join_room_by_id_helper(
 	sender_user: Option<&UserId>, room_id: &RoomId, reason: Option<String>, servers: &[OwnedServerName],
-	_third_party_signed: Option<&ThirdPartySigned>,
+	third_party_signed: Option<&ThirdPartySigned>,
 ) -> Result<join_room_by_id::v3::Response> {
 	let sender_user = sender_user.expect("user is authenticated");
@@ -655,27 +655,468 @@ pub async fn join_room_by_id_helper(
 		.server_in_room(services().globals.server_name(), room_id)?
-		info!("Joining {room_id} over federation.");
+		join_room_by_id_helper_remote(sender_user, room_id, reason, servers, third_party_signed, state_lock).await
+	} else {
+		join_room_by_id_helper_local(sender_user, room_id, reason, servers, third_party_signed, state_lock).await
+	}
-		let (make_join_response, remote_server) = make_join_request(sender_user, room_id, servers).await?;
+async fn join_room_by_id_helper_remote(
+	sender_user: &UserId, room_id: &RoomId, reason: Option<String>, servers: &[OwnedServerName],
+	_third_party_signed: Option<&ThirdPartySigned>, state_lock: MutexGuard<'_, ()>,
+) -> Result<join_room_by_id::v3::Response> {
+	info!("Joining {room_id} over federation.");
+	let (make_join_response, remote_server) = make_join_request(sender_user, room_id, servers).await?;
+	info!("make_join finished");
+	let room_version_id = match make_join_response.room_version {
+		Some(room_version)
+			if services()
+				.globals
+				.supported_room_versions()
+				.contains(&room_version) =>
+		{
+			room_version
+		},
+		_ => return Err(Error::BadServerResponse("Room version is not supported")),
+	};
+	let mut join_event_stub: CanonicalJsonObject = serde_json::from_str(make_join_response.event.get())
+		.map_err(|_| Error::BadServerResponse("Invalid make_join event json received from server."))?;
+	let join_authorized_via_users_server = join_event_stub
+		.get("content")
+		.map(|s| {
+			s.as_object()?
+				.get("join_authorised_via_users_server")?
+				.as_str()
+		})
+		.and_then(|s| OwnedUserId::try_from(s.unwrap_or_default()).ok());
+	// TODO: Is origin needed?
+	join_event_stub.insert(
+		"origin".to_owned(),
+		CanonicalJsonValue::String(services().globals.server_name().as_str().to_owned()),
+	);
+	join_event_stub.insert(
+		"origin_server_ts".to_owned(),
+		CanonicalJsonValue::Integer(
+			utils::millis_since_unix_epoch()
+				.try_into()
+				.expect("Timestamp is valid js_int value"),
+		),
+	);
+	join_event_stub.insert(
+		"content".to_owned(),
+		to_canonical_value(RoomMemberEventContent {
+			membership: MembershipState::Join,
+			displayname: services().users.displayname(sender_user)?,
+			avatar_url: services().users.avatar_url(sender_user)?,
+			is_direct: None,
+			third_party_invite: None,
+			blurhash: services().users.blurhash(sender_user)?,
+			reason,
+			join_authorized_via_users_server: join_authorized_via_users_server.clone(),
+		})
+		.expect("event is valid, we just created it"),
+	);
+	// We keep the "event_id" in the pdu only in v1 or
+	// v2 rooms
+	match room_version_id {
+		RoomVersionId::V1 | RoomVersionId::V2 => {},
+		_ => {
+			join_event_stub.remove("event_id");
+		},
+	};
+	// In order to create a compatible ref hash (EventID) the `hashes` field needs
+	// to be present
+	ruma::signatures::hash_and_sign_event(
+		services().globals.server_name().as_str(),
+		services().globals.keypair(),
+		&mut join_event_stub,
+		&room_version_id,
+	)
+	.expect("event is valid, we just created it");
+	// Generate event id
+	let event_id = format!(
+		"${}",
+		ruma::signatures::reference_hash(&join_event_stub, &room_version_id)
+			.expect("ruma can calculate reference hashes")
+	);
+	let event_id = <&EventId>::try_from(event_id.as_str()).expect("ruma's reference hashes are valid event ids");
+	// Add event_id back
+	join_event_stub.insert("event_id".to_owned(), CanonicalJsonValue::String(event_id.as_str().to_owned()));
+	// It has enough fields to be called a proper event now
+	let mut join_event = join_event_stub;
+	info!("Asking {remote_server} for send_join in room {room_id}");
+	let send_join_response = services()
+		.sending
+		.send_federation_request(
+			&remote_server,
+			federation::membership::create_join_event::v2::Request {
+				room_id: room_id.to_owned(),
+				event_id: event_id.to_owned(),
+				pdu: PduEvent::convert_to_outgoing_federation_event(join_event.clone()),
+				omit_members: false,
+			},
+		)
+		.await?;
+	info!("send_join finished");
+	if join_authorized_via_users_server.is_some() {
+		match &room_version_id {
+			RoomVersionId::V1
+			| RoomVersionId::V2
+			| RoomVersionId::V3
+			| RoomVersionId::V4
+			| RoomVersionId::V5
+			| RoomVersionId::V6
+			| RoomVersionId::V7 => {
+				warn!(
+					"Found `join_authorised_via_users_server` but room {} is version {}. Ignoring.",
+					room_id, &room_version_id
+				);
+			},
+			// only room versions 8 and above using `join_authorized_via_users_server` (restricted joins) need to
+			// validate and send signatures
+			RoomVersionId::V8 | RoomVersionId::V9 | RoomVersionId::V10 | RoomVersionId::V11 => {
+				if let Some(signed_raw) = &send_join_response.room_state.event {
+					info!(
+						"There is a signed event. This room is probably using restricted joins. Adding signature to \
+						 our event"
+					);
+					let Ok((signed_event_id, signed_value)) = gen_event_id_canonical_json(signed_raw, &room_version_id)
+					else {
+						// Event could not be converted to canonical json
+						return Err(Error::BadRequest(
+							ErrorKind::InvalidParam,
+							"Could not convert event to canonical json.",
+						));
+					};
+					if signed_event_id != event_id {
+						return Err(Error::BadRequest(
+							ErrorKind::InvalidParam,
+							"Server sent event with wrong event id",
+						));
+					}
+					match signed_value["signatures"]
+						.as_object()
+						.ok_or(Error::BadRequest(
+							ErrorKind::InvalidParam,
+							"Server sent invalid signatures type",
+						))
+						.and_then(|e| {
+							e.get(remote_server.as_str())
+								.ok_or(Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::InvalidParam, "Server did not send its signature"))
+						}) {
+						Ok(signature) => {
+							join_event
+								.get_mut("signatures")
+								.expect("we created a valid pdu")
+								.as_object_mut()
+								.expect("we created a valid pdu")
+								.insert(remote_server.to_string(), signature.clone());
+						},
+						Err(e) => {
+							warn!(
+								"Server {remote_server} sent invalid signature in sendjoin signatures for event \
+								 {signed_value:?}: {e:?}",
+							);
+						},
+					}
+				}
+			},
+			_ => {
+				warn!(
+					"Unexpected or unsupported room version {} for room {}",
+					&room_version_id, room_id
+				);
+				return Err(Error::BadRequest(
+					ErrorKind::BadJson,
+					"Unexpected or unsupported room version found",
+				));
+			},
+		}
+	}
+	services().rooms.short.get_or_create_shortroomid(room_id)?;
+	info!("Parsing join event");
+	let parsed_join_pdu = PduEvent::from_id_val(event_id, join_event.clone())
+		.map_err(|_| Error::BadServerResponse("Invalid join event PDU."))?;
+	let mut state = HashMap::new();
+	let pub_key_map = RwLock::new(BTreeMap::new());
+	info!("Fetching join signing keys");
+	services()
+		.rooms
+		.event_handler
+		.fetch_join_signing_keys(&send_join_response, &room_version_id, &pub_key_map)
+		.await?;
+	info!("Going through send_join response room_state");
+	for result in send_join_response
+		.room_state
+		.state
+		.iter()
+		.map(|pdu| validate_and_add_event_id(pdu, &room_version_id, &pub_key_map))
+	{
+		let Ok((event_id, value)) = result.await else {
+			continue;
+		};
+		let pdu = PduEvent::from_id_val(&event_id, value.clone()).map_err(|e| {
+			warn!("Invalid PDU in send_join response: {} {:?}", e, value);
+			Error::BadServerResponse("Invalid PDU in send_join response.")
+		})?;
+		services()
+			.rooms
+			.outlier
+			.add_pdu_outlier(&event_id, &value)?;
+		if let Some(state_key) = &pdu.state_key {
+			let shortstatekey = services()
+				.rooms
+				.short
+				.get_or_create_shortstatekey(&pdu.kind.to_string().into(), state_key)?;
+			state.insert(shortstatekey, pdu.event_id.clone());
+		}
+	}
+	info!("Going through send_join response auth_chain");
+	for result in send_join_response
+		.room_state
+		.auth_chain
+		.iter()
+		.map(|pdu| validate_and_add_event_id(pdu, &room_version_id, &pub_key_map))
+	{
+		let Ok((event_id, value)) = result.await else {
+			continue;
+		};
+		services()
+			.rooms
+			.outlier
+			.add_pdu_outlier(&event_id, &value)?;
+	}
+	debug!("Running send_join auth check");
+	let auth_check = state_res::event_auth::auth_check(
+		&state_res::RoomVersion::new(&room_version_id).expect("room version is supported"),
+		&parsed_join_pdu,
+		None::<PduEvent>, // TODO: third party invite
+		|k, s| {
+			services()
+				.rooms
+				.timeline
+				.get_pdu(
+					state.get(
+						&services()
+							.rooms
+							.short
+							.get_or_create_shortstatekey(&k.to_string().into(), s)
+							.ok()?,
+					)?,
+				)
+				.ok()?
+		},
+	)
+	.map_err(|e| {
+		warn!("Auth check failed: {e}");
+		Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::forbidden(), "Auth check failed")
+	})?;
+	if !auth_check {
+		return Err(Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::forbidden(), "Auth check failed"));
+	}
+	info!("Saving state from send_join");
+	let (statehash_before_join, new, removed) = services().rooms.state_compressor.save_state(
+		room_id,
+		Arc::new(
+			state
+				.into_iter()
+				.map(|(k, id)| {
+					services()
+						.rooms
+						.state_compressor
+						.compress_state_event(k, &id)
+				})
+				.collect::<Result<_>>()?,
+		),
+	)?;
+	services()
+		.rooms
+		.state
+		.force_state(room_id, statehash_before_join, new, removed, &state_lock)
+		.await?;
+	info!("Updating joined counts for new room");
+	services().rooms.state_cache.update_joined_count(room_id)?;
+	// We append to state before appending the pdu, so we don't have a moment in
+	// time with the pdu without it's state. This is okay because append_pdu can't
+	// fail.
+	let statehash_after_join = services().rooms.state.append_to_state(&parsed_join_pdu)?;
+	info!("Appending new room join event");
+	services()
+		.rooms
+		.timeline
+		.append_pdu(
+			&parsed_join_pdu,
+			join_event,
+			vec![(*parsed_join_pdu.event_id).to_owned()],
+			&state_lock,
+		)
+		.await?;
+	info!("Setting final room state for new room");
+	// We set the room state after inserting the pdu, so that we never have a moment
+	// in time where events in the current room state do not exist
+	services()
+		.rooms
+		.state
+		.set_room_state(room_id, statehash_after_join, &state_lock)?;
+	Ok(join_room_by_id::v3::Response::new(room_id.to_owned()))
+async fn join_room_by_id_helper_local(
+	sender_user: &UserId, room_id: &RoomId, reason: Option<String>, servers: &[OwnedServerName],
+	_third_party_signed: Option<&ThirdPartySigned>, state_lock: MutexGuard<'_, ()>,
+) -> Result<join_room_by_id::v3::Response> {
+	info!("We can join locally");
+	let join_rules_event =
+		services()
+			.rooms
+			.state_accessor
+			.room_state_get(room_id, &StateEventType::RoomJoinRules, "")?;
+	let join_rules_event_content: Option<RoomJoinRulesEventContent> = join_rules_event
+		.as_ref()
+		.map(|join_rules_event| {
+			serde_json::from_str(join_rules_event.content.get()).map_err(|e| {
+				warn!("Invalid join rules event: {}", e);
+				Error::bad_database("Invalid join rules event in db.")
+			})
+		})
+		.transpose()?;
+	let restriction_rooms = match join_rules_event_content {
+		Some(RoomJoinRulesEventContent {
+			join_rule: JoinRule::Restricted(restricted) | JoinRule::KnockRestricted(restricted),
+		}) => restricted
+			.allow
+			.into_iter()
+			.filter_map(|a| match a {
+				AllowRule::RoomMembership(r) => Some(r.room_id),
+				_ => None,
+			})
+			.collect(),
+		_ => Vec::new(),
+	};
+	let local_members = services()
+		.rooms
+		.state_cache
+		.room_members(room_id)
+		.filter_map(Result::ok)
+		.filter(|user| user_is_local(user))
+		.collect::<Vec<OwnedUserId>>();
+	let mut authorized_user: Option<OwnedUserId> = None;
+	if restriction_rooms.iter().any(|restriction_room_id| {
+		services()
+			.rooms
+			.state_cache
+			.is_joined(sender_user, restriction_room_id)
+			.unwrap_or(false)
+	}) {
+		for user in local_members {
+			if services()
+				.rooms
+				.state_accessor
+				.user_can_invite(room_id, &user, sender_user, &state_lock)
+				.await
+				.unwrap_or(false)
+			{
+				authorized_user = Some(user);
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	}
-		info!("make_join finished");
+	let event = RoomMemberEventContent {
+		membership: MembershipState::Join,
+		displayname: services().users.displayname(sender_user)?,
+		avatar_url: services().users.avatar_url(sender_user)?,
+		is_direct: None,
+		third_party_invite: None,
+		blurhash: services().users.blurhash(sender_user)?,
+		reason: reason.clone(),
+		join_authorized_via_users_server: authorized_user,
+	};
+	// Try normal join first
+	let error = match services()
+		.rooms
+		.timeline
+		.build_and_append_pdu(
+			PduBuilder {
+				event_type: TimelineEventType::RoomMember,
+				content: to_raw_value(&event).expect("event is valid, we just created it"),
+				unsigned: None,
+				state_key: Some(sender_user.to_string()),
+				redacts: None,
+			},
+			sender_user,
+			room_id,
+			&state_lock,
+		)
+		.await
+	{
+		Ok(_event_id) => return Ok(join_room_by_id::v3::Response::new(room_id.to_owned())),
+		Err(e) => e,
+	};
+	if !restriction_rooms.is_empty()
+		&& servers
+			.iter()
+			.any(|server_name| !server_is_ours(server_name))
+	{
+		info!("We couldn't do the join locally, maybe federation can help to satisfy the restricted join requirements");
+		let (make_join_response, remote_server) = make_join_request(sender_user, room_id, servers).await?;
 		let room_version_id = match make_join_response.room_version {
-			Some(room_version)
+			Some(room_version_id)
 				if services()
-					.contains(&room_version) =>
+					.contains(&room_version_id) =>
-				room_version
+				room_version_id
 			_ => return Err(Error::BadServerResponse("Room version is not supported")),
 		let mut join_event_stub: CanonicalJsonObject = serde_json::from_str(make_join_response.event.get())
 			.map_err(|_| Error::BadServerResponse("Invalid make_join event json received from server."))?;
 		let join_authorized_via_users_server = join_event_stub
 			.map(|s| {
@@ -684,7 +1125,6 @@ pub async fn join_room_by_id_helper(
 			.and_then(|s| OwnedUserId::try_from(s.unwrap_or_default()).ok());
 		// TODO: Is origin needed?
@@ -708,7 +1148,7 @@ pub async fn join_room_by_id_helper(
 				third_party_invite: None,
 				blurhash: services().users.blurhash(sender_user)?,
-				join_authorized_via_users_server: join_authorized_via_users_server.clone(),
+				join_authorized_via_users_server,
 			.expect("event is valid, we just created it"),
@@ -744,9 +1184,8 @@ pub async fn join_room_by_id_helper(
 		join_event_stub.insert("event_id".to_owned(), CanonicalJsonValue::String(event_id.as_str().to_owned()));
 		// It has enough fields to be called a proper event now
-		let mut join_event = join_event_stub;
+		let join_event = join_event_stub;
-		info!("Asking {remote_server} for send_join in room {room_id}");
 		let send_join_response = services()
@@ -760,470 +1199,39 @@ pub async fn join_room_by_id_helper(
-		info!("send_join finished");
-		if join_authorized_via_users_server.is_some() {
-			match &room_version_id {
-				RoomVersionId::V1
-				| RoomVersionId::V2
-				| RoomVersionId::V3
-				| RoomVersionId::V4
-				| RoomVersionId::V5
-				| RoomVersionId::V6
-				| RoomVersionId::V7 => {
-					warn!(
-						"Found `join_authorised_via_users_server` but room {} is version {}. Ignoring.",
-						room_id, &room_version_id
-					);
-				},
-				// only room versions 8 and above using `join_authorized_via_users_server` (restricted joins) need to
-				// validate and send signatures
-				RoomVersionId::V8 | RoomVersionId::V9 | RoomVersionId::V10 | RoomVersionId::V11 => {
-					if let Some(signed_raw) = &send_join_response.room_state.event {
-						info!(
-							"There is a signed event. This room is probably using restricted joins. Adding signature \
-							 to our event"
-						);
-						let Ok((signed_event_id, signed_value)) =
-							gen_event_id_canonical_json(signed_raw, &room_version_id)
-						else {
-							// Event could not be converted to canonical json
-							return Err(Error::BadRequest(
-								ErrorKind::InvalidParam,
-								"Could not convert event to canonical json.",
-							));
-						};
-						if signed_event_id != event_id {
-							return Err(Error::BadRequest(
-								ErrorKind::InvalidParam,
-								"Server sent event with wrong event id",
-							));
-						}
-						match signed_value["signatures"]
-							.as_object()
-							.ok_or(Error::BadRequest(
-								ErrorKind::InvalidParam,
-								"Server sent invalid signatures type",
-							))
-							.and_then(|e| {
-								e.get(remote_server.as_str()).ok_or(Error::BadRequest(
-									ErrorKind::InvalidParam,
-									"Server did not send its signature",
-								))
-							}) {
-							Ok(signature) => {
-								join_event
-									.get_mut("signatures")
-									.expect("we created a valid pdu")
-									.as_object_mut()
-									.expect("we created a valid pdu")
-									.insert(remote_server.to_string(), signature.clone());
-							},
-							Err(e) => {
-								warn!(
-									"Server {remote_server} sent invalid signature in sendjoin signatures for event \
-									 {signed_value:?}: {e:?}",
-								);
-							},
-						}
-					}
-				},
-				_ => {
-					warn!(
-						"Unexpected or unsupported room version {} for room {}",
-						&room_version_id, room_id
-					);
-					return Err(Error::BadRequest(
-						ErrorKind::BadJson,
-						"Unexpected or unsupported room version found",
-					));
-				},
-			}
-		}
-		services().rooms.short.get_or_create_shortroomid(room_id)?;
-		info!("Parsing join event");
-		let parsed_join_pdu = PduEvent::from_id_val(event_id, join_event.clone())
-			.map_err(|_| Error::BadServerResponse("Invalid join event PDU."))?;
-		let mut state = HashMap::new();
-		let pub_key_map = RwLock::new(BTreeMap::new());
-		info!("Fetching join signing keys");
-		services()
-			.rooms
-			.event_handler
-			.fetch_join_signing_keys(&send_join_response, &room_version_id, &pub_key_map)
-			.await?;
-		info!("Going through send_join response room_state");
-		for result in send_join_response
-			.room_state
-			.state
-			.iter()
-			.map(|pdu| validate_and_add_event_id(pdu, &room_version_id, &pub_key_map))
-		{
-			let Ok((event_id, value)) = result.await else {
-				continue;
+		if let Some(signed_raw) = send_join_response.room_state.event {
+			let Ok((signed_event_id, signed_value)) = gen_event_id_canonical_json(&signed_raw, &room_version_id) else {
+				// Event could not be converted to canonical json
+				return Err(Error::BadRequest(
+					ErrorKind::InvalidParam,
+					"Could not convert event to canonical json.",
+				));
-			let pdu = PduEvent::from_id_val(&event_id, value.clone()).map_err(|e| {
-				warn!("Invalid PDU in send_join response: {} {:?}", e, value);
-				Error::BadServerResponse("Invalid PDU in send_join response.")
-			})?;
-			services()
-				.rooms
-				.outlier
-				.add_pdu_outlier(&event_id, &value)?;
-			if let Some(state_key) = &pdu.state_key {
-				let shortstatekey = services()
-					.rooms
-					.short
-					.get_or_create_shortstatekey(&pdu.kind.to_string().into(), state_key)?;
-				state.insert(shortstatekey, pdu.event_id.clone());
+			if signed_event_id != event_id {
+				return Err(Error::BadRequest(
+					ErrorKind::InvalidParam,
+					"Server sent event with wrong event id",
+				));
-		}
-		info!("Going through send_join response auth_chain");
-		for result in send_join_response
-			.room_state
-			.auth_chain
-			.iter()
-			.map(|pdu| validate_and_add_event_id(pdu, &room_version_id, &pub_key_map))
-		{
-			let Ok((event_id, value)) = result.await else {
-				continue;
-			};
-			services()
-				.rooms
-				.outlier
-				.add_pdu_outlier(&event_id, &value)?;
-		}
-		debug!("Running send_join auth check");
-		let auth_check = state_res::event_auth::auth_check(
-			&state_res::RoomVersion::new(&room_version_id).expect("room version is supported"),
-			&parsed_join_pdu,
-			None::<PduEvent>, // TODO: third party invite
-			|k, s| {
-				services()
-					.rooms
-					.timeline
-					.get_pdu(
-						state.get(
-							&services()
-								.rooms
-								.short
-								.get_or_create_shortstatekey(&k.to_string().into(), s)
-								.ok()?,
-						)?,
-					)
-					.ok()?
-			},
-		)
-		.map_err(|e| {
-			warn!("Auth check failed: {e}");
-			Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::forbidden(), "Auth check failed")
-		})?;
-		if !auth_check {
-			return Err(Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::forbidden(), "Auth check failed"));
-		}
-		info!("Saving state from send_join");
-		let (statehash_before_join, new, removed) = services().rooms.state_compressor.save_state(
-			room_id,
-			Arc::new(
-				state
-					.into_iter()
-					.map(|(k, id)| {
-						services()
-							.rooms
-							.state_compressor
-							.compress_state_event(k, &id)
-					})
-					.collect::<Result<_>>()?,
-			),
-		)?;
-		services()
-			.rooms
-			.state
-			.force_state(room_id, statehash_before_join, new, removed, &state_lock)
-			.await?;
-		info!("Updating joined counts for new room");
-		services().rooms.state_cache.update_joined_count(room_id)?;
-		// We append to state before appending the pdu, so we don't have a moment in
-		// time with the pdu without it's state. This is okay because append_pdu can't
-		// fail.
-		let statehash_after_join = services().rooms.state.append_to_state(&parsed_join_pdu)?;
-		info!("Appending new room join event");
-		services()
-			.rooms
-			.timeline
-			.append_pdu(
-				&parsed_join_pdu,
-				join_event,
-				vec![(*parsed_join_pdu.event_id).to_owned()],
-				&state_lock,
-			)
-			.await?;
-		info!("Setting final room state for new room");
-		// We set the room state after inserting the pdu, so that we never have a moment
-		// in time where events in the current room state do not exist
-		services()
-			.rooms
-			.state
-			.set_room_state(room_id, statehash_after_join, &state_lock)?;
-	} else {
-		info!("We can join locally");
-		let join_rules_event =
+			drop(state_lock);
+			let pub_key_map = RwLock::new(BTreeMap::new());
-				.state_accessor
-				.room_state_get(room_id, &StateEventType::RoomJoinRules, "")?;
-		let join_rules_event_content: Option<RoomJoinRulesEventContent> = join_rules_event
-			.as_ref()
-			.map(|join_rules_event| {
-				serde_json::from_str(join_rules_event.content.get()).map_err(|e| {
-					warn!("Invalid join rules event: {}", e);
-					Error::bad_database("Invalid join rules event in db.")
-				})
-			})
-			.transpose()?;
-		let restriction_rooms = match join_rules_event_content {
-			Some(RoomJoinRulesEventContent {
-				join_rule: JoinRule::Restricted(restricted) | JoinRule::KnockRestricted(restricted),
-			}) => restricted
-				.allow
-				.into_iter()
-				.filter_map(|a| match a {
-					AllowRule::RoomMembership(r) => Some(r.room_id),
-					_ => None,
-				})
-				.collect(),
-			_ => Vec::new(),
-		};
-		let local_members = services()
-			.rooms
-			.state_cache
-			.room_members(room_id)
-			.filter_map(Result::ok)
-			.filter(|user| user_is_local(user))
-			.collect::<Vec<OwnedUserId>>();
-		let mut authorized_user: Option<OwnedUserId> = None;
-		if restriction_rooms.iter().any(|restriction_room_id| {
+				.event_handler
+				.fetch_required_signing_keys([&signed_value], &pub_key_map)
+				.await?;
-				.state_cache
-				.is_joined(sender_user, restriction_room_id)
-				.unwrap_or(false)
-		}) {
-			for user in local_members {
-				if services()
-					.rooms
-					.state_accessor
-					.user_can_invite(room_id, &user, sender_user, &state_lock)
-					.await
-					.unwrap_or(false)
-				{
-					authorized_user = Some(user);
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		let event = RoomMemberEventContent {
-			membership: MembershipState::Join,
-			displayname: services().users.displayname(sender_user)?,
-			avatar_url: services().users.avatar_url(sender_user)?,
-			is_direct: None,
-			third_party_invite: None,
-			blurhash: services().users.blurhash(sender_user)?,
-			reason: reason.clone(),
-			join_authorized_via_users_server: authorized_user,
-		};
-		// Try normal join first
-		let error = match services()
-			.rooms
-			.timeline
-			.build_and_append_pdu(
-				PduBuilder {
-					event_type: TimelineEventType::RoomMember,
-					content: to_raw_value(&event).expect("event is valid, we just created it"),
-					unsigned: None,
-					state_key: Some(sender_user.to_string()),
-					redacts: None,
-				},
-				sender_user,
-				room_id,
-				&state_lock,
-			)
-			.await
-		{
-			Ok(_event_id) => return Ok(join_room_by_id::v3::Response::new(room_id.to_owned())),
-			Err(e) => e,
-		};
-		if !restriction_rooms.is_empty()
-			&& servers
-				.iter()
-				.any(|server_name| !server_is_ours(server_name))
-		{
-			info!(
-				"We couldn't do the join locally, maybe federation can help to satisfy the restricted join \
-				 requirements"
-			);
-			let (make_join_response, remote_server) = make_join_request(sender_user, room_id, servers).await?;
-			let room_version_id = match make_join_response.room_version {
-				Some(room_version_id)
-					if services()
-						.globals
-						.supported_room_versions()
-						.contains(&room_version_id) =>
-				{
-					room_version_id
-				},
-				_ => return Err(Error::BadServerResponse("Room version is not supported")),
-			};
-			let mut join_event_stub: CanonicalJsonObject = serde_json::from_str(make_join_response.event.get())
-				.map_err(|_| Error::BadServerResponse("Invalid make_join event json received from server."))?;
-			let join_authorized_via_users_server = join_event_stub
-				.get("content")
-				.map(|s| {
-					s.as_object()?
-						.get("join_authorised_via_users_server")?
-						.as_str()
-				})
-				.and_then(|s| OwnedUserId::try_from(s.unwrap_or_default()).ok());
-			// TODO: Is origin needed?
-			join_event_stub.insert(
-				"origin".to_owned(),
-				CanonicalJsonValue::String(services().globals.server_name().as_str().to_owned()),
-			);
-			join_event_stub.insert(
-				"origin_server_ts".to_owned(),
-				CanonicalJsonValue::Integer(
-					utils::millis_since_unix_epoch()
-						.try_into()
-						.expect("Timestamp is valid js_int value"),
-				),
-			);
-			join_event_stub.insert(
-				"content".to_owned(),
-				to_canonical_value(RoomMemberEventContent {
-					membership: MembershipState::Join,
-					displayname: services().users.displayname(sender_user)?,
-					avatar_url: services().users.avatar_url(sender_user)?,
-					is_direct: None,
-					third_party_invite: None,
-					blurhash: services().users.blurhash(sender_user)?,
-					reason,
-					join_authorized_via_users_server,
-				})
-				.expect("event is valid, we just created it"),
-			);
-			// We keep the "event_id" in the pdu only in v1 or
-			// v2 rooms
-			match room_version_id {
-				RoomVersionId::V1 | RoomVersionId::V2 => {},
-				_ => {
-					join_event_stub.remove("event_id");
-				},
-			};
-			// In order to create a compatible ref hash (EventID) the `hashes` field needs
-			// to be present
-			ruma::signatures::hash_and_sign_event(
-				services().globals.server_name().as_str(),
-				services().globals.keypair(),
-				&mut join_event_stub,
-				&room_version_id,
-			)
-			.expect("event is valid, we just created it");
-			// Generate event id
-			let event_id = format!(
-				"${}",
-				ruma::signatures::reference_hash(&join_event_stub, &room_version_id)
-					.expect("ruma can calculate reference hashes")
-			);
-			let event_id =
-				<&EventId>::try_from(event_id.as_str()).expect("ruma's reference hashes are valid event ids");
-			// Add event_id back
-			join_event_stub.insert("event_id".to_owned(), CanonicalJsonValue::String(event_id.as_str().to_owned()));
-			// It has enough fields to be called a proper event now
-			let join_event = join_event_stub;
-			let send_join_response = services()
-				.sending
-				.send_federation_request(
-					&remote_server,
-					federation::membership::create_join_event::v2::Request {
-						room_id: room_id.to_owned(),
-						event_id: event_id.to_owned(),
-						pdu: PduEvent::convert_to_outgoing_federation_event(join_event.clone()),
-						omit_members: false,
-					},
-				)
+				.event_handler
+				.handle_incoming_pdu(&remote_server, room_id, &signed_event_id, signed_value, true, &pub_key_map)
-			if let Some(signed_raw) = send_join_response.room_state.event {
-				let Ok((signed_event_id, signed_value)) = gen_event_id_canonical_json(&signed_raw, &room_version_id)
-				else {
-					// Event could not be converted to canonical json
-					return Err(Error::BadRequest(
-						ErrorKind::InvalidParam,
-						"Could not convert event to canonical json.",
-					));
-				};
-				if signed_event_id != event_id {
-					return Err(Error::BadRequest(
-						ErrorKind::InvalidParam,
-						"Server sent event with wrong event id",
-					));
-				}
-				drop(state_lock);
-				let pub_key_map = RwLock::new(BTreeMap::new());
-				services()
-					.rooms
-					.event_handler
-					.fetch_required_signing_keys([&signed_value], &pub_key_map)
-					.await?;
-				services()
-					.rooms
-					.event_handler
-					.handle_incoming_pdu(&remote_server, room_id, &signed_event_id, signed_value, true, &pub_key_map)
-					.await?;
-			} else {
-				return Err(error);
-			}
 		} else {
 			return Err(error);
+	} else {
+		return Err(error);

From db2c9f28b60977addb9b4605bd1229b7e5c56c16 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jason Volk <>
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2024 04:40:19 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 03/13] split admin room moderation commands

prior stack frame allocated 170 KiB

Signed-off-by: Jason Volk <>
 clippy.toml                                |   2 +-
 src/admin/room/ | 818 +++++++++++----------
 2 files changed, 411 insertions(+), 409 deletions(-)

diff --git a/clippy.toml b/clippy.toml
index 1743ee5c5..c942b93c7 100644
--- a/clippy.toml
+++ b/clippy.toml
@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ array-size-threshold = 4096
 cognitive-complexity-threshold = 94         # TODO reduce me ALARA
 excessive-nesting-threshold = 11            # TODO reduce me to 4 or 5
 future-size-threshold = 7745                # TODO reduce me ALARA
-stack-size-threshold = 173577               # reduce me ALARA
+stack-size-threshold = 144000               # reduce me ALARA
 too-many-lines-threshold = 700              # TODO reduce me to <= 100
 type-complexity-threshold = 250             # reduce me to ~200
diff --git a/src/admin/room/ b/src/admin/room/
index f5176147b..6b759c9bb 100644
--- a/src/admin/room/
+++ b/src/admin/room/
@@ -18,83 +18,296 @@ pub(crate) async fn process(command: RoomModerationCommand, body: Vec<&str>) ->
-		} => {
-			debug!("Got room alias or ID: {}", room);
+		} => ban_room(body, force, room, disable_federation).await,
+		RoomModerationCommand::BanListOfRooms {
+			force,
+			disable_federation,
+		} => ban_list_of_rooms(body, force, disable_federation).await,
+		RoomModerationCommand::UnbanRoom {
+			room,
+			enable_federation,
+		} => unban_room(body, room, enable_federation).await,
+		RoomModerationCommand::ListBannedRooms => list_banned_rooms(body).await,
+	}
-			let admin_room_alias: Box<RoomAliasId> = format!("#admins:{}", services().globals.server_name())
-				.try_into()
-				.expect("#admins:server_name is a valid alias name");
+async fn ban_room(
+	_body: Vec<&str>, force: bool, room: Box<RoomOrAliasId>, disable_federation: bool,
+) -> Result<RoomMessageEventContent> {
+	debug!("Got room alias or ID: {}", room);
-			if let Some(admin_room_id) = Service::get_admin_room().await? {
-				if room.to_string().eq(&admin_room_id) || room.to_string().eq(&admin_room_alias) {
-					return Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain("Not allowed to ban the admin room."));
-				}
-			}
+	let admin_room_alias: Box<RoomAliasId> = format!("#admins:{}", services().globals.server_name())
+		.try_into()
+		.expect("#admins:server_name is a valid alias name");
-			let room_id = if room.is_room_id() {
-				let room_id = match RoomId::parse(&room) {
-					Ok(room_id) => room_id,
-					Err(e) => {
-						return Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
-							"Failed to parse room ID {room}. Please note that this requires a full room ID \
-							 (`!`) or a room alias (``): {e}"
-						)))
-					},
-				};
+	if let Some(admin_room_id) = Service::get_admin_room().await? {
+		if room.to_string().eq(&admin_room_id) || room.to_string().eq(&admin_room_alias) {
+			return Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain("Not allowed to ban the admin room."));
+		}
+	}
-				debug!("Room specified is a room ID, banning room ID");
+	let room_id = if room.is_room_id() {
+		let room_id = match RoomId::parse(&room) {
+			Ok(room_id) => room_id,
+			Err(e) => {
+				return Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
+					"Failed to parse room ID {room}. Please note that this requires a full room ID \
+					 (`!`) or a room alias (``): {e}"
+				)))
+			},
+		};
-				services().rooms.metadata.ban_room(&room_id, true)?;
+		debug!("Room specified is a room ID, banning room ID");
-				room_id
-			} else if room.is_room_alias_id() {
-				let room_alias = match RoomAliasId::parse(&room) {
-					Ok(room_alias) => room_alias,
-					Err(e) => {
-						return Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
-							"Failed to parse room ID {room}. Please note that this requires a full room ID \
-							 (`!`) or a room alias (``): {e}"
-						)))
-					},
-				};
-				debug!(
-					"Room specified is not a room ID, attempting to resolve room alias to a room ID locally, if not \
-					 using get_alias_helper to fetch room ID remotely"
+		services().rooms.metadata.ban_room(&room_id, true)?;
+		room_id
+	} else if room.is_room_alias_id() {
+		let room_alias = match RoomAliasId::parse(&room) {
+			Ok(room_alias) => room_alias,
+			Err(e) => {
+				return Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
+					"Failed to parse room ID {room}. Please note that this requires a full room ID \
+					 (`!`) or a room alias (``): {e}"
+				)))
+			},
+		};
+		debug!(
+			"Room specified is not a room ID, attempting to resolve room alias to a room ID locally, if not using \
+			 get_alias_helper to fetch room ID remotely"
+		);
+		let room_id = if let Some(room_id) = services().rooms.alias.resolve_local_alias(&room_alias)? {
+			room_id
+		} else {
+			debug!("We don't have this room alias to a room ID locally, attempting to fetch room ID over federation");
+			match get_alias_helper(room_alias, None).await {
+				Ok(response) => {
+					debug!("Got federation response fetching room ID for room {room}: {:?}", response);
+					response.room_id
+				},
+				Err(e) => {
+					return Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
+						"Failed to resolve room alias {room} to a room ID: {e}"
+					)));
+				},
+			}
+		};
+		services().rooms.metadata.ban_room(&room_id, true)?;
+		room_id
+	} else {
+		return Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(
+			"Room specified is not a room ID or room alias. Please note that this requires a full room ID \
+			 (`!`) or a room alias (``)",
+		));
+	};
+	debug!("Making all users leave the room {}", &room);
+	if force {
+		for local_user in services()
+			.rooms
+			.state_cache
+			.room_members(&room_id)
+			.filter_map(|user| {
+				user.ok().filter(|local_user| {
+					user_is_local(local_user)
+								// additional wrapped check here is to avoid adding remote users
+								// who are in the admin room to the list of local users (would fail auth check)
+								&& (user_is_local(local_user)
+									&& services()
+										.users
+										.is_admin(local_user)
+										.unwrap_or(true)) // since this is a force
+					 // operation, assume user
+					 // is an admin if somehow
+					 // this fails
+				})
+			})
+			.collect::<Vec<OwnedUserId>>()
+		{
+			debug!(
+				"Attempting leave for user {} in room {} (forced, ignoring all errors, evicting admins too)",
+				&local_user, &room_id
+			);
+			if let Err(e) = leave_room(&local_user, &room_id, None).await {
+				warn!(%e, "Failed to leave room");
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		for local_user in services()
+			.rooms
+			.state_cache
+			.room_members(&room_id)
+			.filter_map(|user| {
+				user.ok().filter(|local_user| {
+					local_user.server_name() == services().globals.server_name()
+								// additional wrapped check here is to avoid adding remote users
+								// who are in the admin room to the list of local users (would fail auth check)
+								&& (local_user.server_name()
+									== services().globals.server_name()
+									&& !services()
+										.users
+										.is_admin(local_user)
+										.unwrap_or(false))
+				})
+			})
+			.collect::<Vec<OwnedUserId>>()
+		{
+			debug!("Attempting leave for user {} in room {}", &local_user, &room_id);
+			if let Err(e) = leave_room(&local_user, &room_id, None).await {
+				error!(
+					"Error attempting to make local user {} leave room {} during room banning: {}",
+					&local_user, &room_id, e
+				return Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
+					"Error attempting to make local user {} leave room {} during room banning (room is still banned \
+					 but not removing any more users): {}\nIf you would like to ignore errors, use --force",
+					&local_user, &room_id, e
+				)));
+			}
+		}
+	}
-				let room_id = if let Some(room_id) = services().rooms.alias.resolve_local_alias(&room_alias)? {
-					room_id
-				} else {
-					debug!(
-						"We don't have this room alias to a room ID locally, attempting to fetch room ID over \
-						 federation"
-					);
+	if disable_federation {
+		services().rooms.metadata.disable_room(&room_id, true)?;
+		return Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(
+			"Room banned, removed all our local users, and disabled incoming federation with room.",
+		));
+	}
+	Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(
+		"Room banned and removed all our local users, use `!admin federation disable-room` to stop receiving new \
+		 inbound federation events as well if needed.",
+	))
-					match get_alias_helper(room_alias, None).await {
-						Ok(response) => {
-							debug!("Got federation response fetching room ID for room {room}: {:?}", response);
-							response.room_id
-						},
-						Err(e) => {
-							return Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
-								"Failed to resolve room alias {room} to a room ID: {e}"
-							)));
-						},
+async fn ban_list_of_rooms(body: Vec<&str>, force: bool, disable_federation: bool) -> Result<RoomMessageEventContent> {
+	if body.len() > 2 && body[0].trim().starts_with("```") && body.last().unwrap().trim() == "```" {
+		let rooms_s = body.clone().drain(1..body.len() - 1).collect::<Vec<_>>();
+		let admin_room_alias: Box<RoomAliasId> = format!("#admins:{}", services().globals.server_name())
+			.try_into()
+			.expect("#admins:server_name is a valid alias name");
+		let mut room_ban_count: usize = 0;
+		let mut room_ids: Vec<OwnedRoomId> = Vec::new();
+		for &room in &rooms_s {
+			match <&RoomOrAliasId>::try_from(room) {
+				Ok(room_alias_or_id) => {
+					if let Some(admin_room_id) = Service::get_admin_room().await? {
+						if room.to_owned().eq(&admin_room_id) || room.to_owned().eq(&admin_room_alias) {
+							info!("User specified admin room in bulk ban list, ignoring");
+							continue;
+						}
-				};
-				services().rooms.metadata.ban_room(&room_id, true)?;
+					if room_alias_or_id.is_room_id() {
+						let room_id = match RoomId::parse(room_alias_or_id) {
+							Ok(room_id) => room_id,
+							Err(e) => {
+								if force {
+									// ignore rooms we failed to parse if we're force banning
+									warn!(
+										"Error parsing room \"{room}\" during bulk room banning, ignoring error and \
+										 logging here: {e}"
+									);
+									continue;
+								}
+								return Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
+									"{room} is not a valid room ID or room alias, please fix the list and try again: \
+									 {e}"
+								)));
+							},
+						};
+						room_ids.push(room_id);
+					}
-				room_id
-			} else {
-				return Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(
-					"Room specified is not a room ID or room alias. Please note that this requires a full room ID \
-					 (`!`) or a room alias (``)",
-				));
-			};
+					if room_alias_or_id.is_room_alias_id() {
+						match RoomAliasId::parse(room_alias_or_id) {
+							Ok(room_alias) => {
+								let room_id =
+									if let Some(room_id) = services().rooms.alias.resolve_local_alias(&room_alias)? {
+										room_id
+									} else {
+										debug!(
+											"We don't have this room alias to a room ID locally, attempting to fetch \
+											 room ID over federation"
+										);
+										match get_alias_helper(room_alias, None).await {
+											Ok(response) => {
+												debug!(
+													"Got federation response fetching room ID for room {room}: {:?}",
+													response
+												);
+												response.room_id
+											},
+											Err(e) => {
+												// don't fail if force blocking
+												if force {
+													warn!("Failed to resolve room alias {room} to a room ID: {e}");
+													continue;
+												}
+												return Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
+													"Failed to resolve room alias {room} to a room ID: {e}"
+												)));
+											},
+										}
+									};
+								room_ids.push(room_id);
+							},
+							Err(e) => {
+								if force {
+									// ignore rooms we failed to parse if we're force deleting
+									error!(
+										"Error parsing room \"{room}\" during bulk room banning, ignoring error and \
+										 logging here: {e}"
+									);
+									continue;
+								}
-			debug!("Making all users leave the room {}", &room);
+								return Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
+									"{room} is not a valid room ID or room alias, please fix the list and try again: \
+									 {e}"
+								)));
+							},
+						}
+					}
+				},
+				Err(e) => {
+					if force {
+						// ignore rooms we failed to parse if we're force deleting
+						error!(
+							"Error parsing room \"{room}\" during bulk room banning, ignoring error and logging here: \
+							 {e}"
+						);
+						continue;
+					}
+					return Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
+						"{room} is not a valid room ID or room alias, please fix the list and try again: {e}"
+					)));
+				},
+			}
+		}
+		for room_id in room_ids {
+			if services().rooms.metadata.ban_room(&room_id, true).is_ok() {
+				debug!("Banned {room_id} successfully");
+				room_ban_count = room_ban_count.saturating_add(1);
+			}
+			debug!("Making all users leave the room {}", &room_id);
 			if force {
 				for local_user in services()
@@ -102,26 +315,28 @@ pub(crate) async fn process(command: RoomModerationCommand, body: Vec<&str>) ->
 					.filter_map(|user| {
 						user.ok().filter(|local_user| {
-							user_is_local(local_user)
-								// additional wrapped check here is to avoid adding remote users
-								// who are in the admin room to the list of local users (would fail auth check)
-								&& (user_is_local(local_user)
-									&& services()
-										.users
-										.is_admin(local_user)
-										.unwrap_or(true)) // since this is a force
-							 // operation, assume user
-							 // is an admin if somehow
-							 // this fails
+							local_user.server_name() == services().globals.server_name()
+										// additional wrapped check here is to avoid adding remote users
+										// who are in the admin room to the list of local users (would fail auth check)
+										&& (local_user.server_name()
+											== services().globals.server_name()
+											&& services()
+												.users
+												.is_admin(local_user)
+												.unwrap_or(true)) // since this is a
+							 // force operation,
+							 // assume user is
+							 // an admin if
+							 // somehow this
+							 // fails
 						"Attempting leave for user {} in room {} (forced, ignoring all errors, evicting admins too)",
-						&local_user, &room_id
+						&local_user, room_id
 					if let Err(e) = leave_room(&local_user, &room_id, None).await {
 						warn!(%e, "Failed to leave room");
@@ -134,14 +349,14 @@ pub(crate) async fn process(command: RoomModerationCommand, body: Vec<&str>) ->
 					.filter_map(|user| {
 						user.ok().filter(|local_user| {
 							local_user.server_name() == services().globals.server_name()
-								// additional wrapped check here is to avoid adding remote users
-								// who are in the admin room to the list of local users (would fail auth check)
-								&& (local_user.server_name()
-									== services().globals.server_name()
-									&& !services()
-										.users
-										.is_admin(local_user)
-										.unwrap_or(false))
+										// additional wrapped check here is to avoid adding remote users
+										// who are in the admin room to the list of local users (would fail auth check)
+										&& (local_user.server_name()
+											== services().globals.server_name()
+											&& !services()
+												.users
+												.is_admin(local_user)
+												.unwrap_or(false))
@@ -149,13 +364,13 @@ pub(crate) async fn process(command: RoomModerationCommand, body: Vec<&str>) ->
 					debug!("Attempting leave for user {} in room {}", &local_user, &room_id);
 					if let Err(e) = leave_room(&local_user, &room_id, None).await {
-							"Error attempting to make local user {} leave room {} during room banning: {}",
+							"Error attempting to make local user {} leave room {} during bulk room banning: {}",
 							&local_user, &room_id, e
 						return Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
 							"Error attempting to make local user {} leave room {} during room banning (room is still \
-							 banned but not removing any more users): {}\nIf you would like to ignore errors, use \
-							 --force",
+							 banned but not removing any more users and not banning any more rooms): {}\nIf you would \
+							 like to ignore errors, use --force",
 							&local_user, &room_id, e
@@ -164,341 +379,128 @@ pub(crate) async fn process(command: RoomModerationCommand, body: Vec<&str>) ->
 			if disable_federation {
 				services().rooms.metadata.disable_room(&room_id, true)?;
-				return Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(
-					"Room banned, removed all our local users, and disabled incoming federation with room.",
-				));
+		}
+		if disable_federation {
+			return Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
+				"Finished bulk room ban, banned {room_ban_count} total rooms, evicted all users, and disabled \
+				 incoming federation with the room."
+			)));
+		}
+		return Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
+			"Finished bulk room ban, banned {room_ban_count} total rooms and evicted all users."
+		)));
+	}
-			Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(
-				"Room banned and removed all our local users, use `!admin federation disable-room` to stop receiving \
-				 new inbound federation events as well if needed.",
-			))
-		},
-		RoomModerationCommand::BanListOfRooms {
-			force,
-			disable_federation,
-		} => {
-			if body.len() > 2 && body[0].trim().starts_with("```") && body.last().unwrap().trim() == "```" {
-				let rooms_s = body.clone().drain(1..body.len() - 1).collect::<Vec<_>>();
-				let admin_room_alias: Box<RoomAliasId> = format!("#admins:{}", services().globals.server_name())
-					.try_into()
-					.expect("#admins:server_name is a valid alias name");
-				let mut room_ban_count: usize = 0;
-				let mut room_ids: Vec<OwnedRoomId> = Vec::new();
-				for &room in &rooms_s {
-					match <&RoomOrAliasId>::try_from(room) {
-						Ok(room_alias_or_id) => {
-							if let Some(admin_room_id) = Service::get_admin_room().await? {
-								if room.to_owned().eq(&admin_room_id) || room.to_owned().eq(&admin_room_alias) {
-									info!("User specified admin room in bulk ban list, ignoring");
-									continue;
-								}
-							}
-							if room_alias_or_id.is_room_id() {
-								let room_id = match RoomId::parse(room_alias_or_id) {
-									Ok(room_id) => room_id,
-									Err(e) => {
-										if force {
-											// ignore rooms we failed to parse if we're force banning
-											warn!(
-												"Error parsing room \"{room}\" during bulk room banning, ignoring \
-												 error and logging here: {e}"
-											);
-											continue;
-										}
-										return Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
-											"{room} is not a valid room ID or room alias, please fix the list and try \
-											 again: {e}"
-										)));
-									},
-								};
+	Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(
+		"Expected code block in command body. Add --help for details.",
+	))
-								room_ids.push(room_id);
-							}
-							if room_alias_or_id.is_room_alias_id() {
-								match RoomAliasId::parse(room_alias_or_id) {
-									Ok(room_alias) => {
-										let room_id = if let Some(room_id) =
-											services().rooms.alias.resolve_local_alias(&room_alias)?
-										{
-											room_id
-										} else {
-											debug!(
-												"We don't have this room alias to a room ID locally, attempting to \
-												 fetch room ID over federation"
-											);
-											match get_alias_helper(room_alias, None).await {
-												Ok(response) => {
-													debug!(
-														"Got federation response fetching room ID for room {room}: \
-														 {:?}",
-														response
-													);
-													response.room_id
-												},
-												Err(e) => {
-													// don't fail if force blocking
-													if force {
-														warn!("Failed to resolve room alias {room} to a room ID: {e}");
-														continue;
-													}
-													return Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
-														"Failed to resolve room alias {room} to a room ID: {e}"
-													)));
-												},
-											}
-										};
-										room_ids.push(room_id);
-									},
-									Err(e) => {
-										if force {
-											// ignore rooms we failed to parse if we're force deleting
-											error!(
-												"Error parsing room \"{room}\" during bulk room banning, ignoring \
-												 error and logging here: {e}"
-											);
-											continue;
-										}
+async fn unban_room(
+	_body: Vec<&str>, room: Box<RoomOrAliasId>, enable_federation: bool,
+) -> Result<RoomMessageEventContent> {
+	let room_id = if room.is_room_id() {
+		let room_id = match RoomId::parse(&room) {
+			Ok(room_id) => room_id,
+			Err(e) => {
+				return Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
+					"Failed to parse room ID {room}. Please note that this requires a full room ID \
+					 (`!`) or a room alias (``): {e}"
+				)))
+			},
+		};
-										return Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
-											"{room} is not a valid room ID or room alias, please fix the list and try \
-											 again: {e}"
-										)));
-									},
-								}
-							}
-						},
-						Err(e) => {
-							if force {
-								// ignore rooms we failed to parse if we're force deleting
-								error!(
-									"Error parsing room \"{room}\" during bulk room banning, ignoring error and \
-									 logging here: {e}"
-								);
-								continue;
-							}
-							return Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
-								"{room} is not a valid room ID or room alias, please fix the list and try again: {e}"
-							)));
-						},
-					}
-				}
+		debug!("Room specified is a room ID, unbanning room ID");
-				for room_id in room_ids {
-					if services().rooms.metadata.ban_room(&room_id, true).is_ok() {
-						debug!("Banned {room_id} successfully");
-						room_ban_count = room_ban_count.saturating_add(1);
-					}
+		services().rooms.metadata.ban_room(&room_id, false)?;
-					debug!("Making all users leave the room {}", &room_id);
-					if force {
-						for local_user in services()
-							.rooms
-							.state_cache
-							.room_members(&room_id)
-							.filter_map(|user| {
-								user.ok().filter(|local_user| {
-									local_user.server_name() == services().globals.server_name()
-										// additional wrapped check here is to avoid adding remote users
-										// who are in the admin room to the list of local users (would fail auth check)
-										&& (local_user.server_name()
-											== services().globals.server_name()
-											&& services()
-												.users
-												.is_admin(local_user)
-												.unwrap_or(true)) // since this is a
-									 // force operation,
-									 // assume user is
-									 // an admin if
-									 // somehow this
-									 // fails
-								})
-							})
-							.collect::<Vec<OwnedUserId>>()
-						{
-							debug!(
-								"Attempting leave for user {} in room {} (forced, ignoring all errors, evicting \
-								 admins too)",
-								&local_user, room_id
-							);
-							if let Err(e) = leave_room(&local_user, &room_id, None).await {
-								warn!(%e, "Failed to leave room");
-							}
-						}
-					} else {
-						for local_user in services()
-							.rooms
-							.state_cache
-							.room_members(&room_id)
-							.filter_map(|user| {
-								user.ok().filter(|local_user| {
-									local_user.server_name() == services().globals.server_name()
-										// additional wrapped check here is to avoid adding remote users
-										// who are in the admin room to the list of local users (would fail auth check)
-										&& (local_user.server_name()
-											== services().globals.server_name()
-											&& !services()
-												.users
-												.is_admin(local_user)
-												.unwrap_or(false))
-								})
-							})
-							.collect::<Vec<OwnedUserId>>()
-						{
-							debug!("Attempting leave for user {} in room {}", &local_user, &room_id);
-							if let Err(e) = leave_room(&local_user, &room_id, None).await {
-								error!(
-									"Error attempting to make local user {} leave room {} during bulk room banning: {}",
-									&local_user, &room_id, e
-								);
-								return Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
-									"Error attempting to make local user {} leave room {} during room banning (room \
-									 is still banned but not removing any more users and not banning any more rooms): \
-									 {}\nIf you would like to ignore errors, use --force",
-									&local_user, &room_id, e
-								)));
-							}
-						}
-					}
-					if disable_federation {
-						services().rooms.metadata.disable_room(&room_id, true)?;
-					}
-				}
-				if disable_federation {
+		room_id
+	} else if room.is_room_alias_id() {
+		let room_alias = match RoomAliasId::parse(&room) {
+			Ok(room_alias) => room_alias,
+			Err(e) => {
+				return Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
+					"Failed to parse room ID {room}. Please note that this requires a full room ID \
+					 (`!`) or a room alias (``): {e}"
+				)))
+			},
+		};
+		debug!(
+			"Room specified is not a room ID, attempting to resolve room alias to a room ID locally, if not using \
+			 get_alias_helper to fetch room ID remotely"
+		);
+		let room_id = if let Some(room_id) = services().rooms.alias.resolve_local_alias(&room_alias)? {
+			room_id
+		} else {
+			debug!("We don't have this room alias to a room ID locally, attempting to fetch room ID over federation");
+			match get_alias_helper(room_alias, None).await {
+				Ok(response) => {
+					debug!("Got federation response fetching room ID for room {room}: {:?}", response);
+					response.room_id
+				},
+				Err(e) => {
 					return Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
-						"Finished bulk room ban, banned {room_ban_count} total rooms, evicted all users, and disabled \
-						 incoming federation with the room."
+						"Failed to resolve room alias {room} to a room ID: {e}"
-				}
-				return Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
-					"Finished bulk room ban, banned {room_ban_count} total rooms and evicted all users."
-				)));
+				},
+		};
-			Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(
-				"Expected code block in command body. Add --help for details.",
-			))
-		},
-		RoomModerationCommand::UnbanRoom {
-			room,
-			enable_federation,
-		} => {
-			let room_id = if room.is_room_id() {
-				let room_id = match RoomId::parse(&room) {
-					Ok(room_id) => room_id,
-					Err(e) => {
-						return Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
-							"Failed to parse room ID {room}. Please note that this requires a full room ID \
-							 (`!`) or a room alias (``): {e}"
-						)))
-					},
-				};
-				debug!("Room specified is a room ID, unbanning room ID");
-				services().rooms.metadata.ban_room(&room_id, false)?;
+		services().rooms.metadata.ban_room(&room_id, false)?;
-				room_id
-			} else if room.is_room_alias_id() {
-				let room_alias = match RoomAliasId::parse(&room) {
-					Ok(room_alias) => room_alias,
-					Err(e) => {
-						return Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
-							"Failed to parse room ID {room}. Please note that this requires a full room ID \
-							 (`!`) or a room alias (``): {e}"
-						)))
-					},
-				};
-				debug!(
-					"Room specified is not a room ID, attempting to resolve room alias to a room ID locally, if not \
-					 using get_alias_helper to fetch room ID remotely"
-				);
+		room_id
+	} else {
+		return Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(
+			"Room specified is not a room ID or room alias. Please note that this requires a full room ID \
+			 (`!`) or a room alias (``)",
+		));
+	};
-				let room_id = if let Some(room_id) = services().rooms.alias.resolve_local_alias(&room_alias)? {
-					room_id
-				} else {
-					debug!(
-						"We don't have this room alias to a room ID locally, attempting to fetch room ID over \
-						 federation"
-					);
-					match get_alias_helper(room_alias, None).await {
-						Ok(response) => {
-							debug!("Got federation response fetching room ID for room {room}: {:?}", response);
-							response.room_id
-						},
-						Err(e) => {
-							return Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!(
-								"Failed to resolve room alias {room} to a room ID: {e}"
-							)));
-						},
-					}
-				};
-				services().rooms.metadata.ban_room(&room_id, false)?;
+	if enable_federation {
+		services().rooms.metadata.disable_room(&room_id, false)?;
+		return Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain("Room unbanned."));
+	}
-				room_id
-			} else {
-				return Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(
-					"Room specified is not a room ID or room alias. Please note that this requires a full room ID \
-					 (`!`) or a room alias (``)",
-				));
-			};
-			if enable_federation {
-				services().rooms.metadata.disable_room(&room_id, false)?;
-				return Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain("Room unbanned."));
-			}
+	Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(
+		"Room unbanned, you may need to re-enable federation with the room using enable-room if this is a remote room \
+		 to make it fully functional.",
+	))
-			Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(
-				"Room unbanned, you may need to re-enable federation with the room using enable-room if this is a \
-				 remote room to make it fully functional.",
-			))
+async fn list_banned_rooms(_body: Vec<&str>) -> Result<RoomMessageEventContent> {
+	let rooms = services()
+		.rooms
+		.metadata
+		.list_banned_rooms()
+		.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>();
+	match rooms {
+		Ok(room_ids) => {
+			// TODO: add room name from our state cache if available, default to the room ID
+			// as the room name if we dont have it TODO: do same if we have a room alias for
+			// this
+			let plain_list = room_ids.iter().fold(String::new(), |mut output, room_id| {
+				writeln!(output, "- `{room_id}`").unwrap();
+				output
+			});
+			let html_list = room_ids.iter().fold(String::new(), |mut output, room_id| {
+				writeln!(output, "<li><code>{}</code></li>", escape_html(room_id.as_ref())).unwrap();
+				output
+			});
+			let plain = format!("Rooms:\n{plain_list}");
+			let html = format!("Rooms:\n<ul>{html_list}</ul>");
+			Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_html(plain, html))
-		RoomModerationCommand::ListBannedRooms => {
-			let rooms = services()
-				.rooms
-				.metadata
-				.list_banned_rooms()
-				.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>();
-			match rooms {
-				Ok(room_ids) => {
-					// TODO: add room name from our state cache if available, default to the room ID
-					// as the room name if we dont have it TODO: do same if we have a room alias for
-					// this
-					let plain_list = room_ids.iter().fold(String::new(), |mut output, room_id| {
-						writeln!(output, "- `{room_id}`").unwrap();
-						output
-					});
-					let html_list = room_ids.iter().fold(String::new(), |mut output, room_id| {
-						writeln!(output, "<li><code>{}</code></li>", escape_html(room_id.as_ref())).unwrap();
-						output
-					});
-					let plain = format!("Rooms:\n{plain_list}");
-					let html = format!("Rooms:\n<ul>{html_list}</ul>");
-					Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_html(plain, html))
-				},
-				Err(e) => {
-					error!("Failed to list banned rooms: {}", e);
-					Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!("Unable to list room aliases: {e}")))
-				},
-			}
+		Err(e) => {
+			error!("Failed to list banned rooms: {}", e);
+			Ok(RoomMessageEventContent::text_plain(format!("Unable to list room aliases: {e}")))

From b65f05ce19f7f581a5770d82b82b2ee25a9e9971 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jason Volk <>
Date: Wed, 29 May 2024 14:57:53 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 04/13] simplify lifetime parameters

Signed-off-by: Jason Volk <>
 src/service/rooms/state_cache/ |  4 ++--
 src/service/rooms/state_cache/  | 24 ++++++++++++------------
 2 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/service/rooms/state_cache/ b/src/service/rooms/state_cache/
index 1c0571c95..acf390d98 100644
--- a/src/service/rooms/state_cache/
+++ b/src/service/rooms/state_cache/
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ fn mark_as_invited(
 	fn get_left_count(&self, room_id: &RoomId, user_id: &UserId) -> Result<Option<u64>>;
 	/// Returns an iterator over all rooms this user joined.
-	fn rooms_joined<'a>(&'a self, user_id: &UserId) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Result<OwnedRoomId>> + 'a>;
+	fn rooms_joined(&self, user_id: &UserId) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Result<OwnedRoomId>> + '_>;
 	/// Returns an iterator over all rooms a user was invited to.
 	fn rooms_invited<'a>(&'a self, user_id: &UserId) -> StrippedStateEventIter<'a>;
@@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ fn get_left_count(&self, room_id: &RoomId, user_id: &UserId) -> Result<Option<u6
 	/// Returns an iterator over all rooms this user joined.
-	fn rooms_joined<'a>(&'a self, user_id: &UserId) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Result<OwnedRoomId>> + 'a> {
+	fn rooms_joined(&self, user_id: &UserId) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Result<OwnedRoomId>> + '_> {
diff --git a/src/service/rooms/state_cache/ b/src/service/rooms/state_cache/
index 1cfd56db6..2b3f5fb7b 100644
--- a/src/service/rooms/state_cache/
+++ b/src/service/rooms/state_cache/
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ pub fn forget(&self, room_id: &RoomId, user_id: &UserId) -> Result<()> { self.db
 	/// Returns an iterator of all servers participating in this room.
-	pub fn room_servers<'a>(&'a self, room_id: &RoomId) -> impl Iterator<Item = Result<OwnedServerName>> + 'a {
+	pub fn room_servers(&self, room_id: &RoomId) -> impl Iterator<Item = Result<OwnedServerName>> + '_ {
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ pub fn server_in_room(&self, server: &ServerName, room_id: &RoomId) -> Result<bo
 	/// Returns an iterator of all rooms a server participates in (as far as we
 	/// know).
-	pub fn server_rooms<'a>(&'a self, server: &ServerName) -> impl Iterator<Item = Result<OwnedRoomId>> + 'a {
+	pub fn server_rooms(&self, server: &ServerName) -> impl Iterator<Item = Result<OwnedRoomId>> + '_ {
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ pub fn user_sees_user(&self, user_a: &UserId, user_b: &UserId) -> Result<bool> {
 	/// Returns an iterator over all joined members of a room.
-	pub fn room_members<'a>(&'a self, room_id: &RoomId) -> impl Iterator<Item = Result<OwnedUserId>> + 'a {
+	pub fn room_members(&self, room_id: &RoomId) -> impl Iterator<Item = Result<OwnedUserId>> + '_ {
@@ -308,13 +308,13 @@ pub fn room_invited_count(&self, room_id: &RoomId) -> Result<Option<u64>> { self
 	/// Returns an iterator over all User IDs who ever joined a room.
-	pub fn room_useroncejoined<'a>(&'a self, room_id: &RoomId) -> impl Iterator<Item = Result<OwnedUserId>> + 'a {
+	pub fn room_useroncejoined(&self, room_id: &RoomId) -> impl Iterator<Item = Result<OwnedUserId>> + '_ {
 	/// Returns an iterator over all invited members of a room.
-	pub fn room_members_invited<'a>(&'a self, room_id: &RoomId) -> impl Iterator<Item = Result<OwnedUserId>> + 'a {
+	pub fn room_members_invited(&self, room_id: &RoomId) -> impl Iterator<Item = Result<OwnedUserId>> + '_ {
@@ -330,15 +330,15 @@ pub fn get_left_count(&self, room_id: &RoomId, user_id: &UserId) -> Result<Optio
 	/// Returns an iterator over all rooms this user joined.
-	pub fn rooms_joined<'a>(&'a self, user_id: &UserId) -> impl Iterator<Item = Result<OwnedRoomId>> + 'a {
+	pub fn rooms_joined(&self, user_id: &UserId) -> impl Iterator<Item = Result<OwnedRoomId>> + '_ {
 	/// Returns an iterator over all rooms a user was invited to.
-	pub fn rooms_invited<'a>(
-		&'a self, user_id: &UserId,
-	) -> impl Iterator<Item = Result<(OwnedRoomId, Vec<Raw<AnyStrippedStateEvent>>)>> + 'a {
+	pub fn rooms_invited(
+		&self, user_id: &UserId,
+	) -> impl Iterator<Item = Result<(OwnedRoomId, Vec<Raw<AnyStrippedStateEvent>>)>> + '_ {
@@ -354,9 +354,9 @@ pub fn left_state(&self, user_id: &UserId, room_id: &RoomId) -> Result<Option<Ve
 	/// Returns an iterator over all rooms a user left.
-	pub fn rooms_left<'a>(
-		&'a self, user_id: &UserId,
-	) -> impl Iterator<Item = Result<(OwnedRoomId, Vec<Raw<AnySyncStateEvent>>)>> + 'a {
+	pub fn rooms_left(
+		&self, user_id: &UserId,
+	) -> impl Iterator<Item = Result<(OwnedRoomId, Vec<Raw<AnySyncStateEvent>>)>> + '_ {

From 67f4285504c20206c85da9a62e6c0fda521a2c3a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jason Volk <>
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2024 05:15:27 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 05/13] Fix branches sharing code

Signed-off-by: Jason Volk <>
 Cargo.toml                       | 1 -
 src/database/rocksdb/      | 9 +++------
 src/service/             | 6 ++----
 src/service/rooms/threads/ | 3 +--
 4 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Cargo.toml b/Cargo.toml
index a36e1fd1a..7c2630427 100644
--- a/Cargo.toml
+++ b/Cargo.toml
@@ -715,7 +715,6 @@ correctness = "warn"
 nursery = "warn"
 ## some sadness
-branches_sharing_code = { level = "allow", priority = 1 }            # TODO
 derive_partial_eq_without_eq = { level = "allow", priority = 1 }     # TODO
 equatable_if_let = { level = "allow", priority = 1 }                 # TODO
 future_not_send = { level = "allow", priority = 1 }                  # TODO
diff --git a/src/database/rocksdb/ b/src/database/rocksdb/
index 28ce50720..f0c3882f0 100644
--- a/src/database/rocksdb/
+++ b/src/database/rocksdb/
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ fn backup(&self) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
 		let options = BackupEngineOptions::new(path.unwrap())?;
 		let mut engine = BackupEngine::open(&options, &self.env)?;
-		let ret = if self.config.database_backups_to_keep > 0 {
+		if self.config.database_backups_to_keep > 0 {
 			if let Err(e) = engine.create_new_backup_flush(&, true) {
 				return Err(Box::new(e));
@@ -193,10 +193,7 @@ fn backup(&self) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
 				"Created database backup #{} using {} bytes in {} files",
 				info.backup_id, info.size, info.num_files,
-			Ok(())
-		} else {
-			Ok(())
-		};
+		}
 		if self.config.database_backups_to_keep >= 0 {
 			let keep = u32::try_from(self.config.database_backups_to_keep)?;
@@ -205,7 +202,7 @@ fn backup(&self) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
-		ret
+		Ok(())
 	fn backup_list(&self) -> Result<String> {
diff --git a/src/service/ b/src/service/
index 19923d0aa..63d6d5c64 100644
--- a/src/service/
+++ b/src/service/
@@ -529,10 +529,8 @@ pub async fn make_user_admin(&self, user_id: &UserId, displayname: String) -> Re
-			Ok(())
-		} else {
-			Ok(())
+		Ok(())
diff --git a/src/service/rooms/threads/ b/src/service/rooms/threads/
index a7d5c4342..6c48e842c 100644
--- a/src/service/rooms/threads/
+++ b/src/service/rooms/threads/
@@ -91,11 +91,10 @@ pub fn add_to_thread(&self, root_event_id: &EventId, pdu: &PduEvent) -> Result<(
 		let mut users = Vec::new();
 		if let Some(userids) = self.db.get_participants(root_id)? {
-			users.push(pdu.sender.clone());
 		} else {
-			users.push(pdu.sender.clone());
+		users.push(pdu.sender.clone());
 		self.db.update_participants(root_id, &users)

From b525031a254f2b95e0ed20fc4c78de02e138328f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jason Volk <>
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2024 05:20:31 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 06/13] Fix derive partial eq without eq

Signed-off-by: Jason Volk <>
 Cargo.toml                      | 1 -
 src/service/rooms/spaces/ | 2 +-
 2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Cargo.toml b/Cargo.toml
index 7c2630427..a6cce3f78 100644
--- a/Cargo.toml
+++ b/Cargo.toml
@@ -715,7 +715,6 @@ correctness = "warn"
 nursery = "warn"
 ## some sadness
-derive_partial_eq_without_eq = { level = "allow", priority = 1 }     # TODO
 equatable_if_let = { level = "allow", priority = 1 }                 # TODO
 future_not_send = { level = "allow", priority = 1 }                  # TODO
 missing_const_for_fn = { level = "allow", priority = 1 }             # TODO
diff --git a/src/service/rooms/spaces/ b/src/service/rooms/spaces/
index 72ebaf4a7..fec3fdcce 100644
--- a/src/service/rooms/spaces/
+++ b/src/service/rooms/spaces/
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ fn new(root: OwnedRoomId, max_depth: usize) -> Self {
 // Note: perhaps use some better form of token rather than just room count
-#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
+#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
 pub struct PagnationToken {
 	pub skip: UInt,
 	pub limit: UInt,

From 89d7d4832439c06344322d0aa601a7802c3ede25 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jason Volk <>
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2024 05:25:51 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 07/13] Fix equatable if let

Signed-off-by: Jason Volk <>
 Cargo.toml                      |  1 -
 src/api/client/    |  2 +-
 src/api/client/        |  4 ++--
 src/service/rooms/spaces/ | 17 ++++++++++-------
 4 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Cargo.toml b/Cargo.toml
index a6cce3f78..f52b9c8f6 100644
--- a/Cargo.toml
+++ b/Cargo.toml
@@ -715,7 +715,6 @@ correctness = "warn"
 nursery = "warn"
 ## some sadness
-equatable_if_let = { level = "allow", priority = 1 }                 # TODO
 future_not_send = { level = "allow", priority = 1 }                  # TODO
 missing_const_for_fn = { level = "allow", priority = 1 }             # TODO
 needless_collect = { level = "allow", priority = 1 }                 # TODO
diff --git a/src/api/client/ b/src/api/client/
index b50ef2cbd..f59da7b7d 100644
--- a/src/api/client/
+++ b/src/api/client/
@@ -631,7 +631,7 @@ pub async fn join_room_by_id_helper(
 ) -> Result<join_room_by_id::v3::Response> {
 	let sender_user = sender_user.expect("user is authenticated");
-	if let Ok(true) = services().rooms.state_cache.is_joined(sender_user, room_id) {
+	if matches!(services().rooms.state_cache.is_joined(sender_user, room_id), Ok(true)) {
 		info!("{sender_user} is already joined in {room_id}");
 		return Ok(join_room_by_id::v3::Response {
 			room_id: room_id.into(),
diff --git a/src/api/client/ b/src/api/client/
index 3e6ba8803..dae6086f4 100644
--- a/src/api/client/
+++ b/src/api/client/
@@ -104,14 +104,14 @@ fn is_report_valid(
-	if let Some(true) =|s| s > int!(0) || s < int!(-100)) {
+	if|s| s > int!(0) || s < int!(-100)) == Some(true) {
 		return Err(Error::BadRequest(
 			"Invalid score, must be within 0 to -100",
-	if let Some(true) = reason.clone().map(|s| s.len() >= 750) {
+	if reason.clone().map(|s| s.len() >= 750) == Some(true) {
 		return Err(Error::BadRequest(
 			"Reason too long, should be 750 characters or fewer",
diff --git a/src/service/rooms/spaces/ b/src/service/rooms/spaces/
index fec3fdcce..18b9258e9 100644
--- a/src/service/rooms/spaces/
+++ b/src/service/rooms/spaces/
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ fn first_untraversed(&mut self) -> Option<NodeId> {
 			//    whole space tree.
 			// You should only ever encounter a traversed node when going up through parents
-			while let Some(true) = self.traversed(current) {
+			while self.traversed(current) == Some(true) {
 				if let Some(next) = self.next_sibling(current) {
 					current = next;
 				} else if let Some(parent) = self.parent(current) {
@@ -821,12 +821,15 @@ fn is_accessable_child_recurse(
 			SpaceRoomJoinRule::Restricted => {
 				for room in allowed_room_ids {
 					if let Ok((join_rule, allowed_room_ids)) = get_join_rule(room) {
-						if let Ok(true) = is_accessable_child_recurse(
-							room,
-							&join_rule,
-							identifier,
-							&allowed_room_ids,
-							recurse_num + 1,
+						if matches!(
+							is_accessable_child_recurse(
+								room,
+								&join_rule,
+								identifier,
+								&allowed_room_ids,
+								recurse_num + 1,
+							),
+							Ok(true)
 						) {
 							return Ok(true);

From 7688d678709c8da6e6b5466b7f658bb51fcc0db5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jason Volk <>
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2024 06:50:44 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 08/13] Fix needless pass by ref mut

Signed-off-by: Jason Volk <>
 Cargo.toml                    |  1 -
 src/service/sending/ | 10 +++++-----
 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Cargo.toml b/Cargo.toml
index f52b9c8f6..3633bc1d9 100644
--- a/Cargo.toml
+++ b/Cargo.toml
@@ -718,7 +718,6 @@ nursery = "warn"
 future_not_send = { level = "allow", priority = 1 }                  # TODO
 missing_const_for_fn = { level = "allow", priority = 1 }             # TODO
 needless_collect = { level = "allow", priority = 1 }                 # TODO
-needless_pass_by_ref_mut = { level = "allow", priority = 1 }         # TODO
 option_if_let_else = { level = "allow", priority = 1 }               # TODO
 redundant_pub_crate = { level = "allow", priority = 1 }              # TODO
 significant_drop_in_scrutinee = { level = "allow", priority = 1 }    # TODO
diff --git a/src/service/sending/ b/src/service/sending/
index 39b7b6003..7efe3c72f 100644
--- a/src/service/sending/
+++ b/src/service/sending/
@@ -60,12 +60,12 @@ async fn handler(&self) -> Result<()> {
 		let mut futures: SendingFutures<'_> = FuturesUnordered::new();
 		let mut statuses: CurTransactionStatus = CurTransactionStatus::new();
-		self.initial_transactions(&mut futures, &mut statuses);
+		self.initial_transactions(&futures, &mut statuses);
 		loop {
 			debug_assert!(!receiver.is_closed(), "channel error");
 			tokio::select! {
 				request = receiver.recv_async() => match request {
-					Ok(request) => self.handle_request(request, &mut futures, &mut statuses),
+					Ok(request) => self.handle_request(request, &futures, &mut statuses),
 					Err(_) => return Ok(()),
 				Some(response) = => {
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ fn handle_response_err(
 	fn handle_response_ok(
-		&self, dest: &Destination, futures: &mut SendingFutures<'_>, statuses: &mut CurTransactionStatus,
+		&self, dest: &Destination, futures: &SendingFutures<'_>, statuses: &mut CurTransactionStatus,
 	) {
 		let _cork = services().globals.db.cork();
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ fn handle_response_ok(
-	fn handle_request(&self, msg: Msg, futures: &mut SendingFutures<'_>, statuses: &mut CurTransactionStatus) {
+	fn handle_request(&self, msg: Msg, futures: &SendingFutures<'_>, statuses: &mut CurTransactionStatus) {
 		let iv = vec![(msg.event, msg.queue_id)];
 		if let Ok(Some(events)) = self.select_events(&msg.dest, iv, statuses) {
 			if !events.is_empty() {
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ fn handle_request(&self, msg: Msg, futures: &mut SendingFutures<'_>, statuses: &
-	fn initial_transactions(&self, futures: &mut SendingFutures<'_>, statuses: &mut CurTransactionStatus) {
+	fn initial_transactions(&self, futures: &SendingFutures<'_>, statuses: &mut CurTransactionStatus) {
 		let keep = usize::try_from(self.startup_netburst_keep).unwrap_or(usize::MAX);
 		let mut txns = HashMap::<Destination, Vec<SendingEvent>>::new();
 		for (key, dest, event) in self.db.active_requests().filter_map(Result::ok) {

From a8de5d1e60e5bfdb8a1db35172dcec58df4520d8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jason Volk <>
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2024 06:10:21 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 09/13] Fix futures not Send

Signed-off-by: Jason Volk <>
 Cargo.lock                                    | 24 +++++++++----------
 Cargo.toml                                    |  1 -
 src/api/client/                        |  2 +-
 src/router/                             |  6 ++---
 src/service/globals/             |  7 +++++-
 src/service/pusher/                     |  2 +-
 .../rooms/event_handler/       |  2 +-
 src/service/sending/             |  2 +-
 src/service/sending/                    |  4 ++--
 src/service/sending/                   | 12 +++++-----
 10 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Cargo.lock b/Cargo.lock
index 2c3702221..ade7465fa 100644
--- a/Cargo.lock
+++ b/Cargo.lock
@@ -2749,7 +2749,7 @@ dependencies = [
 name = "ruma"
 version = "0.10.1"
-source = "git+"
+source = "git+"
 dependencies = [
@@ -2769,7 +2769,7 @@ dependencies = [
 name = "ruma-appservice-api"
 version = "0.10.0"
-source = "git+"
+source = "git+"
 dependencies = [
@@ -2781,7 +2781,7 @@ dependencies = [
 name = "ruma-client-api"
 version = "0.18.0"
-source = "git+"
+source = "git+"
 dependencies = [
@@ -2804,7 +2804,7 @@ dependencies = [
 name = "ruma-common"
 version = "0.13.0"
-source = "git+"
+source = "git+"
 dependencies = [
  "base64 0.22.1",
@@ -2834,7 +2834,7 @@ dependencies = [
 name = "ruma-events"
 version = "0.28.1"
-source = "git+"
+source = "git+"
 dependencies = [
  "indexmap 2.2.6",
@@ -2856,7 +2856,7 @@ dependencies = [
 name = "ruma-federation-api"
 version = "0.9.0"
-source = "git+"
+source = "git+"
 dependencies = [
@@ -2868,7 +2868,7 @@ dependencies = [
 name = "ruma-identifiers-validation"
 version = "0.9.5"
-source = "git+"
+source = "git+"
 dependencies = [
@@ -2877,7 +2877,7 @@ dependencies = [
 name = "ruma-identity-service-api"
 version = "0.9.0"
-source = "git+"
+source = "git+"
 dependencies = [
@@ -2887,7 +2887,7 @@ dependencies = [
 name = "ruma-macros"
 version = "0.13.0"
-source = "git+"
+source = "git+"
 dependencies = [
@@ -2902,7 +2902,7 @@ dependencies = [
 name = "ruma-push-gateway-api"
 version = "0.9.0"
-source = "git+"
+source = "git+"
 dependencies = [
@@ -2914,7 +2914,7 @@ dependencies = [
 name = "ruma-signatures"
 version = "0.15.0"
-source = "git+"
+source = "git+"
 dependencies = [
  "base64 0.22.1",
@@ -2930,7 +2930,7 @@ dependencies = [
 name = "ruma-state-res"
 version = "0.11.0"
-source = "git+"
+source = "git+"
 dependencies = [
  "itertools 0.12.1",
diff --git a/Cargo.toml b/Cargo.toml
index 3633bc1d9..4c9ba3f5f 100644
--- a/Cargo.toml
+++ b/Cargo.toml
@@ -715,7 +715,6 @@ correctness = "warn"
 nursery = "warn"
 ## some sadness
-future_not_send = { level = "allow", priority = 1 }                  # TODO
 missing_const_for_fn = { level = "allow", priority = 1 }             # TODO
 needless_collect = { level = "allow", priority = 1 }                 # TODO
 option_if_let_else = { level = "allow", priority = 1 }               # TODO
diff --git a/src/api/client/ b/src/api/client/
index b021bea19..0cfb01384 100644
--- a/src/api/client/
+++ b/src/api/client/
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ pub(crate) async fn get_key_changes_route(
-pub(crate) async fn get_keys_helper<F: Fn(&UserId) -> bool>(
+pub(crate) async fn get_keys_helper<F: Fn(&UserId) -> bool + Send>(
 	sender_user: Option<&UserId>, device_keys_input: &BTreeMap<OwnedUserId, Vec<OwnedDeviceId>>, allowed_signatures: F,
 	include_display_names: bool,
 ) -> Result<get_keys::v3::Response> {
diff --git a/src/router/ b/src/router/
index 9bc273566..e9bae3c5f 100644
--- a/src/router/
+++ b/src/router/
@@ -14,16 +14,16 @@
 conduit::mod_dtor! {}
-pub extern "Rust" fn start(server: &Arc<Server>) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<()>>>> {
+pub extern "Rust" fn start(server: &Arc<Server>) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<()>> + Send>> {
-pub extern "Rust" fn stop(server: &Arc<Server>) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<()>>>> {
+pub extern "Rust" fn stop(server: &Arc<Server>) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<()>> + Send>> {
-pub extern "Rust" fn run(server: &Arc<Server>) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<()>>>> {
+pub extern "Rust" fn run(server: &Arc<Server>) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<()>> + Send>> {
diff --git a/src/service/globals/ b/src/service/globals/
index aa172b5c4..0d0978a77 100644
--- a/src/service/globals/
+++ b/src/service/globals/
@@ -528,15 +528,20 @@ pub(crate) async fn migrations(db: &KeyValueDatabase, config: &Config) -> Result
 		#[cfg(feature = "sha256_media")]
+			use std::path::PathBuf;
 			if services().globals.database_version()? < 14 && cfg!(feature = "sha256_media") {
 				warn!("sha256_media feature flag is enabled, migrating legacy base64 file names to sha256 file names");
 				// Move old media files to new names
+				let mut changes = Vec::<(PathBuf, PathBuf)>::new();
 				for (key, _) in db.mediaid_file.iter() {
 					let old_path = services().globals.get_media_file(&key);
 					debug!("Old file path: {old_path:?}");
 					let path = services().globals.get_media_file_new(&key);
 					debug!("New file path: {path:?}");
-					// move the file to the new location
+					changes.push((old_path, path));
+				}
+				// move the file to the new location
+				for (old_path, path) in changes {
 					if old_path.exists() {
 						tokio::fs::rename(&old_path, &path).await?;
diff --git a/src/service/pusher/ b/src/service/pusher/
index 636ba4dd7..5736ef1d9 100644
--- a/src/service/pusher/
+++ b/src/service/pusher/
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ pub fn get_pushkeys(&self, sender: &UserId) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Result<St
 	#[tracing::instrument(skip(self, dest, request))]
 	pub async fn send_request<T>(&self, dest: &str, request: T) -> Result<T::IncomingResponse>
-		T: OutgoingRequest + Debug,
+		T: OutgoingRequest + Debug + Send,
 		const VERSIONS: [MatrixVersion; 1] = [MatrixVersion::V1_0];
diff --git a/src/service/rooms/event_handler/ b/src/service/rooms/event_handler/
index 91ba0aa4e..d22af9bd9 100644
--- a/src/service/rooms/event_handler/
+++ b/src/service/rooms/event_handler/
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ pub async fn fetch_required_signing_keys<'a, E>(
 		&'a self, events: E, pub_key_map: &RwLock<BTreeMap<String, BTreeMap<String, Base64>>>,
 	) -> Result<()>
-		E: IntoIterator<Item = &'a BTreeMap<String, CanonicalJsonValue>>,
+		E: IntoIterator<Item = &'a BTreeMap<String, CanonicalJsonValue>> + Send,
 		let mut server_key_ids = HashMap::new();
 		for event in events {
diff --git a/src/service/sending/ b/src/service/sending/
index 4df5b9340..721424e17 100644
--- a/src/service/sending/
+++ b/src/service/sending/
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 /// registration file
 pub(crate) async fn send_request<T>(registration: Registration, request: T) -> Result<Option<T::IncomingResponse>>
-	T: OutgoingRequest + Debug,
+	T: OutgoingRequest + Debug + Send,
 	const VERSIONS: [MatrixVersion; 1] = [MatrixVersion::V1_0];
diff --git a/src/service/sending/ b/src/service/sending/
index 4ad40f677..ab813489b 100644
--- a/src/service/sending/
+++ b/src/service/sending/
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ pub fn flush_servers<I: Iterator<Item = OwnedServerName>>(&self, servers: I) ->
 	#[tracing::instrument(skip(self, request), name = "request")]
 	pub async fn send_federation_request<T>(&self, dest: &ServerName, request: T) -> Result<T::IncomingResponse>
-		T: OutgoingRequest + Debug,
+		T: OutgoingRequest + Debug + Send,
 		let client = &services().globals.client.federation;
 		send::send(client, dest, request).await
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ pub async fn send_appservice_request<T>(
 		&self, registration: Registration, request: T,
 	) -> Result<Option<T::IncomingResponse>>
-		T: OutgoingRequest + Debug,
+		T: OutgoingRequest + Debug + Send,
 		appservice::send_request(registration, request).await
diff --git a/src/service/sending/ b/src/service/sending/
index e8432d125..f600f196b 100644
--- a/src/service/sending/
+++ b/src/service/sending/
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 #[tracing::instrument(skip_all, name = "send")]
 pub async fn send<T>(client: &Client, dest: &ServerName, req: T) -> Result<T::IncomingResponse>
-	T: OutgoingRequest + Debug,
+	T: OutgoingRequest + Debug + Send,
 	if !services().globals.allow_federation() {
 		return Err(Error::bad_config("Federation is disabled."));
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ async fn execute<T>(
 	client: &Client, dest: &ServerName, actual: &ActualDest, request: Request,
 ) -> Result<T::IncomingResponse>
-	T: OutgoingRequest + Debug,
+	T: OutgoingRequest + Debug + Send,
 	let method = request.method().clone();
 	let url = request.url().clone();
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ async fn execute<T>(
 async fn prepare<T>(dest: &ServerName, actual: &ActualDest, req: T) -> Result<Request>
-	T: OutgoingRequest + Debug,
+	T: OutgoingRequest + Debug + Send,
 	const VERSIONS: [MatrixVersion; 1] = [MatrixVersion::V1_5];
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ async fn handle_response<T>(
 	dest: &ServerName, actual: &ActualDest, method: &Method, url: &Url, mut response: Response,
 ) -> Result<T::IncomingResponse>
-	T: OutgoingRequest + Debug,
+	T: OutgoingRequest + Debug + Send,
 	trace!("Received response from {} for {} with {}", actual.string, url, response.url());
 	let status = response.status();
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ fn handle_error<T>(
 	_dest: &ServerName, actual: &ActualDest, method: &Method, url: &Url, mut e: reqwest::Error,
 ) -> Result<T::IncomingResponse>
-	T: OutgoingRequest + Debug,
+	T: OutgoingRequest + Debug + Send,
 	if e.is_timeout() || e.is_connect() {
 		e = e.without_url();
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ fn handle_error<T>(
 fn sign_request<T>(dest: &ServerName, http_request: &mut http::Request<Vec<u8>>)
-	T: OutgoingRequest + Debug,
+	T: OutgoingRequest + Debug + Send,
 	let mut req_map = serde_json::Map::new();
 	if !http_request.body().is_empty() {

From c3c91e9d8043690f7babcfc00173440f0360cd27 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jason Volk <>
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2024 10:13:49 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 10/13] Fix suboptimal flops

Signed-off-by: Jason Volk <>
 Cargo.toml                 | 1 -
 src/database/sqlite/ | 2 +-
 2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Cargo.toml b/Cargo.toml
index 4c9ba3f5f..dbf3cf652 100644
--- a/Cargo.toml
+++ b/Cargo.toml
@@ -721,7 +721,6 @@ option_if_let_else = { level = "allow", priority = 1 }               # TODO
 redundant_pub_crate = { level = "allow", priority = 1 }              # TODO
 significant_drop_in_scrutinee = { level = "allow", priority = 1 }    # TODO
 significant_drop_tightening = { level = "allow", priority = 1 }      # TODO
-suboptimal_flops = { level = "allow", priority = 1 }                 # TODO
 use_self = { level = "allow", priority = 1 }                         # TODO
 useless_let_if_seq = { level = "allow", priority = 1 }               # TODO
diff --git a/src/database/sqlite/ b/src/database/sqlite/
index 61d78a9a9..745c6aa78 100644
--- a/src/database/sqlite/
+++ b/src/database/sqlite/
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ fn open(config: &Config) -> Result<Self> {
 		let cache_size_per_thread = ((config.db_cache_capacity_mb * 1024.0)
-			/ ((conduit::utils::available_parallelism() as f64 * 2.0) + 1.0)) as u32;
+			/ (conduit::utils::available_parallelism() as f64).mul_add(2.0, 1.0)) as u32;
 		let writer = Mutex::new(Engine::prepare_conn(&path, cache_size_per_thread)?);

From eae41fc411188a7edc649506b736ef46ffed1d74 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jason Volk <>
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2024 10:23:06 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 11/13] Fix use-self

Signed-off-by: Jason Volk <>
 Cargo.toml                      |  1 -
 src/api/ruma_wrapper/     |  2 +-
 src/core/config/          |  2 +-
 src/core/config/        | 26 +++++++++++++-------------
 src/core/                 |  6 +++---
 src/core/            | 12 ++++++------
 src/database/            |  2 +-
 src/database/      |  2 +-
 src/database/rocksdb/     |  4 ++--
 src/database/sqlite/      |  4 ++--
 src/main/              |  4 ++--
 src/service/appservice/   |  6 +++---
 src/service/globals/   |  4 ++--
 src/service/globals/ |  2 +-
 src/service/              |  2 +-
 src/service/rooms/spaces/ |  6 +++---
 src/service/sending/      |  6 +++---
 src/service/sending/  |  4 ++--
 18 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Cargo.toml b/Cargo.toml
index dbf3cf652..74c8a0c73 100644
--- a/Cargo.toml
+++ b/Cargo.toml
@@ -721,7 +721,6 @@ option_if_let_else = { level = "allow", priority = 1 }               # TODO
 redundant_pub_crate = { level = "allow", priority = 1 }              # TODO
 significant_drop_in_scrutinee = { level = "allow", priority = 1 }    # TODO
 significant_drop_tightening = { level = "allow", priority = 1 }      # TODO
-use_self = { level = "allow", priority = 1 }                         # TODO
 useless_let_if_seq = { level = "allow", priority = 1 }               # TODO
diff --git a/src/api/ruma_wrapper/ b/src/api/ruma_wrapper/
index fb633b912..09c07cef9 100644
--- a/src/api/ruma_wrapper/
+++ b/src/api/ruma_wrapper/
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ async fn from_request(request: hyper::Request<Body>, _: &S) -> Result<Self, Self
 		let mut request = request::from(request).await?;
 		let mut json_body = serde_json::from_slice::<CanonicalJsonValue>(&request.body).ok();
 		let auth = auth::auth(&mut request, &json_body, &T::METADATA).await?;
-		Ok(Ruma {
+		Ok(Self {
 			body: make_body::<T>(&mut request, &mut json_body, &auth)?,
 			origin: auth.origin,
 			sender_user: auth.sender_user,
diff --git a/src/core/config/ b/src/core/config/
index ae9902e11..dadb000b8 100644
--- a/src/core/config/
+++ b/src/core/config/
@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ pub fn new(path: Option<PathBuf>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
-		let config = match raw_config.extract::<Config>() {
+		let config = match raw_config.extract::<Self>() {
 			Err(e) => return Err(Error::BadConfig(format!("{e}"))),
 			Ok(config) => config,
diff --git a/src/core/config/ b/src/core/config/
index f41a92f60..a2d64fa61 100644
--- a/src/core/config/
+++ b/src/core/config/
@@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ pub enum ProxyConfig {
 impl ProxyConfig {
 	pub fn to_proxy(&self) -> Result<Option<Proxy>> {
 		Ok(match self.clone() {
-			ProxyConfig::None => None,
-			ProxyConfig::Global {
+			Self::None => None,
+			Self::Global {
 			} => Some(Proxy::all(url)?),
-			ProxyConfig::ByDomain(proxies) => Some(Proxy::custom(move |url| {
+			Self::ByDomain(proxies) => Some(Proxy::custom(move |url| {
 				proxies.iter().find_map(|proxy| proxy.for_url(url)).cloned() // first matching
 				                                             // proxy
@@ -108,18 +108,18 @@ enum WildCardedDomain {
 impl WildCardedDomain {
 	fn matches(&self, domain: &str) -> bool {
 		match self {
-			WildCardedDomain::WildCard => true,
-			WildCardedDomain::WildCarded(d) => domain.ends_with(d),
-			WildCardedDomain::Exact(d) => domain == d,
+			Self::WildCard => true,
+			Self::WildCarded(d) => domain.ends_with(d),
+			Self::Exact(d) => domain == d,
 	fn more_specific_than(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
 		match (self, other) {
-			(WildCardedDomain::WildCard, WildCardedDomain::WildCard) => false,
-			(_, WildCardedDomain::WildCard) => true,
-			(WildCardedDomain::Exact(a), WildCardedDomain::WildCarded(_)) => other.matches(a),
-			(WildCardedDomain::WildCarded(a), WildCardedDomain::WildCarded(b)) => a != b && a.ends_with(b),
+			(Self::WildCard, Self::WildCard) => false,
+			(_, Self::WildCard) => true,
+			(Self::Exact(a), Self::WildCarded(_)) => other.matches(a),
+			(Self::WildCarded(a), Self::WildCarded(b)) => a != b && a.ends_with(b),
 			_ => false,
@@ -130,11 +130,11 @@ impl std::str::FromStr for WildCardedDomain {
 	fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
 		// maybe do some domain validation?
 		Ok(if s.starts_with("*.") {
-			WildCardedDomain::WildCarded(s[1..].to_owned())
+			Self::WildCarded(s[1..].to_owned())
 		} else if s == "*" {
-			WildCardedDomain::WildCarded(String::new())
+			Self::WildCarded(String::new())
 		} else {
-			WildCardedDomain::Exact(s.to_owned())
+			Self::Exact(s.to_owned())
diff --git a/src/core/ b/src/core/
index d31ca194e..eae25eb08 100644
--- a/src/core/
+++ b/src/core/
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ pub trait ReloadHandle<L> {
 impl<L, S> ReloadHandle<L> for reload::Handle<L, S> {
-	fn reload(&self, new_value: L) -> Result<(), reload::Error> { reload::Handle::reload(self, new_value) }
+	fn reload(&self, new_value: L) -> Result<(), reload::Error> { Self::reload(self, new_value) }
 struct LogLevelReloadHandlesInner {
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ pub struct LogLevelReloadHandles {
 impl LogLevelReloadHandles {
-	pub fn new(handles: Vec<Box<dyn ReloadHandle<EnvFilter> + Send + Sync>>) -> LogLevelReloadHandles {
-		LogLevelReloadHandles {
+	pub fn new(handles: Vec<Box<dyn ReloadHandle<EnvFilter> + Send + Sync>>) -> Self {
+		Self {
 			inner: Arc::new(LogLevelReloadHandlesInner {
diff --git a/src/core/ b/src/core/
index 8adb4ca5d..094988b69 100644
--- a/src/core/
+++ b/src/core/
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ pub fn try_from_string(token: &str) -> Result<Self> {
 	pub fn stringify(&self) -> String {
 		match self {
-			PduCount::Backfilled(x) => format!("-{x}"),
-			PduCount::Normal(x) => x.to_string(),
+			Self::Backfilled(x) => format!("-{x}"),
+			Self::Normal(x) => x.to_string(),
@@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> { Some(self.cmp(other))
 impl Ord for PduCount {
 	fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
 		match (self, other) {
-			(PduCount::Normal(s), PduCount::Normal(o)) => s.cmp(o),
-			(PduCount::Backfilled(s), PduCount::Backfilled(o)) => o.cmp(s),
-			(PduCount::Normal(_), PduCount::Backfilled(_)) => Ordering::Greater,
-			(PduCount::Backfilled(_), PduCount::Normal(_)) => Ordering::Less,
+			(Self::Normal(s), Self::Normal(o)) => s.cmp(o),
+			(Self::Backfilled(s), Self::Backfilled(o)) => o.cmp(s),
+			(Self::Normal(_), Self::Backfilled(_)) => Ordering::Greater,
+			(Self::Backfilled(_), Self::Normal(_)) => Ordering::Less,
diff --git a/src/database/ b/src/database/
index 752260a6b..dcabd7072 100644
--- a/src/database/
+++ b/src/database/
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ pub struct Cork {
 impl Cork {
 	pub fn new(db: &Arc<dyn KeyValueDatabaseEngine>, flush: bool, sync: bool) -> Self {
-		Cork {
+		Self {
 			db: db.clone(),
diff --git a/src/database/ b/src/database/
index 906712dc3..ce3bf30f9 100644
--- a/src/database/
+++ b/src/database/
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ pub struct KeyValueDatabase {
 impl KeyValueDatabase {
 	/// Load an existing database or create a new one.
-	pub async fn load_or_create(server: &Arc<Server>) -> Result<KeyValueDatabase> {
+	pub async fn load_or_create(server: &Arc<Server>) -> Result<Self> {
 		let config = &server.config;
 		let builder = build(config)?;
diff --git a/src/database/rocksdb/ b/src/database/rocksdb/
index f0c3882f0..c9493cab1 100644
--- a/src/database/rocksdb/
+++ b/src/database/rocksdb/
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ fn open(config: &Config) -> Result<Self> {
-		Ok(Arc::new(Engine {
+		Ok(Self::new(Engine {
 			config: config.clone(),
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ fn open_tree(&self, name: &'static str) -> Result<Arc<dyn KvTree>> {
 		Ok(Arc::new(RocksDbEngineTree {
-			db: Arc::clone(self),
+			db: Self::clone(self),
 			watchers: Watchers::default(),
diff --git a/src/database/sqlite/ b/src/database/sqlite/
index 745c6aa78..562d2a10b 100644
--- a/src/database/sqlite/
+++ b/src/database/sqlite/
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ fn open(config: &Config) -> Result<Self> {
 		let writer = Mutex::new(Engine::prepare_conn(&path, cache_size_per_thread)?);
-		let arc = Arc::new(Engine {
+		let arc = Self::new(Engine {
 			read_conn_tls: ThreadLocal::new(),
 			read_iterator_conn_tls: ThreadLocal::new(),
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ fn open_tree(&self, name: &str) -> Result<Arc<dyn KvTree>> {
 		Ok(Arc::new(SqliteTable {
-			engine: Arc::clone(self),
+			engine: Self::clone(self),
 			name: name.to_owned(),
 			watchers: Watchers::default(),
diff --git a/src/main/ b/src/main/
index cd5b1cdb3..b1bccfe94 100644
--- a/src/main/
+++ b/src/main/
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ pub(crate) struct Server {
 impl Server {
-	pub(crate) fn build(args: Args, runtime: Option<&runtime::Handle>) -> Result<Arc<Server>, Error> {
+	pub(crate) fn build(args: Args, runtime: Option<&runtime::Handle>) -> Result<Arc<Self>, Error> {
 		let config = Config::new(args.config)?;
 		#[cfg(feature = "sentry_telemetry")]
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ pub(crate) fn build(args: Args, runtime: Option<&runtime::Handle>) -> Result<Arc
-		Ok(Arc::new(Server {
+		Ok(Arc::new(Self {
 			server: Arc::new(conduit::Server::new(config, runtime.cloned(), tracing_reload_handle)),
 			_tracing_flame_guard: tracing_flame_guard,
diff --git a/src/service/appservice/ b/src/service/appservice/
index 49faa6f61..1f29c4154 100644
--- a/src/service/appservice/
+++ b/src/service/appservice/
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ fn try_from(value: Vec<Namespace>) -> Result<Self, regex::Error> {
-		Ok(NamespaceRegex {
+		Ok(Self {
 			exclusive: if exclusive.is_empty() {
 			} else {
@@ -102,8 +102,8 @@ pub struct RegistrationInfo {
 impl TryFrom<Registration> for RegistrationInfo {
 	type Error = regex::Error;
-	fn try_from(value: Registration) -> Result<RegistrationInfo, regex::Error> {
-		Ok(RegistrationInfo {
+	fn try_from(value: Registration) -> Result<Self, regex::Error> {
+		Ok(Self {
 			users: value.namespaces.users.clone().try_into()?,
 			aliases: value.namespaces.aliases.clone().try_into()?,
 			rooms: value.namespaces.rooms.clone().try_into()?,
diff --git a/src/service/globals/ b/src/service/globals/
index 33f6d85f7..5e1b129da 100644
--- a/src/service/globals/
+++ b/src/service/globals/
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ pub struct Client {
 impl Client {
-	pub fn new(config: &Config, resolver: &Arc<resolver::Resolver>) -> Client {
-		Client {
+	pub fn new(config: &Config, resolver: &Arc<resolver::Resolver>) -> Self {
+		Self {
 			default: Self::base(config)
diff --git a/src/service/globals/ b/src/service/globals/
index e90201ede..39e4cfb0e 100644
--- a/src/service/globals/
+++ b/src/service/globals/
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ pub fn new(config: &Config) -> Self {
 		let resolver = Arc::new(TokioAsyncResolver::tokio(conf, opts));
 		let overrides = Arc::new(StdRwLock::new(TlsNameMap::new()));
-		Resolver {
+		Self {
 			destinations: Arc::new(RwLock::new(WellKnownMap::new())),
 			overrides: overrides.clone(),
 			resolver: resolver.clone(),
diff --git a/src/service/ b/src/service/
index f608200b2..6274d6350 100644
--- a/src/service/
+++ b/src/service/
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ pub struct PduEvent {
 impl PduEvent {
-	pub fn redact(&mut self, room_version_id: RoomVersionId, reason: &PduEvent) -> crate::Result<()> {
+	pub fn redact(&mut self, room_version_id: RoomVersionId, reason: &Self) -> crate::Result<()> {
 		self.unsigned = None;
 		let mut content = serde_json::from_str(self.content.get())
diff --git a/src/service/rooms/spaces/ b/src/service/rooms/spaces/
index 18b9258e9..6fcaccb9c 100644
--- a/src/service/rooms/spaces/
+++ b/src/service/rooms/spaces/
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ fn push(&mut self, parent: NodeId, mut children: Vec<(OwnedRoomId, Vec<OwnedServ
 	fn new(root: OwnedRoomId, max_depth: usize) -> Self {
 		let zero_depth = max_depth == 0;
-		Arena {
+		Self {
 			nodes: vec![Node {
 				parent: None,
 				next_sibling: None,
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ fn from_str(value: &str) -> Result<Self> {
 		let mut values = value.split('_');
 		let mut pag_tok = || {
-			Some(PagnationToken {
+			Some(Self {
 				skip: UInt::from_str(,
 				limit: UInt::from_str(,
 				max_depth: UInt::from_str(,
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ fn from(value: CachedSpaceHierarchySummary) -> Self {
 		} = value.summary;
-		SpaceHierarchyRoomsChunk {
+		Self {
diff --git a/src/service/sending/ b/src/service/sending/
index ab813489b..225d37c7e 100644
--- a/src/service/sending/
+++ b/src/service/sending/
@@ -259,19 +259,19 @@ impl Destination {
 	pub fn get_prefix(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
 		let mut prefix = match self {
-			Destination::Appservice(server) => {
+			Self::Appservice(server) => {
 				let mut p = b"+".to_vec();
-			Destination::Push(user, pushkey) => {
+			Self::Push(user, pushkey) => {
 				let mut p = b"$".to_vec();
-			Destination::Normal(server) => {
+			Self::Normal(server) => {
 				let mut p = Vec::new();
diff --git a/src/service/sending/ b/src/service/sending/
index b79f18c88..1d043d8bf 100644
--- a/src/service/sending/
+++ b/src/service/sending/
@@ -421,8 +421,8 @@ fn port(&self) -> Option<u16> {
 impl fmt::Display for FedDest {
 	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
 		match self {
-			FedDest::Named(host, port) => write!(f, "{host}{port}"),
-			FedDest::Literal(addr) => write!(f, "{addr}"),
+			Self::Named(host, port) => write!(f, "{host}{port}"),
+			Self::Literal(addr) => write!(f, "{addr}"),

From f52acd9cdf2c217ae45677840ba1e821bbee6cb4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jason Volk <>
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2024 10:29:53 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 12/13] Fix idiomatic let if

Signed-off-by: Jason Volk <>
 Cargo.toml                | 1 -
 src/api/client/ | 9 ++++-----
 src/api/client/    | 9 ++++-----
 3 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Cargo.toml b/Cargo.toml
index 74c8a0c73..ce074a791 100644
--- a/Cargo.toml
+++ b/Cargo.toml
@@ -721,7 +721,6 @@ option_if_let_else = { level = "allow", priority = 1 }               # TODO
 redundant_pub_crate = { level = "allow", priority = 1 }              # TODO
 significant_drop_in_scrutinee = { level = "allow", priority = 1 }    # TODO
 significant_drop_tightening = { level = "allow", priority = 1 }      # TODO
-useless_let_if_seq = { level = "allow", priority = 1 }               # TODO
 pedantic = "warn"
diff --git a/src/api/client/ b/src/api/client/
index a5ff5d829..72830f9d4 100644
--- a/src/api/client/
+++ b/src/api/client/
@@ -173,8 +173,7 @@ pub(crate) async fn register_route(body: Ruma<register::v3::Request>) -> Result<
 	// UIAA
 	let mut uiaainfo;
-	let skip_auth;
-	if services().globals.config.registration_token.is_some() {
+	let skip_auth = if services().globals.config.registration_token.is_some() {
 		// Registration token required
 		uiaainfo = UiaaInfo {
 			flows: vec![AuthFlow {
@@ -185,7 +184,7 @@ pub(crate) async fn register_route(body: Ruma<register::v3::Request>) -> Result<
 			session: None,
 			auth_error: None,
-		skip_auth = body.appservice_info.is_some();
+		body.appservice_info.is_some()
 	} else {
 		// No registration token necessary, but clients must still go through the flow
 		uiaainfo = UiaaInfo {
@@ -197,8 +196,8 @@ pub(crate) async fn register_route(body: Ruma<register::v3::Request>) -> Result<
 			session: None,
 			auth_error: None,
-		skip_auth = body.appservice_info.is_some() || is_guest;
-	}
+		body.appservice_info.is_some() || is_guest
+	};
 	if !skip_auth {
 		if let Some(auth) = &body.auth {
diff --git a/src/api/client/ b/src/api/client/
index 8a83cbe76..b441eb6c5 100644
--- a/src/api/client/
+++ b/src/api/client/
@@ -1042,8 +1042,7 @@ fn load_timeline(
 	sender_user: &UserId, room_id: &RoomId, roomsincecount: PduCount, limit: u64,
 ) -> Result<(Vec<(PduCount, PduEvent)>, bool), Error> {
 	let timeline_pdus;
-	let limited;
-	if services()
+	let limited = if services()
 		.last_timeline_count(sender_user, room_id)?
@@ -1073,11 +1072,11 @@ fn load_timeline(
 		// They /sync response doesn't always return all messages, so we say the output
 		// is limited unless there are events in non_timeline_pdus
-		limited =;
 	} else {
 		timeline_pdus = Vec::new();
-		limited = false;
-	}
+		false
+	};
 	Ok((timeline_pdus, limited))

From f0557e3303724f862f38a8a2bad882caadce614e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jason Volk <>
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2024 20:50:40 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 13/13] split migrations function

Signed-off-by: Jason Volk <>
 src/service/globals/ | 1219 +++++++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 641 insertions(+), 578 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/service/globals/ b/src/service/globals/
index 0d0978a77..d8936de7b 100644
--- a/src/service/globals/
+++ b/src/service/globals/
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 use tracing::{debug, error, info, warn};
-use crate::{globals::data::Data, services, utils, Config, Error, Result};
+use crate::{services, utils, Config, Error, Result};
 pub(crate) async fn migrations(db: &KeyValueDatabase, config: &Config) -> Result<()> {
 	// Matrix resource ownership is based on the server name; changing it
@@ -44,513 +44,62 @@ pub(crate) async fn migrations(db: &KeyValueDatabase, config: &Config) -> Result
 	if services().users.count()? > 0 {
 		if services().globals.database_version()? < 1 {
-			for (roomserverid, _) in db.roomserverids.iter() {
-				let mut parts = roomserverid.split(|&b| b == 0xFF);
-				let room_id ="split always returns one element");
-				let Some(servername) = else {
-					error!("Migration: Invalid roomserverid in db.");
-					continue;
-				};
-				let mut serverroomid = servername.to_vec();
-				serverroomid.push(0xFF);
-				serverroomid.extend_from_slice(room_id);
-				db.serverroomids.insert(&serverroomid, &[])?;
-			}
-			services().globals.bump_database_version(1)?;
-			warn!("Migration: 0 -> 1 finished");
+			db_lt_1(db, config).await?;
 		if services().globals.database_version()? < 2 {
-			// We accidentally inserted hashed versions of "" into the db instead of just ""
-			for (userid, password) in db.userid_password.iter() {
-				let empty_pass = utils::hash::password("").expect("our own password to be properly hashed");
-				let password = std::str::from_utf8(&password).expect("password is valid utf-8");
-				let empty_hashed_password = utils::hash::verify_password(password, &empty_pass).is_ok();
-				if empty_hashed_password {
-					db.userid_password.insert(&userid, b"")?;
-				}
-			}
-			services().globals.bump_database_version(2)?;
-			warn!("Migration: 1 -> 2 finished");
+			db_lt_2(db, config).await?;
 		if services().globals.database_version()? < 3 {
-			// Move media to filesystem
-			for (key, content) in db.mediaid_file.iter() {
-				if content.is_empty() {
-					continue;
-				}
-				#[allow(deprecated)]
-				let path = services().globals.get_media_file(&key);
-				let mut file = fs::File::create(path)?;
-				file.write_all(&content)?;
-				db.mediaid_file.insert(&key, &[])?;
-			}
-			services().globals.bump_database_version(3)?;
-			warn!("Migration: 2 -> 3 finished");
+			db_lt_3(db, config).await?;
 		if services().globals.database_version()? < 4 {
-			// Add federated users to services() as deactivated
-			for our_user in services().users.iter() {
-				let our_user = our_user?;
-				if services().users.is_deactivated(&our_user)? {
-					continue;
-				}
-				for room in services().rooms.state_cache.rooms_joined(&our_user) {
-					for user in services().rooms.state_cache.room_members(&room?) {
-						let user = user?;
-						if user.server_name() != config.server_name {
-							info!(?user, "Migration: creating user");
-							services().users.create(&user, None)?;
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			services().globals.bump_database_version(4)?;
-			warn!("Migration: 3 -> 4 finished");
+			db_lt_4(db, config).await?;
 		if services().globals.database_version()? < 5 {
-			// Upgrade user data store
-			for (roomuserdataid, _) in db.roomuserdataid_accountdata.iter() {
-				let mut parts = roomuserdataid.split(|&b| b == 0xFF);
-				let room_id =;
-				let user_id =;
-				let event_type = roomuserdataid.rsplit(|&b| b == 0xFF).next().unwrap();
-				let mut key = room_id.to_vec();
-				key.push(0xFF);
-				key.extend_from_slice(user_id);
-				key.push(0xFF);
-				key.extend_from_slice(event_type);
-				db.roomusertype_roomuserdataid
-					.insert(&key, &roomuserdataid)?;
-			}
-			services().globals.bump_database_version(5)?;
-			warn!("Migration: 4 -> 5 finished");
+			db_lt_5(db, config).await?;
 		if services().globals.database_version()? < 6 {
-			// Set room member count
-			for (roomid, _) in db.roomid_shortstatehash.iter() {
-				let string = utils::string_from_bytes(&roomid).unwrap();
-				let room_id = <&RoomId>::try_from(string.as_str()).unwrap();
-				services().rooms.state_cache.update_joined_count(room_id)?;
-			}
-			services().globals.bump_database_version(6)?;
-			warn!("Migration: 5 -> 6 finished");
+			db_lt_6(db, config).await?;
 		if services().globals.database_version()? < 7 {
-			// Upgrade state store
-			let mut last_roomstates: HashMap<OwnedRoomId, u64> = HashMap::new();
-			let mut current_sstatehash: Option<u64> = None;
-			let mut current_room = None;
-			let mut current_state = HashSet::new();
-			let handle_state = |current_sstatehash: u64,
-			                    current_room: &RoomId,
-			                    current_state: HashSet<_>,
-			                    last_roomstates: &mut HashMap<_, _>| {
-				let last_roomsstatehash = last_roomstates.get(current_room);
-				let states_parents = last_roomsstatehash.map_or_else(
-					|| Ok(Vec::new()),
-					|&last_roomsstatehash| {
-						services()
-							.rooms
-							.state_compressor
-							.load_shortstatehash_info(last_roomsstatehash)
-					},
-				)?;
-				let (statediffnew, statediffremoved) = if let Some(parent_stateinfo) = states_parents.last() {
-					let statediffnew = current_state
-						.difference(&parent_stateinfo.1)
-						.copied()
-						.collect::<HashSet<_>>();
-					let statediffremoved = parent_stateinfo
-						.1
-						.difference(&current_state)
-						.copied()
-						.collect::<HashSet<_>>();
-					(statediffnew, statediffremoved)
-				} else {
-					(current_state, HashSet::new())
-				};
-				services().rooms.state_compressor.save_state_from_diff(
-					current_sstatehash,
-					Arc::new(statediffnew),
-					Arc::new(statediffremoved),
-					2, // every state change is 2 event changes on average
-					states_parents,
-				)?;
-				/*
-				let mut tmp = services().rooms.load_shortstatehash_info(&current_sstatehash)?;
-				let state = tmp.pop().unwrap();
-				println!(
-					"{}\t{}{:?}: {:?} + {:?} - {:?}",
-					current_room,
-					"  ".repeat(tmp.len()),
-					utils::u64_from_bytes(&current_sstatehash).unwrap(),
-					tmp.last().map(|b| utils::u64_from_bytes(&b.0).unwrap()),
-					state
-						.2
-						.iter()
-						.map(|b| utils::u64_from_bytes(&b[size_of::<u64>()..]).unwrap())
-						.collect::<Vec<_>>(),
-					state
-						.3
-						.iter()
-						.map(|b| utils::u64_from_bytes(&b[size_of::<u64>()..]).unwrap())
-						.collect::<Vec<_>>()
-				);
-				*/
-				Ok::<_, Error>(())
-			};
-			for (k, seventid) in db.db.open_tree("stateid_shorteventid")?.iter() {
-				let sstatehash = utils::u64_from_bytes(&k[0..size_of::<u64>()]).expect("number of bytes is correct");
-				let sstatekey = k[size_of::<u64>()..].to_vec();
-				if Some(sstatehash) != current_sstatehash {
-					if let Some(current_sstatehash) = current_sstatehash {
-						handle_state(
-							current_sstatehash,
-							current_room.as_deref().unwrap(),
-							current_state,
-							&mut last_roomstates,
-						)?;
-						last_roomstates.insert(current_room.clone().unwrap(), current_sstatehash);
-					}
-					current_state = HashSet::new();
-					current_sstatehash = Some(sstatehash);
-					let event_id = db.shorteventid_eventid.get(&seventid).unwrap().unwrap();
-					let string = utils::string_from_bytes(&event_id).unwrap();
-					let event_id = <&EventId>::try_from(string.as_str()).unwrap();
-					let pdu = services()
-						.rooms
-						.timeline
-						.get_pdu(event_id)
-						.unwrap()
-						.unwrap();
-					if Some(&pdu.room_id) != current_room.as_ref() {
-						current_room = Some(pdu.room_id.clone());
-					}
-				}
-				let mut val = sstatekey;
-				val.extend_from_slice(&seventid);
-				current_state.insert(val.try_into().expect("size is correct"));
-			}
-			if let Some(current_sstatehash) = current_sstatehash {
-				handle_state(
-					current_sstatehash,
-					current_room.as_deref().unwrap(),
-					current_state,
-					&mut last_roomstates,
-				)?;
-			}
-			services().globals.bump_database_version(7)?;
-			warn!("Migration: 6 -> 7 finished");
+			db_lt_7(db, config).await?;
 		if services().globals.database_version()? < 8 {
-			// Generate short room ids for all rooms
-			for (room_id, _) in db.roomid_shortstatehash.iter() {
-				let shortroomid = services().globals.next_count()?.to_be_bytes();
-				db.roomid_shortroomid.insert(&room_id, &shortroomid)?;
-				info!("Migration: 8");
-			}
-			// Update pduids db layout
-			let mut batch = db.pduid_pdu.iter().filter_map(|(key, v)| {
-				if !key.starts_with(b"!") {
-					return None;
-				}
-				let mut parts = key.splitn(2, |&b| b == 0xFF);
-				let room_id =;
-				let count =;
-				let short_room_id = db
-					.roomid_shortroomid
-					.get(room_id)
-					.unwrap()
-					.expect("shortroomid should exist");
-				let mut new_key = short_room_id;
-				new_key.extend_from_slice(count);
-				Some((new_key, v))
-			});
-			db.pduid_pdu.insert_batch(&mut batch)?;
-			let mut batch2 = db.eventid_pduid.iter().filter_map(|(k, value)| {
-				if !value.starts_with(b"!") {
-					return None;
-				}
-				let mut parts = value.splitn(2, |&b| b == 0xFF);
-				let room_id =;
-				let count =;
-				let short_room_id = db
-					.roomid_shortroomid
-					.get(room_id)
-					.unwrap()
-					.expect("shortroomid should exist");
-				let mut new_value = short_room_id;
-				new_value.extend_from_slice(count);
-				Some((k, new_value))
-			});
-			db.eventid_pduid.insert_batch(&mut batch2)?;
-			services().globals.bump_database_version(8)?;
-			warn!("Migration: 7 -> 8 finished");
+			db_lt_8(db, config).await?;
 		if services().globals.database_version()? < 9 {
-			// Update tokenids db layout
-			let mut iter = db
-				.tokenids
-				.iter()
-				.filter_map(|(key, _)| {
-					if !key.starts_with(b"!") {
-						return None;
-					}
-					let mut parts = key.splitn(4, |&b| b == 0xFF);
-					let room_id =;
-					let word =;
-					let _pdu_id_room =;
-					let pdu_id_count =;
-					let short_room_id = db
-						.roomid_shortroomid
-						.get(room_id)
-						.unwrap()
-						.expect("shortroomid should exist");
-					let mut new_key = short_room_id;
-					new_key.extend_from_slice(word);
-					new_key.push(0xFF);
-					new_key.extend_from_slice(pdu_id_count);
-					Some((new_key, Vec::new()))
-				})
-				.peekable();
-			while iter.peek().is_some() {
-				db.tokenids.insert_batch(&mut iter.by_ref().take(1000))?;
-				debug!("Inserted smaller batch");
-			}
-			info!("Deleting starts");
-			let batch2: Vec<_> = db
-				.tokenids
-				.iter()
-				.filter_map(|(key, _)| {
-					if key.starts_with(b"!") {
-						Some(key)
-					} else {
-						None
-					}
-				})
-				.collect();
-			for key in batch2 {
-				db.tokenids.remove(&key)?;
-			}
-			services().globals.bump_database_version(9)?;
-			warn!("Migration: 8 -> 9 finished");
+			db_lt_9(db, config).await?;
 		if services().globals.database_version()? < 10 {
-			// Add other direction for shortstatekeys
-			for (statekey, shortstatekey) in db.statekey_shortstatekey.iter() {
-				db.shortstatekey_statekey
-					.insert(&shortstatekey, &statekey)?;
-			}
-			// Force E2EE device list updates so we can send them over federation
-			for user_id in services().users.iter().filter_map(Result::ok) {
-				services().users.mark_device_key_update(&user_id)?;
-			}
-			services().globals.bump_database_version(10)?;
-			warn!("Migration: 9 -> 10 finished");
+			db_lt_10(db, config).await?;
 		if services().globals.database_version()? < 11 {
-			db.db
-				.open_tree("userdevicesessionid_uiaarequest")?
-				.clear()?;
-			services().globals.bump_database_version(11)?;
-			warn!("Migration: 10 -> 11 finished");
+			db_lt_11(db, config).await?;
 		if services().globals.database_version()? < 12 {
-			for username in services().users.list_local_users()? {
-				let user = match UserId::parse_with_server_name(username.clone(), &config.server_name) {
-					Ok(u) => u,
-					Err(e) => {
-						warn!("Invalid username {username}: {e}");
-						continue;
-					},
-				};
-				let raw_rules_list = services()
-					.account_data
-					.get(None, &user, GlobalAccountDataEventType::PushRules.to_string().into())
-					.unwrap()
-					.expect("Username is invalid");
-				let mut account_data = serde_json::from_str::<PushRulesEvent>(raw_rules_list.get()).unwrap();
-				let rules_list = &mut;
-				//content rule
-				{
-					let content_rule_transformation = [".m.rules.contains_user_name", ".m.rule.contains_user_name"];
-					let rule = rules_list.content.get(content_rule_transformation[0]);
-					if rule.is_some() {
-						let mut rule = rule.unwrap().clone();
-						content_rule_transformation[1].clone_into(&mut rule.rule_id);
-						rules_list
-							.content
-							.shift_remove(content_rule_transformation[0]);
-						rules_list.content.insert(rule);
-					}
-				}
-				//underride rules
-				{
-					let underride_rule_transformation = [
-						["", ""],
-						[".m.rules.room_one_to_one", ".m.rule.room_one_to_one"],
-						[".m.rules.encrypted_room_one_to_one", ".m.rule.encrypted_room_one_to_one"],
-						[".m.rules.message", ".m.rule.message"],
-						[".m.rules.encrypted", ".m.rule.encrypted"],
-					];
-					for transformation in underride_rule_transformation {
-						let rule = rules_list.underride.get(transformation[0]);
-						if let Some(rule) = rule {
-							let mut rule = rule.clone();
-							transformation[1].clone_into(&mut rule.rule_id);
-							rules_list.underride.shift_remove(transformation[0]);
-							rules_list.underride.insert(rule);
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				services().account_data.update(
-					None,
-					&user,
-					GlobalAccountDataEventType::PushRules.to_string().into(),
-					&serde_json::to_value(account_data).expect("to json value always works"),
-				)?;
-			}
-			services().globals.bump_database_version(12)?;
-			warn!("Migration: 11 -> 12 finished");
+			db_lt_12(db, config).await?;
 		// This migration can be reused as-is anytime the server-default rules are
 		// updated.
 		if services().globals.database_version()? < 13 {
-			for username in services().users.list_local_users()? {
-				let user = match UserId::parse_with_server_name(username.clone(), &config.server_name) {
-					Ok(u) => u,
-					Err(e) => {
-						warn!("Invalid username {username}: {e}");
-						continue;
-					},
-				};
-				let raw_rules_list = services()
-					.account_data
-					.get(None, &user, GlobalAccountDataEventType::PushRules.to_string().into())
-					.unwrap()
-					.expect("Username is invalid");
-				let mut account_data = serde_json::from_str::<PushRulesEvent>(raw_rules_list.get()).unwrap();
-				let user_default_rules = Ruleset::server_default(&user);
-				account_data
-					.content
-					.global
-					.update_with_server_default(user_default_rules);
-				services().account_data.update(
-					None,
-					&user,
-					GlobalAccountDataEventType::PushRules.to_string().into(),
-					&serde_json::to_value(account_data).expect("to json value always works"),
-				)?;
-			}
-			services().globals.bump_database_version(13)?;
-			warn!("Migration: 12 -> 13 finished");
+			db_lt_13(db, config).await?;
 		#[cfg(feature = "sha256_media")]
-		{
-			use std::path::PathBuf;
-			if services().globals.database_version()? < 14 && cfg!(feature = "sha256_media") {
-				warn!("sha256_media feature flag is enabled, migrating legacy base64 file names to sha256 file names");
-				// Move old media files to new names
-				let mut changes = Vec::<(PathBuf, PathBuf)>::new();
-				for (key, _) in db.mediaid_file.iter() {
-					let old_path = services().globals.get_media_file(&key);
-					debug!("Old file path: {old_path:?}");
-					let path = services().globals.get_media_file_new(&key);
-					debug!("New file path: {path:?}");
-					changes.push((old_path, path));
-				}
-				// move the file to the new location
-				for (old_path, path) in changes {
-					if old_path.exists() {
-						tokio::fs::rename(&old_path, &path).await?;
-					}
-				}
-				services().globals.bump_database_version(14)?;
-				warn!("Migration: 13 -> 14 finished");
-			}
+		if services().globals.database_version()? < 14 && cfg!(feature = "sha256_media") {
+			feat_sha256_media(db, config).await?;
 		if db
@@ -558,37 +107,7 @@ pub(crate) async fn migrations(db: &KeyValueDatabase, config: &Config) -> Result
-			warn!("Fixing bad double separator in state_cache roomuserid_joined");
-			let mut iter_count: usize = 0;
-			let _cork = db.cork();
-			for (mut key, value) in db.roomuserid_joined.iter() {
-				iter_count = iter_count.saturating_add(1);
-				debug_info!(%iter_count);
-				let first_sep_index = key.iter().position(|&i| i == 0xFF).unwrap();
-				if key
-					.iter()
-					.get(first_sep_index..=first_sep_index + 1)
-					.copied()
-					.collect_vec() == vec![0xFF, 0xFF]
-				{
-					debug_warn!("Found bad key: {key:?}");
-					db.roomuserid_joined.remove(&key)?;
-					key.remove(first_sep_index);
-					debug_warn!("Fixed key: {key:?}");
-					db.roomuserid_joined.insert(&key, &value)?;
-				}
-			}
-			db.cleanup()?;
-			warn!("Finished fixing");
-				.insert(b"fix_bad_double_separator_in_state_cache", &[])?;
+			fix_bad_double_separator_in_state_cache(db, config).await?;
 		if db
@@ -596,86 +115,7 @@ pub(crate) async fn migrations(db: &KeyValueDatabase, config: &Config) -> Result
-			warn!("Retroactively fixing bad data from broken roomuserid_joined");
-			let room_ids = services()
-				.rooms
-				.metadata
-				.iter_ids()
-				.filter_map(Result::ok)
-				.collect_vec();
-			let _cork = db.cork();
-			for room_id in room_ids.clone() {
-				debug_info!("Fixing room {room_id}");
-				let users_in_room = services()
-					.rooms
-					.state_cache
-					.room_members(&room_id)
-					.filter_map(Result::ok)
-					.collect_vec();
-				let joined_members = users_in_room
-					.iter()
-					.filter(|user_id| {
-						services()
-							.rooms
-							.state_accessor
-							.get_member(&room_id, user_id)
-							.unwrap_or(None)
-							.map_or(false, |membership| membership.membership == MembershipState::Join)
-					})
-					.collect_vec();
-				let non_joined_members = users_in_room
-					.iter()
-					.filter(|user_id| {
-						services()
-							.rooms
-							.state_accessor
-							.get_member(&room_id, user_id)
-							.unwrap_or(None)
-							.map_or(false, |membership| {
-								membership.membership == MembershipState::Leave
-									|| membership.membership == MembershipState::Ban
-							})
-					})
-					.collect_vec();
-				for user_id in joined_members {
-					debug_info!("User is joined, marking as joined");
-					services()
-						.rooms
-						.state_cache
-						.mark_as_joined(user_id, &room_id)?;
-				}
-				for user_id in non_joined_members {
-					debug_info!("User is left or banned, marking as left");
-					services()
-						.rooms
-						.state_cache
-						.mark_as_left(user_id, &room_id)?;
-				}
-			}
-			for room_id in room_ids {
-				debug_info!(
-					"Updating joined count for room {room_id} to fix servers in room after correcting membership \
-					 states"
-				);
-				services().rooms.state_cache.update_joined_count(&room_id)?;
-			}
-			db.cleanup()?;
-			warn!("Finished fixing");
-				.insert(b"retroactively_fix_bad_data_from_roomuserid_joined", &[])?;
+			retroactively_fix_bad_data_from_roomuserid_joined(db, config).await?;
@@ -761,3 +201,626 @@ pub(crate) async fn migrations(db: &KeyValueDatabase, config: &Config) -> Result
+async fn db_lt_1(db: &KeyValueDatabase, _config: &Config) -> Result<()> {
+	for (roomserverid, _) in db.roomserverids.iter() {
+		let mut parts = roomserverid.split(|&b| b == 0xFF);
+		let room_id ="split always returns one element");
+		let Some(servername) = else {
+			error!("Migration: Invalid roomserverid in db.");
+			continue;
+		};
+		let mut serverroomid = servername.to_vec();
+		serverroomid.push(0xFF);
+		serverroomid.extend_from_slice(room_id);
+		db.serverroomids.insert(&serverroomid, &[])?;
+	}
+	services().globals.bump_database_version(1)?;
+	info!("Migration: 0 -> 1 finished");
+	Ok(())
+async fn db_lt_2(db: &KeyValueDatabase, _config: &Config) -> Result<()> {
+	// We accidentally inserted hashed versions of "" into the db instead of just ""
+	for (userid, password) in db.userid_password.iter() {
+		let empty_pass = utils::hash::password("").expect("our own password to be properly hashed");
+		let password = std::str::from_utf8(&password).expect("password is valid utf-8");
+		let empty_hashed_password = utils::hash::verify_password(password, &empty_pass).is_ok();
+		if empty_hashed_password {
+			db.userid_password.insert(&userid, b"")?;
+		}
+	}
+	services().globals.bump_database_version(2)?;
+	info!("Migration: 1 -> 2 finished");
+	Ok(())
+async fn db_lt_3(db: &KeyValueDatabase, _config: &Config) -> Result<()> {
+	// Move media to filesystem
+	for (key, content) in db.mediaid_file.iter() {
+		if content.is_empty() {
+			continue;
+		}
+		#[allow(deprecated)]
+		let path = services().globals.get_media_file(&key);
+		let mut file = fs::File::create(path)?;
+		file.write_all(&content)?;
+		db.mediaid_file.insert(&key, &[])?;
+	}
+	services().globals.bump_database_version(3)?;
+	info!("Migration: 2 -> 3 finished");
+	Ok(())
+async fn db_lt_4(_db: &KeyValueDatabase, config: &Config) -> Result<()> {
+	// Add federated users to services() as deactivated
+	for our_user in services().users.iter() {
+		let our_user = our_user?;
+		if services().users.is_deactivated(&our_user)? {
+			continue;
+		}
+		for room in services().rooms.state_cache.rooms_joined(&our_user) {
+			for user in services().rooms.state_cache.room_members(&room?) {
+				let user = user?;
+				if user.server_name() != config.server_name {
+					info!(?user, "Migration: creating user");
+					services().users.create(&user, None)?;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	services().globals.bump_database_version(4)?;
+	info!("Migration: 3 -> 4 finished");
+	Ok(())
+async fn db_lt_5(db: &KeyValueDatabase, _config: &Config) -> Result<()> {
+	// Upgrade user data store
+	for (roomuserdataid, _) in db.roomuserdataid_accountdata.iter() {
+		let mut parts = roomuserdataid.split(|&b| b == 0xFF);
+		let room_id =;
+		let user_id =;
+		let event_type = roomuserdataid.rsplit(|&b| b == 0xFF).next().unwrap();
+		let mut key = room_id.to_vec();
+		key.push(0xFF);
+		key.extend_from_slice(user_id);
+		key.push(0xFF);
+		key.extend_from_slice(event_type);
+		db.roomusertype_roomuserdataid
+			.insert(&key, &roomuserdataid)?;
+	}
+	services().globals.bump_database_version(5)?;
+	info!("Migration: 4 -> 5 finished");
+	Ok(())
+async fn db_lt_6(db: &KeyValueDatabase, _config: &Config) -> Result<()> {
+	// Set room member count
+	for (roomid, _) in db.roomid_shortstatehash.iter() {
+		let string = utils::string_from_bytes(&roomid).unwrap();
+		let room_id = <&RoomId>::try_from(string.as_str()).unwrap();
+		services().rooms.state_cache.update_joined_count(room_id)?;
+	}
+	services().globals.bump_database_version(6)?;
+	info!("Migration: 5 -> 6 finished");
+	Ok(())
+async fn db_lt_7(db: &KeyValueDatabase, _config: &Config) -> Result<()> {
+	// Upgrade state store
+	let mut last_roomstates: HashMap<OwnedRoomId, u64> = HashMap::new();
+	let mut current_sstatehash: Option<u64> = None;
+	let mut current_room = None;
+	let mut current_state = HashSet::new();
+	let handle_state = |current_sstatehash: u64,
+	                    current_room: &RoomId,
+	                    current_state: HashSet<_>,
+	                    last_roomstates: &mut HashMap<_, _>| {
+		let last_roomsstatehash = last_roomstates.get(current_room);
+		let states_parents = last_roomsstatehash.map_or_else(
+			|| Ok(Vec::new()),
+			|&last_roomsstatehash| {
+				services()
+					.rooms
+					.state_compressor
+					.load_shortstatehash_info(last_roomsstatehash)
+			},
+		)?;
+		let (statediffnew, statediffremoved) = if let Some(parent_stateinfo) = states_parents.last() {
+			let statediffnew = current_state
+				.difference(&parent_stateinfo.1)
+				.copied()
+				.collect::<HashSet<_>>();
+			let statediffremoved = parent_stateinfo
+				.1
+				.difference(&current_state)
+				.copied()
+				.collect::<HashSet<_>>();
+			(statediffnew, statediffremoved)
+		} else {
+			(current_state, HashSet::new())
+		};
+		services().rooms.state_compressor.save_state_from_diff(
+			current_sstatehash,
+			Arc::new(statediffnew),
+			Arc::new(statediffremoved),
+			2, // every state change is 2 event changes on average
+			states_parents,
+		)?;
+		/*
+		let mut tmp = services().rooms.load_shortstatehash_info(&current_sstatehash)?;
+		let state = tmp.pop().unwrap();
+		println!(
+			"{}\t{}{:?}: {:?} + {:?} - {:?}",
+			current_room,
+			"  ".repeat(tmp.len()),
+			utils::u64_from_bytes(&current_sstatehash).unwrap(),
+			tmp.last().map(|b| utils::u64_from_bytes(&b.0).unwrap()),
+			state
+				.2
+				.iter()
+				.map(|b| utils::u64_from_bytes(&b[size_of::<u64>()..]).unwrap())
+				.collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+			state
+				.3
+				.iter()
+				.map(|b| utils::u64_from_bytes(&b[size_of::<u64>()..]).unwrap())
+				.collect::<Vec<_>>()
+		);
+		*/
+		Ok::<_, Error>(())
+	};
+	for (k, seventid) in db.db.open_tree("stateid_shorteventid")?.iter() {
+		let sstatehash = utils::u64_from_bytes(&k[0..size_of::<u64>()]).expect("number of bytes is correct");
+		let sstatekey = k[size_of::<u64>()..].to_vec();
+		if Some(sstatehash) != current_sstatehash {
+			if let Some(current_sstatehash) = current_sstatehash {
+				handle_state(
+					current_sstatehash,
+					current_room.as_deref().unwrap(),
+					current_state,
+					&mut last_roomstates,
+				)?;
+				last_roomstates.insert(current_room.clone().unwrap(), current_sstatehash);
+			}
+			current_state = HashSet::new();
+			current_sstatehash = Some(sstatehash);
+			let event_id = db.shorteventid_eventid.get(&seventid).unwrap().unwrap();
+			let string = utils::string_from_bytes(&event_id).unwrap();
+			let event_id = <&EventId>::try_from(string.as_str()).unwrap();
+			let pdu = services()
+				.rooms
+				.timeline
+				.get_pdu(event_id)
+				.unwrap()
+				.unwrap();
+			if Some(&pdu.room_id) != current_room.as_ref() {
+				current_room = Some(pdu.room_id.clone());
+			}
+		}
+		let mut val = sstatekey;
+		val.extend_from_slice(&seventid);
+		current_state.insert(val.try_into().expect("size is correct"));
+	}
+	if let Some(current_sstatehash) = current_sstatehash {
+		handle_state(
+			current_sstatehash,
+			current_room.as_deref().unwrap(),
+			current_state,
+			&mut last_roomstates,
+		)?;
+	}
+	services().globals.bump_database_version(7)?;
+	info!("Migration: 6 -> 7 finished");
+	Ok(())
+async fn db_lt_8(db: &KeyValueDatabase, _config: &Config) -> Result<()> {
+	// Generate short room ids for all rooms
+	for (room_id, _) in db.roomid_shortstatehash.iter() {
+		let shortroomid = services().globals.next_count()?.to_be_bytes();
+		db.roomid_shortroomid.insert(&room_id, &shortroomid)?;
+		info!("Migration: 8");
+	}
+	// Update pduids db layout
+	let mut batch = db.pduid_pdu.iter().filter_map(|(key, v)| {
+		if !key.starts_with(b"!") {
+			return None;
+		}
+		let mut parts = key.splitn(2, |&b| b == 0xFF);
+		let room_id =;
+		let count =;
+		let short_room_id = db
+			.roomid_shortroomid
+			.get(room_id)
+			.unwrap()
+			.expect("shortroomid should exist");
+		let mut new_key = short_room_id;
+		new_key.extend_from_slice(count);
+		Some((new_key, v))
+	});
+	db.pduid_pdu.insert_batch(&mut batch)?;
+	let mut batch2 = db.eventid_pduid.iter().filter_map(|(k, value)| {
+		if !value.starts_with(b"!") {
+			return None;
+		}
+		let mut parts = value.splitn(2, |&b| b == 0xFF);
+		let room_id =;
+		let count =;
+		let short_room_id = db
+			.roomid_shortroomid
+			.get(room_id)
+			.unwrap()
+			.expect("shortroomid should exist");
+		let mut new_value = short_room_id;
+		new_value.extend_from_slice(count);
+		Some((k, new_value))
+	});
+	db.eventid_pduid.insert_batch(&mut batch2)?;
+	services().globals.bump_database_version(8)?;
+	info!("Migration: 7 -> 8 finished");
+	Ok(())
+async fn db_lt_9(db: &KeyValueDatabase, _config: &Config) -> Result<()> {
+	// Update tokenids db layout
+	let mut iter = db
+		.tokenids
+		.iter()
+		.filter_map(|(key, _)| {
+			if !key.starts_with(b"!") {
+				return None;
+			}
+			let mut parts = key.splitn(4, |&b| b == 0xFF);
+			let room_id =;
+			let word =;
+			let _pdu_id_room =;
+			let pdu_id_count =;
+			let short_room_id = db
+				.roomid_shortroomid
+				.get(room_id)
+				.unwrap()
+				.expect("shortroomid should exist");
+			let mut new_key = short_room_id;
+			new_key.extend_from_slice(word);
+			new_key.push(0xFF);
+			new_key.extend_from_slice(pdu_id_count);
+			Some((new_key, Vec::new()))
+		})
+		.peekable();
+	while iter.peek().is_some() {
+		db.tokenids.insert_batch(&mut iter.by_ref().take(1000))?;
+		debug!("Inserted smaller batch");
+	}
+	info!("Deleting starts");
+	let batch2: Vec<_> = db
+		.tokenids
+		.iter()
+		.filter_map(|(key, _)| {
+			if key.starts_with(b"!") {
+				Some(key)
+			} else {
+				None
+			}
+		})
+		.collect();
+	for key in batch2 {
+		db.tokenids.remove(&key)?;
+	}
+	services().globals.bump_database_version(9)?;
+	info!("Migration: 8 -> 9 finished");
+	Ok(())
+async fn db_lt_10(db: &KeyValueDatabase, _config: &Config) -> Result<()> {
+	// Add other direction for shortstatekeys
+	for (statekey, shortstatekey) in db.statekey_shortstatekey.iter() {
+		db.shortstatekey_statekey
+			.insert(&shortstatekey, &statekey)?;
+	}
+	// Force E2EE device list updates so we can send them over federation
+	for user_id in services().users.iter().filter_map(Result::ok) {
+		services().users.mark_device_key_update(&user_id)?;
+	}
+	services().globals.bump_database_version(10)?;
+	info!("Migration: 9 -> 10 finished");
+	Ok(())
+async fn db_lt_11(db: &KeyValueDatabase, _config: &Config) -> Result<()> {
+	db.db
+		.open_tree("userdevicesessionid_uiaarequest")?
+		.clear()?;
+	services().globals.bump_database_version(11)?;
+	info!("Migration: 10 -> 11 finished");
+	Ok(())
+async fn db_lt_12(_db: &KeyValueDatabase, config: &Config) -> Result<()> {
+	for username in services().users.list_local_users()? {
+		let user = match UserId::parse_with_server_name(username.clone(), &config.server_name) {
+			Ok(u) => u,
+			Err(e) => {
+				warn!("Invalid username {username}: {e}");
+				continue;
+			},
+		};
+		let raw_rules_list = services()
+			.account_data
+			.get(None, &user, GlobalAccountDataEventType::PushRules.to_string().into())
+			.unwrap()
+			.expect("Username is invalid");
+		let mut account_data = serde_json::from_str::<PushRulesEvent>(raw_rules_list.get()).unwrap();
+		let rules_list = &mut;
+		//content rule
+		{
+			let content_rule_transformation = [".m.rules.contains_user_name", ".m.rule.contains_user_name"];
+			let rule = rules_list.content.get(content_rule_transformation[0]);
+			if rule.is_some() {
+				let mut rule = rule.unwrap().clone();
+				content_rule_transformation[1].clone_into(&mut rule.rule_id);
+				rules_list
+					.content
+					.shift_remove(content_rule_transformation[0]);
+				rules_list.content.insert(rule);
+			}
+		}
+		//underride rules
+		{
+			let underride_rule_transformation = [
+				["", ""],
+				[".m.rules.room_one_to_one", ".m.rule.room_one_to_one"],
+				[".m.rules.encrypted_room_one_to_one", ".m.rule.encrypted_room_one_to_one"],
+				[".m.rules.message", ".m.rule.message"],
+				[".m.rules.encrypted", ".m.rule.encrypted"],
+			];
+			for transformation in underride_rule_transformation {
+				let rule = rules_list.underride.get(transformation[0]);
+				if let Some(rule) = rule {
+					let mut rule = rule.clone();
+					transformation[1].clone_into(&mut rule.rule_id);
+					rules_list.underride.shift_remove(transformation[0]);
+					rules_list.underride.insert(rule);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		services().account_data.update(
+			None,
+			&user,
+			GlobalAccountDataEventType::PushRules.to_string().into(),
+			&serde_json::to_value(account_data).expect("to json value always works"),
+		)?;
+	}
+	services().globals.bump_database_version(12)?;
+	info!("Migration: 11 -> 12 finished");
+	Ok(())
+async fn db_lt_13(_db: &KeyValueDatabase, config: &Config) -> Result<()> {
+	for username in services().users.list_local_users()? {
+		let user = match UserId::parse_with_server_name(username.clone(), &config.server_name) {
+			Ok(u) => u,
+			Err(e) => {
+				warn!("Invalid username {username}: {e}");
+				continue;
+			},
+		};
+		let raw_rules_list = services()
+			.account_data
+			.get(None, &user, GlobalAccountDataEventType::PushRules.to_string().into())
+			.unwrap()
+			.expect("Username is invalid");
+		let mut account_data = serde_json::from_str::<PushRulesEvent>(raw_rules_list.get()).unwrap();
+		let user_default_rules = Ruleset::server_default(&user);
+		account_data
+			.content
+			.global
+			.update_with_server_default(user_default_rules);
+		services().account_data.update(
+			None,
+			&user,
+			GlobalAccountDataEventType::PushRules.to_string().into(),
+			&serde_json::to_value(account_data).expect("to json value always works"),
+		)?;
+	}
+	services().globals.bump_database_version(13)?;
+	info!("Migration: 12 -> 13 finished");
+	Ok(())
+#[cfg(feature = "sha256_media")]
+async fn feat_sha256_media(db: &KeyValueDatabase, _config: &Config) -> Result<()> {
+	use std::path::PathBuf;
+	warn!("sha256_media feature flag is enabled, migrating legacy base64 file names to sha256 file names");
+	// Move old media files to new names
+	let mut changes = Vec::<(PathBuf, PathBuf)>::new();
+	for (key, _) in db.mediaid_file.iter() {
+		let old_path = services().globals.get_media_file(&key);
+		debug!("Old file path: {old_path:?}");
+		let path = services().globals.get_media_file_new(&key);
+		debug!("New file path: {path:?}");
+		changes.push((old_path, path));
+	}
+	// move the file to the new location
+	for (old_path, path) in changes {
+		if old_path.exists() {
+			tokio::fs::rename(&old_path, &path).await?;
+		}
+	}
+	services().globals.bump_database_version(14)?;
+	info!("Migration: 13 -> 14 finished");
+	Ok(())
+async fn fix_bad_double_separator_in_state_cache(db: &KeyValueDatabase, _config: &Config) -> Result<()> {
+	warn!("Fixing bad double separator in state_cache roomuserid_joined");
+	let mut iter_count: usize = 0;
+	let _cork = db.db.cork();
+	for (mut key, value) in db.roomuserid_joined.iter() {
+		iter_count = iter_count.saturating_add(1);
+		debug_info!(%iter_count);
+		let first_sep_index = key.iter().position(|&i| i == 0xFF).unwrap();
+		if key
+			.iter()
+			.get(first_sep_index..=first_sep_index + 1)
+			.copied()
+			.collect_vec()
+			== vec![0xFF, 0xFF]
+		{
+			debug_warn!("Found bad key: {key:?}");
+			db.roomuserid_joined.remove(&key)?;
+			key.remove(first_sep_index);
+			debug_warn!("Fixed key: {key:?}");
+			db.roomuserid_joined.insert(&key, &value)?;
+		}
+	}
+	db.db.cleanup()?;
+		.insert(b"fix_bad_double_separator_in_state_cache", &[])?;
+	info!("Finished fixing");
+	Ok(())
+async fn retroactively_fix_bad_data_from_roomuserid_joined(db: &KeyValueDatabase, _config: &Config) -> Result<()> {
+	warn!("Retroactively fixing bad data from broken roomuserid_joined");
+	let room_ids = services()
+		.rooms
+		.metadata
+		.iter_ids()
+		.filter_map(Result::ok)
+		.collect_vec();
+	let _cork = db.db.cork();
+	for room_id in room_ids.clone() {
+		debug_info!("Fixing room {room_id}");
+		let users_in_room = services()
+			.rooms
+			.state_cache
+			.room_members(&room_id)
+			.filter_map(Result::ok)
+			.collect_vec();
+		let joined_members = users_in_room
+			.iter()
+			.filter(|user_id| {
+				services()
+					.rooms
+					.state_accessor
+					.get_member(&room_id, user_id)
+					.unwrap_or(None)
+					.map_or(false, |membership| membership.membership == MembershipState::Join)
+			})
+			.collect_vec();
+		let non_joined_members = users_in_room
+			.iter()
+			.filter(|user_id| {
+				services()
+					.rooms
+					.state_accessor
+					.get_member(&room_id, user_id)
+					.unwrap_or(None)
+					.map_or(false, |membership| {
+						membership.membership == MembershipState::Leave || membership.membership == MembershipState::Ban
+					})
+			})
+			.collect_vec();
+		for user_id in joined_members {
+			debug_info!("User is joined, marking as joined");
+			services()
+				.rooms
+				.state_cache
+				.mark_as_joined(user_id, &room_id)?;
+		}
+		for user_id in non_joined_members {
+			debug_info!("User is left or banned, marking as left");
+			services()
+				.rooms
+				.state_cache
+				.mark_as_left(user_id, &room_id)?;
+		}
+	}
+	for room_id in room_ids {
+		debug_info!(
+			"Updating joined count for room {room_id} to fix servers in room after correcting membership states"
+		);
+		services().rooms.state_cache.update_joined_count(&room_id)?;
+	}
+	db.db.cleanup()?;
+		.insert(b"retroactively_fix_bad_data_from_roomuserid_joined", &[])?;
+	info!("Finished fixing");
+	Ok(())