# Hermitcraft world download mirrors

!!! info "Looking for other mirrors"
    Join [r/HermitCraft subreddit Discord server][subcord], head to the
    `#world-download` channel ([deeplink]) and look for pinned messages for up-to-date
    information on mirrors.

My mirror of the Hermitcraft world downloads are hosted on Storj DCS as an additional
mirror under the Community Lorebooks project by Recap Time Squad.

[subcord]: https://discord.gg/YQ5ctu5xXw
[deeplink]: https://discord.com/channels/238150947035938816/681915555720331285

## Accessing the mirrors

!!! warning "Mirrors are currently down at the moment"
    I'll be migrating the underlying bucket to Recap Time Squad's Storj DCS account
    and switching things up for the custom bucket domain soon.

## Mirror Status

| Season and Format | Status | Tracking Issue |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Season 8 | TBD | |
| [Season 9 - Vanilla Java](https://mc.cdn.andreijiroh.xyz/hermitcraft/vanila-s9/hermitcraft9.zip) | Available | |
| [Season 9 - Bedrock](https://mc.cdn.andreijiroh.xyz/hermitcraft/vanila-s9/hermitcraft9.mcworld) | Available | |

## Contact Information and Donations

If things go wrong or for any inquires, [visit my contact page](https://andreijiroh.dev/contact).

This service is available as a [Community Lorebooks](https://lorebooks.wiki) project
by Recap Time Squad. Donations are not only needed but also appericated