description: TBD
- kooky insane stuff
- autistic vocabulary

# Getting hit by the burnout bus

* [[go]] https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/3-ways-get-off-burnout-bus-laura-burton
    * Bus factor Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bus_factor
* @ajhalili2006's rendition of the [[bus factor]], but in the context of (autistic)[^1] burnout

## meme version

![getting hit by a train, autistic burnout edition](https://files.slack.com/files-pri/T0266FRGM-F08AK6ZJJ2C/traumatized_autists_department_-_hit_by_burnout_bus__autistic_edition.png?pub_secret=c11e553b37)

[^1]: For the technicalities, I place the word `autistic` behind `( )` because burnout can be different
on both autistic and non-autistic people